^_^   Czech Republic
To find better games according to your expectations use "Steam Tags" use words that are important to you experiment with it and after extensive research you might eventually find something you enjoy playing.:-)

[ENG] Read this if steam is slow or when the servers are not operating
[CZ] Ctete pokud steam je pomalej nebo kdyz zrovna nefungujou jejich servry
No Man's Sky
6 2
Taideteosten esittely
Softmodded PS2 Fat
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 91 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 5.10.
yhteensä 1,4 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 1.9.
Markhoss 12.8. klo 13.14 
12 August 2024 Update: (Main GPU broke no point playing anything currently)
= Just wait will be buying a new PC before 2025 after I move one last time

I'll most likely return to playing and using steam once I upgrade. My GTX GeForce 1060 graphics card broke probably almost about 2 months ago and I can hardly even run steam because it keeps crashing with my current integrated "Intel HD 4000" :-D. Even now I am using the browser version or I just use it on my android for chatting that's about it for now sorry guys. :-/
Markhoss 19.4.2023 klo 16.09 
Steam servers are frequently going down all the time for literary everyone and the only reason I am posting this wall post is because it's been happening all the time within a 2 month timeframe and to post this as a WARNING to not purchase anything at this time because you never know what can happen in these unknown times
AbdulWasay9 4.12.2022 klo 3.23 
Hi! Hope you are having a wonderful day, I am sorry you tried to reach out to me a couple of times, and I couldnt get back to you! You are a wholesome person.