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The Modern Warfare 2(022) Experience
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Created by - SNAAAAKE!??
This guide aims to help lead you towards an 100% achievement completion rate (Not a 100% collectible rate) by describing methods known to the writer of this guide, or as told by the Alien Hominid Invasion Community. An in depth write-up is available on all
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65 Hours played
Obvious casual phone-user, whale training, pay-pig in the making simulator. The "Game" was made in the primetime app money milking era, so you'll see the same formulaic premium currency model used in crafting materials and the currency "Nuka-Quantum"

Everything about this game is in legendary items, or spending real life monetary gains to purchase lunchboxes, to get access to better items and materials quicker. The less you pay, the longer you have to wait to build rooms, items, perform quests to get items, etc. It really isn't a complicated game. It's deviously constructed so conviluted so that you'll be incentivised to spend more so you don't have to jump over as many hurdles. This "game" is just a phone app port. Don't waste your time, and for your sake, don't waste money. There are easier and cheaper ways to collect lunchboxes.

Edit: Not even worth it for the Achievements. "Get off My Lawn", "Legends of The Wastes" and the Quest related achievements are going to be your time wasters. Easily added an extra day or two of playtime grinding lunchboxes for the Legendary Vault Dwellers. You can only get three through quests. Mileage may vary, I got around 1.5 Lengendary ~100 lunchboxes. I had to open over 1700 to get what I needed. Waiting around for raiders was frustrating as well. 10/10, Bethesda really made the perfect time wasting phone app. 3/10 game overall.
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200 Hours played
It seems almost impossible to justify buying the game at a $60 price point, even less so with Gold and Ultimate editions that command $90 and $120 respectively. The only argument for buying this game in it's current state (patch 3.1) is that you've been playing since at least BF4, and for those subscribed to the 'Only in Battlefield' moments will find some joy in playing after investing multiple hours online. Other than that, In current state for anyone else, I can't recommend at $60, the up coming $45 Holiday sale and even in the future when it eventually gets to the $30 state.

I'm not a 'true' Battlefield Veteran; I've only been playing since Bad Company. I do feel that I at least have somewhat of a decent grasp of what a mainstream Battlefield title should be and play like. Even with patches, 2042 isn't near what I feel like a Battlefield title should play like. I have no problem with specialists, but I do have a problem with how they implemented it. They've effectively made all 4 classes interchangeable, as you can equip any weapon and equipment, meaning guns , ammo and health packs are no longer tied to classes and anyone can revive. You'd think this would be a blessing, but it seems with this change that Dice has effectively muddied the water and effectively made teamwork and communication even harder with your team. It's a long standing joke that it's hard to get ammo or health from teammates, but with specialists Falck and Angel, everyone pretty much solos and ignores the needs of others, tenfold seemingly. With everyone being able to revive, I can't count how many times in breakthrough or conquest that I've had almost my whole team walk over my limp and decaying corpse without giving a single thought towards revival. You can't even spot to your team unless you have certain specialists. You can mark opponents for your squad as any specialist, but marking only provides a stationary point, and marking will actively track an enemy for a limited time. Especially with spotting being targeted towards certain specialists, these really kill any solid teamwork that could have possibly been had by communication and localizing certain support elements to classes.

Vehicles lack serious variety. Only 2 attack helicopters, two transport, two jets and two tanks with 1 anti air. Vehicle loadout lacks as well. No infrared sights, extra zoom abilities, no ecm jammer, no fire extinguisher, tv missiles, a bunch of land vehicles lack tow missiles... the list goes on. Even portal modes lack vehicle flexibility that it orignally had; no tv missiles to be found in BF3 portal as well. Portal modes have day one glitches and issues like BF3; I've seen a lot of Noodle Men in BF3. I have been playing portal modes a lot, as they feel way more fun to play. It seems that even with the patches that Hit Reg is still 50/50 in portal modes and that server perfomance and netcode issues still persist.

Speaking of Portal, if at the very least if they forgo fixing all the issues to focus on one issue, release more maps, both for 2042 and portal modes. You can only play BFC2, BF3 and 1942. You only get to play two of each map, so it's 6 Portal maps and 7 2042 maps. Especially if you feel like playing a particular Portal mode, it gets boring switch back between two maps ever 15-25 minutes. Right now even with portal, it'd be more worth it to buy the original game you'd like to play and access all the maps, weapons, attachments and options the game originally had instead of buying this game and hoping eventually that 2042 will get to an enjoyable state.

There is way more that I could go on like missing leaderboards, clunky GUI interface and menus, missing VOIP and ability to chat across server (currently you can only chat with team), but I would be here all day, and all the reviews here on Steam and across the Internet have already delved and deep dived into every issue. The issues I've listed are some of the main ones that I've noticed and affect my gameplay the most. This is why I always warn people against blind preordering, especially when you notice quality go down with each new title that releases. The practice of release now, fix later across the industry has really grown to be this big mass lump stage 4 cancer that have affected almost every title, especially huge triple A titles. The launch of this game should by the tarnished monolith that should tower over everyone when ever the thought of faithful blind buying overwhelms a person. It might, and I would hope, that in a few months time (or sooner ) that the fix most of the issues and release something that helps with class balancing and communication, but it seems very unlikely that the game will recover in the slightest over it's effective life cycle. This game will absolutely make me wait a months after the next title release to absolutely make sure the game will be decent, and not 2042.

Edit: The situation has gotten even more dire. There's almost no portal servers to be found and they've removed Rush from 2042, a staple game mode of Battlefield since early titles, and can currently only be found on BFBC2, which no one is playing right now. I am personally also getting numerous Direct X crashes and had problems with the game booting me to menu after 1-2 rounds when Rush was still in the game. Now the game crashes constantly, and I have chat that for some reason will open upon firing a weapon, and will not go away once the problem happens until a fully close the game and reopen. Dice really does not want me playing this drivel anymore. Once I get all steam achievements, I shall oblige. Game is still garbage and seems to be getting worse.
Royale 10 Dec, 2022 @ 8:05am 
Hi I added you for BF4 gamemode achievements
Dave 7 Dec, 2022 @ 7:25pm 
+rep Thanks for the achievement help!
PixelNecromancer 19 Feb, 2022 @ 8:53pm 
You are gay