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Multiverse Disciples of the Vault Amara Cosmetic Pack
Publicada el 19 de julio de 2022.
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屁屁駿馬榴彈模組 比起那個兩支玩具槍DLC強多了,那兩支玩具槍72混亂10都不帶受膏兼威力弱渣


Publicada el 19 de julio de 2022.
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群眾的眼睛是雪亮的, Gearbox 用自家招牌作為DLC迎來這麼多紅色大拇指,都應該知道自家招牌惡臭了

Gearbox Cosmetic Pack
Publicada el 19 de julio de 2022.
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Publicada el 3 de julio de 2022. Última edición: 3 de julio de 2022.
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這個世界需要 Karl Fairburne 拿起狙擊槍執行任務,目標是跟 Adolf Hitler 一樣發動侵略的 Владимир Владимирович Путин , 英文名是 Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin , 爆了牠的蛋蛋,結束 Ukraine 戰爭
Publicada el 9 de mayo de 2022.
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注意: 按發行商要求,Elise the Devil 已無法在 Steam 上購買。

Publicada el 7 de mayo de 2022.
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Help the beautiful girls to immerse themselves in their memories and remember the wonderful moments of their lives. This game is a classic puzzle game with several levels of difficulty and beautiful arts. All characters appearing in this game are over 18 years of age. Enjoy ;-)

- Puzzle Game

- Artworks

- Nice music

- Steam achievements

Keyboard H: Complete Level
Publicada el 30 de abril de 2022.
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Help the beautiful girls to immerse themselves in their memories and remember the wonderful moments of their lives. This game is a classic puzzle game with several levels of difficulty and beautiful arts. All characters appearing in this game are over 18 years of age. Enjoy ;-)

- Puzzle Game

- Artworks

- Nice music

- Steam achievements

Keyboard H: Complete Level
Publicada el 30 de abril de 2022.
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此遊戲實乃 《putin 一敗塗地》

In February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. This event shocked the whole world. Unjustified aggression must be condemned, and the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin - punished.




Putin : 我名字有個中文翻譯是“普京”

業 : 那麼再翻譯過去英文,按照聲音重新排列,是 “ poor king ”,既然是窮王,國民就吃不飽,故為“餓(俄)國”

Putin : 叫我 Putin

業 : 撲天?人家說撲街是撲在地上,您撲到天上,果然撲中之王

Putin : 我雖然窮,但是我有征服世界的大任,中國最體諒我,連古文都說“天將降大任於斯人也,必先苦其心志,勞其筋骨,餓其體膚,空乏其身”

業 : 國家的英文名?

Putin : 我國名英文是 “ Russia ”

業 : 擼絲呀?那麼擼的是黑絲還是白絲?思想太污了

Putin : 說我污,那麼我就去污(烏),軍隊準備,給我殺去烏克蘭

業 : 俄國有哪個偉大的領袖?

Putin : 當然是 Stalin

業 : 屎大淋,所以與俄國為伍就活該被屎大淋

黨國 : 要給以黨為國的光榮獻身,無腦舔俄羅斯,屎就算吃不完要吃到近平,所以黨國領袖讀起來也近似~屎近平
Publicada el 28 de abril de 2022. Última edición: 29 de abril de 2022.
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Borderlands 2 Game of the Year 有個默認隨著等級而自動提升威力的煙花手雷

所以對照之下,這個DLC就是垃圾,幾級領取的就是幾級,而且還是很一般的武器,對得起 HK$39 的價錢嗎?看看2代的煙花是多麼良心,雖然煙花的實用也同樣是不強,但是起碼會自動跟隨玩家的等級而變化

要玩家滿級才能 F4 打開 mail 獲取的才算畢業,問題是,都滿級了還用得上這垃圾嗎?比這種垃圾好用的武器多得很
Publicada el 10 de abril de 2022.
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Mostrando 31-40 de 113 aportaciones