mimizukari 18/mai./2023 às 23:39 
:aos2sumika: :aos2tsih:
Angel 4/jul./2022 às 12:52 
Angel 4/jul./2022 às 11:12 
𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑔𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝘩𝑒𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 ... :cmwcm:

Angel 8/abr./2022 às 3:34 
Angel 19/jun./2021 às 15:24 

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
Angel 1/jun./2021 às 8:28 
:CB1: :CB2: Happy Children's Day :CB4: :CB5:
Angel 27/mai./2021 às 14:39 
Yam 30/jul./2020 às 9:44 
Noo wtf is happening
Atrum 30/jul./2020 às 6:50 
this is a robbery. put the lolis in the bag and no one gets hurt.
Yam 13/jul./2020 às 9:03 
Happy Birthday Arnel!! :8bitheart:
Yam 13/jul./2020 às 8:15 
You say sweet dreams, because good day would mean I'd have to stay awake, and that's terrible!
AIDS 28/jun./2020 às 1:26 
pzhda'tan 20/jun./2020 às 2:04 
This is not a robbery, it's surprise communism.
Killu 13/jun./2020 às 21:23 
Meow :3
ichigou 9/jun./2020 às 4:31 
ey i add you for payday achiev
Catt 15/fev./2020 às 7:11 
happy valentine's day mon ami
Yam 24/dez./2019 às 8:07 
Merry Christmas Arnel ! :mug::sleepyjill::2015cookie:
Norah 12/out./2019 às 8:28 
Rebecca DeMornay hired Katharine Hepburn for a job. the cultural aura of modern Japan is image conscious, and has an inner circle of favorite employees at work. Angela Davis feels uncomfortable with this kind of social posturing and politics. Martin Luther would rather be rewarded for her hard work. 📃 🌡 💊 🛌 🔧 📒 🗜
Yuurai 27/jul./2019 às 18:07 
Yuurai 19/jul./2019 às 3:25 
xoxo :8bitheart::8bitheart:
Yam 18/jul./2019 às 22:10 
THANKKKS :8bitheart:
Yuurai 13/jul./2019 às 17:17 
Yam 13/jul./2019 às 15:23 
Happy Birthday!! :8bitheart:
Kaynee 4/abr./2019 às 19:00 
Cute profile :heart:
Кирочка Юрьевна 4/abr./2019 às 7:24 
mimizukari 22/mar./2019 às 16:26 what would that website be? can you leave a comment on my profile? thx.
Yuurai 25/fev./2019 às 15:26 
I'm looking forward to it. :2018bestcoffee:
喵帕斯~ 25/fev./2019 às 8:24 
someday i'll win the game out of your plan in oj~ and good night:steamhappy:
Angel 5/fev./2019 às 22:24 
:kimikat: One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. :butterfly:
Angel 23/jan./2019 às 12:39 
Have a great Day :catpaw:
avaster 11/jan./2019 às 9:10 
oh thats hot
avaster 11/jan./2019 às 9:10 
thats how mafia works
Yuurai 11/jan./2019 às 2:47 
v Well that's nice
idigo 3/jan./2019 às 16:10 
Angel 3/jan./2019 às 1:43 
★ Happy New Year ★

* .  * .' * ★ *  '*   *
*  . '  +:..:+   '  '  *
.   *  ☆☆☆ *   .
  *  ' +:...+....:+  *
'    ' ☆☆☆☆☆   * '  
 * * ' +:...:+@+:...:+    '  *
* .  .☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ * ' * .
  .  +:..:+&+:...:+:...:+
 * . ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ * '   *
' .  +:...:+♡+:...:+§+:..:+
. * ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  ' *
 .     . ▨   ' ' *     *
   . *      .   .  '
Play for FuNNNN 3/jan./2019 às 0:03 
happy new year
Ghosty 2/jan./2019 às 23:26 
Yuurai 2/jan./2019 às 23:09 
Uh. Are you talking about my luck? :2018bestcoffee:
Ghosty 2/jan./2019 às 21:47 
orange juice isnt 100%
Coco 31/dez./2018 às 8:07 
Hapy New Year :47_duck:
tanner 27/dez./2018 às 12:08 
Plan c
Yuurai 25/dez./2018 às 15:34 
:100percent: best
Coco 24/dez./2018 às 21:36 
Merry Christmas :fadehearts::sakura: (Added/Greetings from Payday 2 Comm.)
Yam 24/dez./2018 às 14:50 
Merry Christmas :2015holly::scarletheart:
Momo 23/dez./2018 às 0:44 
Happy New Year my friend!!!!
lostxranger1 19/dez./2018 às 6:09 
added to help in payday 2
Angel 9/dez./2018 às 23:18 
    |\__/|.    |\__/|
  / .▼▼▼ \   /    \
  .| (●) (●) .|  .| (●) (●) |
  .| 三 (_又_) 三 |  .| 三 (_又_) 三| 𝖧𝖠𝖵𝖤 𝖠 𝖭𝖨𝖢𝖤 𝖶𝖤𝖤𝖪 :kimikat:
  \ _ ^ _ /   \ _ ^ _ /
  /ー(Ω)-\     /ー(Ω)-\
Sterling 8/set./2018 às 16:43 
I don’t need love, I need peace of mind~
XXII 4/set./2018 às 3:01 
......................../>  フ 💕
.........................|  _  _ l 💕
....................../` ミ_xノ
...................../     |
..................../  ヽ   ノ
............. ..│  | | |
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..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)
Have a nice weekend my friend!