Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Kills With Enemy Weapons:1,337 <----

PeepShow: there mad aye
Refiance. ArchieBRO #RELENTLESS (1): Your cheating.
PeepShow: what you mean?
Refiance. ArchieBRO #RELENTLESS (1): Tell me now, are you cheating or not? I ahve demo Im watching it after.
PeepShow: watch it after
Refiance. ArchieBRO #RELENTLESS (1): Are you cheating though?
PeepShow: and give it to me
Refiance. ArchieBRO #RELENTLESS (1): I wont tell anyone, if you say you are.
Refiance. ArchieBRO #RELENTLESS (1): If you are and you say your not
Refiance. ArchieBRO #RELENTLESS (1): youtube
PeepShow: k
PeepShow: i played with you at lan and 20 bombed
Refiance. ArchieBRO #RELENTLESS (1): you have never been that sharp.
PeepShow: hah
PeepShow REC has changed their name to uMAD p1g?.
uMAD p1g?: do you seriously think i hack
uMAD p1g?: lol
Refiance. ArchieBRO #RELENTLESS (1): this game
Refiance. ArchieBRO #RELENTLESS (1): yes

Melons_+ : careful peepshow is a known cheater<

+mAssAcre.5?>: no walls
u5. PeepShow: LOL!!!
u5. PeepShow: u used to wall
u5. PeepShow: and now without ur horrible
+mAssAcre.5?>: YES11111
+mAssAcre.5?>: yessss~!~~
+mAssAcre.5?>: so
+mAssAcre.5?>: it was fun walling
u5. PeepShow: so ur ♥♥♥♥ get clue u ♥♥♥♥ head
u5. PeepShow: u are nothing now...

SnaP ™: u had sus shot
PeepShow: your the one saying i hack
SnaP ™: i have sus shots
SnaP ™: pfft
SnaP ™: ♥♥♥♥ up wank
SnaP ™: do it again next war
SnaP ™: and yeha we will see

PeepShow: "peep got good quick"
SnaP ™: yeha u did
SnaP ™: 2 good

SnaP ™: ive vsed death dog and i was getting more kills with hiom then i was with u

s6.- E|eMentaL : get u dont have to use eac all the time
s6.- E|eMentaL : GG cheaters

w0z -A- : um peepshow is blatantly cheating?u5. PeepShow : LOLw0z -A- : ?w0z

Umbraamortii (music) : turn em off peep. you shot me through the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ corner

WiiZBOM: ey
blaX`: ey
WiiZBOM: reckon i could grab a quick wristy off ya?
blaX`: wristy
WiiZBOM: how much you chargin?
blaX`: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bogan
blaX`: its called a handjob
WiiZBOM: yeah just a quicky
WiiZBOM: im a bogan so what you filthy arab
blaX`: my wrists are gone
blaX`: ever since skyrim came out
WiiZBOM: even better, use your bare arms
blaX`: ill slaughter ur family
WiiZBOM: come @me
WiiZBOM: nahh but seriously can i have one?
WiiZBOM: how much you charge?
blaX`: nothing
blaX`: 4 lobsters
blaX`: and a rune scimmy
WiiZBOM: mmmm yeah thats a fair deal, ill transfer it to an offshore runescape account

Damage Given to "Ysabell" - 156 in 1 hit
Damage Given to "Dylan" - 124 in 2 hits
Damage Given to "HappyDuck" - 113 in 2 hits
Damage Given to "All Blacks" - 125 in 1 hit
Damage Given to "sqrl" - 141 in 1 hit
( Lan results)
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