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投稿日: 2018年3月22日 20時10分
更新日: 2018年3月22日 21時36分

Felt bad to know that I'll have to grind 100+ hours just because I bought the game earlier.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that mine is the Starter edition
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2 件のコメント
MrJenssen 2018年3月22日 21時12分 
What are you talking about? That you think you need to grind to get the new operators, because you bought the game before the patch?

Oh yeah, jeez. Good review. Completely factually incorrect but hey, who cares about facts.

If you boot up the game now, you'll find that you don't have to grind. The operators are unlocked.

Good review though.
Kawaiian Pizza 2018年3月22日 21時05分 
Wrong: anyone who owns the base game gets all the ops automatically. If you bought the starter edition then you're screwed. But then again its like half the price, so. You got what you paid for.