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35.6 horas nas 2 últimas semanas / 346.6 hrs em registo (234.5 horas no momento da análise)
Publicada: 7 ago. 2024 às 8:54

The developers don't play their own game and make sweeping changes without understanding the scope of what they are changing, following their so-called "vision" for the game which absolutely sucks. Game otherwise would be quite fun but it has multiple jarring balance decision that quickly made the game grow stale for me.

The straw that broke the camel's back was the warships update, incredibly ill-concevied. My guild spent the better part of the start of the war painstakingly grinding resources for weeks to build our battleship, which had major steering glitches and we were unable to bring to the frontline with full crew due to join queues, in the end, it was destroyed before even dealing any damage from misfiring at an artillery position at an enemy bunker base.
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