eat shit
textlinkmarketer : uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm,./
        •● W E L C O M E - T O - M Y - P R O F I L E ●•
        M E X I C A N  C S : G O P L A Y E R
normal macdonald : staraptor on the slur speedrun tonight, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ schizoid
inebirus : ass rappy vibes around, gg starptir
[3rd]Tea_Lord: Cam some one go to blue team and kick strapon?
wizard penis : !nominate ♥♥♥♥♥♥ uhhh ctf_poopfort lol
Mcskillet crashed a McLaren into McPeople... they are McDead - komp
eginere was reaised by Texan not to forgive. -komp
jimmy dean invented music, food, he invented breakfast -komp
dispenser? i barely even know her. - random engineer on accidental borneo game
komp : Okay Alexa, Pull Up RemyWiki Data For Samurai Annhilate
Mixer : Im not retarted im jsut from the uk
*komp getting an amber alert* CHILD ABDUCTION?? SOME KIDS GETTING AN ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ OF PENIS TONIGHT - komp
(TEAM) ♥♥♥♥♥_1337er : used to like ♥♥♥♥♥, but now i'm into Bangkok
Spooky: ♥♥♥♥ you eatshit you edgelord fun ruiner. you think you're funny but your not and its sad.
bubba kush : selling your mums phat ass for 1 scrap
Tofad : what is a spinbott and how does it benefit him?
crunklord 3000 : argh argh argh argh spongebob me boy i am wanted by the mossad for denying israel's legitimacy aaaaaaaargh argh argh argh
crunklord 3000 : Jewish ♥♥♥♥♥ Got Me Acting Strange
Goose : eat ♥♥♥♥ i don't care about your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ net worth
DEAD FancyMan : im just saying, youre an egotistical bastard that has noone to love so he terrorizes kids on line

Young Sanity : i was bullied because i was skinny and now i lift daily

List of bans:
Steam Profile Bans:2
Twitter bans: 6 (ALL FOR HARRASMENT)
Discord bans: 1
Faceit Bans: 1 (more to come)

List of Enemies:
Thymothy (e gang)
Swegmann (e gang)
Clam (e gang)
Myahster ( brony loser who sucked at the game and flamed my shootas) (self explanitory)
RJ (little child, very annoying)
Fultaze (♥♥♥♥♥♥ who donated my hat to get ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ e-♥♥♥♥♥)
Stinkineer (the name.. self explanitory
Dickon Tarly (?)
RC-55 (Tac-Insert contrack farmer, tried to serve justice but made him self look like a loser
/id/g4rgoyle - original namer of komps knife storm batters helm, gave it the worst name possible. ♥♥♥♥ you
BH Clan: Dustbowl cretins who pocket uber on dustbowl ONLY. I have never sen them on any other team. They are worthless. : stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥ who is 31, says "oof" and "yikes" over and over. cries and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to admins on deathrun. avoid at all costs. major cretin.
ThatKoboldGaming: harras this man at all cost, he is an extreme racist and blm hater and tries to preform targeted harrasment against my shootas. avoid at all cost, also his avatar is ugly
HufflyPuffly: Dude got ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by me and my shootas, his only arguements were repeating me so FAT W FOR ME!

Wall of Associates:
Pilzbery Dubiois

Wall of people I respect:
House of chud
bubba kush/ronin

komp : im sweating out of my ass

komp : i ama car mecanic

rubalcava.hilda : Does anybody know if you can craft FrointTeir Justice because I cant find it

Five Pyros Burgers and Gyros : need a the spencer here

XeneoMorph : You know if I'm actually 10 your breaking the law by cyberbullying

komp : can i have a skeet invite i will lactate on camera

eat ♥♥♥♥ : I am a body with a leg, an arm and a head but I look like I am naked and bare. What am I?
eat ♥♥♥♥ : you said you were maybe good im STUIMPED
bubba kush : skeleton

My Teeth Hurt Constantly : i need blood pressure medicine

2PAC ALIVE IN S‏E‏RBIA : I am live in srbja now

komp : !obamawasthedevilspuppet.hewasusedtodestroyamerica,somethingthedevilfundamentallystandsagainst

komp : uys hav 5 bok k y s o my k y boa d
textlinkmarketer : uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm,./

*DEAD* eat ♥♥♥♥ : geel cna i buy
*DEAD* Geel : What's your offer
*DEAD* eat ♥♥♥♥ : 4 dollars
6 5 1
M,y collecten
2 2
Team Fortress 2
1 1
Me infrfont of my house
เล่นไปแล้ว 24 ชั่วโมง Please view this video if you are reading this. This video has saved my life and many others. The LORD would want you to watch! Going to heaven is a free ticket and has nothing to do with being a church member, but the bible does command us to go to church after we are saved. This is a glorious message that others NEED to see! We are all ungodly sinners and are seeking to do good only to ourselves, while there are nice people out there, don't be fooled into thinking there aren't a flood of ungodly men all around us like kidnappers and those bunch who our gov't is not putting to death and endangering us all by doing so. Once again, please watch this video!
Type in "soulwinning demonstration" on youtube to see a video on how to get saved. Also, if you end up converting to a born again Christian and start attending church, do not, i repeat DO NOT let your children out of your sight. Most churches have a child section of the building, and an adult section of the building meaning that you are seperated from your child by a wall inside of a church. Do not go to this kind of church, only go to one where you are right beside your child, and even escort him and be by him near the bathroom if he has to go since churches are where pedophiles go to get their prey. Going to heaven is a free ticket and has nothing to do with being a church member, but the bible does command us to go to church after we are saved, but if you show up to church and anyone from staff try to seperate you from your kids and put a wall between you and them in other words put them in a different section oi the building of where you are, you call out to your child by name and say son, we're leaving and completely ignore everything else and LEAVE! I support and promote death penalty for pedophiles and rapists as the bible teaches ought to be. If you have friends, family members, OR ANY CHURCH MEMBER that always wants sleepovers with your child at their house you should tell them to go screw themselves before they get their jaw broken since the predator's biggest strength is operating undetected and under the radar you will never know who it is or will be that is the pedophile. Don't be fooled by the media, newspapers into thinking that most people in this world are nice, if it was so then why aren't all these nice people 100,000 of them daily protest by the white house to put pedophiles to death? We are all ungodly sinners and are seeking to do good only to ourselves, while there are nice people out there, don't be fooled into thinking there aren't a flood of ungodly men all around us like kidnappers and those bunch who our gov't is not putting to death and endangering us all by doing so. Its a rough truth but the government is against your children since the bible teaches that these people are unfixable, irrepairable, there is no possible way to fix a pedophile other than a bullet in his brain. Our gov't is working for satan and most politicians have sold their soul for wealth and fame, and now are in debt to the devil to murder babies(abortion) and put laws in place that endanger us which are contrary to Levitical laws. Those who sell their soul like rappers have to dedicate their life into getting people to drink, do drugs, commit violence as a part of their contract for their material wealth. Also, if your expectation is that there is no God I promise you that your expectation will fail as soon as you die, since the bible teaches of a fiery hell that lasts forever as a place where all unbelievers go.
สร้างโดย - ozma
26 ผู้โหวต
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Lukáš 8 พ.ย. 2024 @ 3: 58pm 
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Pope Abibe 16 ต.ค. 2024 @ 10: 26am 
Added for trade offer on your spelled BMOC
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jesús.malverde.158 4 ต.ค. 2024 @ 10: 36am 
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Becken S> Spelled Miscs 30 ก.ย. 2024 @ 11: 20am 
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ozma 29 ก.ย. 2024 @ 7: 35pm