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Recenzii recente de Lapitup

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21.3 ore înregistrate (7.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Really imbalanced with matchmaking. I love this game, but the matchmaking makes it unplayable so I'm uninstalling. If you do not play with a full 3's premade then you are at a massive disadvantage because you constantly get grouped with mouthbreathers against full premade 3's teams that know what they are doing and you are allowed to have no fun against them because they just shut you down. There is no punishment against a rando leaving your team so you just constantly feel the sting of not being a premade. Insanely disappointing with the potential this game could have.
Postat 22 decembrie 2023.
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253.0 ore înregistrate (222.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I play this game with my gf or I wouldn't play it at all. It is INCREDIBLY frustrating to see a game with so much potential completely mishandled by the devs, especially on the survivor side. There is a painful lack of gameplay punishment for killers who camp, tunnel, or slug asides from niche perks that are worthless if the killer isn't playing like an absolute *****. Additionally, I encounter plenty of games where a survivor is colluding with the killer. I'm sure that some of this isn't an issue with good players, but the majority of players are going to fit in that average bell curve where they don't have the skills to properly punish this style of cancerous play from killers. Play this game if you like having a, roughly, 25% to actually play the game.
Postat 25 octombrie 2023.
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12.8 ore înregistrate (12.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
Bard is one of the most overpowered characters I've seen in a long time. Absolutely ruined the game overnight. Even if they fix the balance, this is indicative of the developers' complete inability to harness any percentage of their brain cells. That, or they are intentionally adding pay to win. Either way, not a game worth playing.
Postat 25 octombrie 2023.
A fost această recenzie utilă? Da Nu Amuzantă Premiază
Un dezvoltator a răspuns la 29 nov. 2023 la 20:09 (vezi răspuns)
Se afișează 1-3 din 3 intrări