
forgotten の最近のレビュー

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1 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:90.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:65.2時間)
fun with friends
投稿日 2024年11月27日.
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総プレイ時間:11.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:9.7時間)
it's okay, but you can feel a bit helpless to avoiding the monster sometimes definitely more enjoyable in co-op
投稿日 2024年10月12日.
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this game is alright, i personally don't think it went above and beyond what the first game did and there's far too many annoying bugs and other issues in this game to play it continuously, but i don't think they did a terrible job and it's still a fun game to play regardless just wish it was more polished.
投稿日 2024年10月12日.
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solid bounce back this game honestly could've been even bigger and more open, but i'm fine with the way it is it's not a perfect game by all means, but it's a pretty good one.
投稿日 2024年10月12日. 最終更新日 2024年10月12日
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総プレイ時間:21.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:19.6時間)
did i ever tell you the definition of insanity?
投稿日 2024年10月12日.
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総プレイ時間:150.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:147.5時間)
one of the best heist games ever.
投稿日 2024年8月27日.
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総プレイ時間:123.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:118.2時間)
paladins 2 uwu
投稿日 2024年8月27日. 最終更新日 2024年10月12日
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総プレイ時間:54.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:53.7時間)
i had high hopes for this game, but the developers keep making bad decisions and instead of actually working on improving and fixing up PAYDAY 3 they want to develop other ips and instead send around a quarter of their company over to work on PUBG:BATTLEGROUNDS. this is absolutely ridiculous and i have lost all hope for this game to succeed because the developers clearly don't have a vision or want this game to be successful it's really saddening to see this happen to PAYDAY. STARBREEZE is killing off their most prized possession. I hope they can turn their minds around and decide to make PAYDAY great again, but it seems they don't want PAYDAY to be great :/
投稿日 2024年8月22日. 最終更新日 2024年12月7日
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1 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:152.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:111.3時間)
I don't have many functioning brain cells left
投稿日 2024年7月27日. 最終更新日 2024年7月27日
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Fun party platformer game where you place traps and other objects down for each round. I still find this game pretty fun despite being awful at platformers.
投稿日 2024年6月6日.
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67件中 1-10 を表示