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Publicada: 29 jan. 2015 às 14:00
Atualizada: 27 mai. 2017 às 13:35

Great Hack&Slash (+combo base) game 2.5D rolling game with some RPG flavor.

Game is pretty fast going and pretty hard to handle ... mostly if there is a lot of enemies. There is also a few "brain teasers" and a few new moves that you learn thru time ... so you need to get back more then once to some special locations which you cannot access last time (this can be pretty frustrating ... but teleport solves it).

Game is also great in handling with wireless controller from PS3 (never played it with mouse and keyboard). Also Microsoft got a lot of experience from hack&slash titles they release before ... so this is also a great "stamp" of quality (dont forget on Fable - The lost chapters).

So again ... I recommend this game for buy ... worth any money (best in sale).

HUGE + for controller option (big picture)

+ graphics
+ levels difficulty
+ RPG elements
+ mechanics
+ shop
+ teleports
+ story
+ BIG PICTURE (controller support)

- ?

Graphics: 6/10
Sounds/Music : 6/10
Mechanics: 6/10
Idea: 2/10
Story : 5/10
Addicting: 7/10
Verdict: 6/10
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1 comentários
BlackRaven0714 27 mai. 2017 às 17:46 
love this game got it on the x box