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投稿日: 2021年4月28日 8時28分

After hearing of a reformation not too long ago, I decided to give No Man's Sky a shot. Immediately, I am introduced with spectacular mechanics and logical steps to complete absolutely anything. This, combined with the amazing detail of the planet and its creatures add a very good amount of immersion to the game, and is what hooked me to continue playing..

At 30 hours in (which flies by in an instant) I am simply addicted. Exploring a vast array of new solar systems, environments, creatures, materials, upgrades, problem solving, challenges and visual beauty amongst many other elements (no pun intended) became my motivation to sink 150 hours in both by myself and with friends. This, by the way, is before the numerous updates this game has gotten in the meantime after I stopped playing. I will no doubt re-visit this game soon to see what further content beholds me.

Overall, I would highly recommend No Man's Sky. If you are sceptical because of its past, give it another shot. I promise you will not be disappointed!
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