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2 people found this review helpful
344.1 hrs on record (115.6 hrs at review time)
Jeez, I don't really like writing reviews for stuff. But here's a go at a small review.

I really loved Cities Skylines (the first game), I would usually buy all the DLC right when they come out. I loved to play around with mods and everything the community had to offer for the game.

Needless to say, I bought CS2 at release as well, expecting a better game than its predecessor. But as most people interested in the game probably know, the developers had a rocky start. Nonetheless I did enjoy the base game with all of its short-comings and was really looking forward to the mod support and the upcoming DLCs.

The game didn't run terribly and even in "larger cities"I had a stable frame rate on a good PC (not the best PC though).

Finally their first DLC came out and the first modding tools. I was really excited about it and started up Steam. The DLC pretty much doubled in price and you seem to be getting much less than what you were getting from "asset packs" in the previous game. I won't be buying this asset pack until it's on a proper sale. This is a pretty infuriating move on the publisher's part.

So without buying the DLC, I did decide to start up the game and test out all of the new mods that were introduced to the game. Things should go smooth, right? With their Mod launcher, built in to the game, right? That was supposed to be a more stable and smoother experience than using the Steam Workshop, right? I bet you see where this is going. It isn't smooth, it's laggy, it has a pretty bad lay-out, and ... worst part of all, it can't download the mods due to some "internal server errors".

I hoped the devs learned from their pretty badly received release, and wouldn't launch content in an unfinished state anymore. They didn't learn from their experience, nor from the backlash at all. From the release until now, it's been a pretty big let down, with all of the bugs, the incredibly lackluster, yet incredibly expensive DLC, the promises from the dev-team and publisher, and the unfinished state they release stuff in.

I hope stuff gets better from here on out, but seeing how things have gone up untill now, that seems doubtful.
Posted 26 March, 2024.
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