United States
The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you.
Path of Exile
Tularius 15 ENE 2014 a las 10:50 p. m. 
Hey, sorry I never approved that trade you asked for. I never even saw it until it was too late. I'm still getting the hang of this stuff.
Pixelated Pagan 21 SEP 2013 a las 10:06 a. m. 
We need to find time to play games together, either on here or in person. I have a Wii U now, though so far the only multiplayer game I have for it is Nintendoland.
donkeyrong 7 NOV 2012 a las 7:54 p. m. 
Duuuude, thanks!! I'm downloading it nooooowwwww
CosmoKnot 15 SEP 2012 a las 8:32 a. m. 
Isle of Janthir, all the way!
Inav3v3 2 JUL 2011 a las 4:24 p. m. 
Good. You should play Back to the Future the Game! ^.^