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Według 28 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
13.5 godz. łącznie
The Broken Sword series is pretty much a classic. You can't say you love point & clicks and not have played them.

Ignoring the 4th game released in '06 - The Angel of Death (which was pretty much a mixed bag) and the 3rd game in '03 - The Sleeping Dragon (which was rejected by purists for its 3d graphics and keyboard controls); it was a truly long wait since the 1st game - The Shadow of the Templars and 2nd game - The Smoking Mirror, released respectively in 96 and 97.

This 5th game, returned back to its 2d roots and with current technology, boasts a really neat graphic system. We have the usual solid adventure to solve and lots of places to explore. George's nemesis - the goat made an appearance yet again and it is also part of an easter egg. Do check that out for lots of laughs. As this game was backed on kickstarter, there were some goodies for the kickstarters to find in game. Don't forget to listen to the Radio Yorkshire for the answers to some of the questions we have been dying to know - as asked by the backers.
Opublikowana: 31 sierpnia 2014.
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Według 9 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
45.0 godz. łącznie (22.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Hats out. Heads in!!!

Seriously though, BBT has a ton of game packed in its cute adorable frame. It has a pretty massive single player campaign and a just as equally massive multiplayer campaign. Each has normal and insane modes. Other than that, there's also a bunch of online arena modes for silly fun.

Buy it now. I am watching you.
Opublikowana: 30 sierpnia 2014.
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Według 26 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
50.8 godz. łącznie (49.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
"Not your usual match3."
In this game, you match 4 small blocks into 1 big block which can then be linked to other same colored small blocks. Constantly popping the blocks net you a combo bonus. However, instead of just matching elements, you can turn the board around to create big blocks. Clockwise or anticlockwise - it's all up to you. In doing so, you can achieve Magic Turn.

You can see from the screenshots, there are red, blue and green blocks. There's also star and stone blocks. Star blocks act like a wild card. Popping it beside any normal block will turn it into the same color. Forming a big star block and popping it will clear the whole board - useful in sticky situations. Stone blocks are basically obstacles. You can only get rid of them if you form a big stone block and pop it. That will clear the whole board of stone blocks - but the reprieve is short.

"Clickr is many games in one."
There are four different modes: Puzzle, Battle, Push, and IQ. Each of them has different sub-modes as shown below:-
PUZZLE: Stage, Combo, Point
BATTLE/PUSH: Easy, Normal, Hard, Extreme, Geekplay, Self
IQ: Easy, Normal, Hard

For stage mode, there are 50 levels. Fifty set tricky levels that will take a lot of head-scratching to clear them all. More so if you are aiming for no. 1 clears. Combo and Point modes are like their names, you aim to get the most number of combos and the highest points with a random board.

Battle and Push modes are also available to play via multiplayer*. For the single player mode, you play them versus the AI.
In a twist, for Battle mode, the blocks you pop become your minions which you then send out to "battle". If your opponent's minions reaches your home base, you get damage and when you reach zero hp, you lose. Big star blocks here will cause all your opponents minions to fall on the battleground. Big stone blocks will turn into mines which will eat up the first opponent minion that dare step on it.
For Push mode, the idea is simpler. Each of you has to try your hardest (and fastest) to cause the blocks in the middle to fall on your opponent's side. Constantly popping red blocks for example, will push the red block out towards your opponent. Stone blocks are use to 'hold' the block in place - very useful when you are in danger.
The self modes of each, are basically you playing against a 'ghost' of yourself. Ie. your previous runs. Geekplay is particularly horrifying and shows how sadistic the devs are. They are almost impossible to beat unless you are a pro at this game.

Lastly, IQ mode. Basically awesome enough to standalone by itself as a game. The levels are set and your aim is to pop every single block on the board.

The conclusion is that this is one epic game. It is casual enough for those 5 minutes play sessions and also challenging enough that you will get hooked for hours trying to beat that mode and still not beat it. Not everyone will love all the modes - I for one particularly dislike Push mode but you will definitely find something to like - IQ mode for me.

*Multiplayer mode is buggy. Has been since the start and will likely always be. It does work...with some patience. Rematching (or playing two matches in a row) is known to NOT work until both players restart the game entirely.
Opublikowana: 28 kwietnia 2014. Ostatnio edytowane: 22 listopada 2017.
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Według 22 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
2.2 godz. łącznie
AVSEQ is weird. WEIRD. It is an audio-visual sequencer puzzle game. That much is obvious once you look at any screenshots of it. It is bright, it is nice, it is confusing. Yes, confusing. See, the aim of the game is to add the required number of notes using these steps:
1) to connect falling atoms of the same color
2) using the white atoms to bridge different colors together (optional but longer strings equals higher points and more chances of notes to appear)
3) detonate them before any of the atoms in the string touches the bottom (failing which the entire string goes *poof* and some notes disappear)
4) chain up notes when they appear (notes act like white atoms) and reach the target

The confusing part? The background is nice and all but sometimes you can't see a thing and speed is of the essence here. There is 9 different stages and when beat, every stage unlock an infinite mode. However if you are aiming for the note achievements, take note that playing infinite mode refreshes your note count. Also, the game doesn't track progress for achievements so you have to do it in one sitting.
Opublikowana: 23 listopada 2013. Ostatnio edytowane: 25 listopada 2013.
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Według 15 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
15.3 godz. łącznie (13.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
"GUN MONKEYS is a Procedurally–Generated, Physics-based, Online Deathmatch platform game"

There are many. You start out with a basic gun but '?' crates contain goodies like eg. retro shooter, sniper etc

Basically, you play as a monkey and your opponent is another monkey.

Levels are random. As such, sometimes you get stuck in your base because it is surrounded by saws. It is also very possible for a saw to spawn and fall right on top of you. Killing you outright.


There are a number of servers catered to each region (US, EU, Asia) but you are free to move to any you like.

Both of you fight to the death. It sounds simple and it is. Each match doesn't last long. All you have to do is collect power cubes, bring them back to base and try and outlast your opponent by bombing/shooting him so his life dwindles to nothing.

Sure you get decent jumping and stuff but after a big bomb blast, don't be surprised if your platform literally get blown off.

Yes, it is worth a play but if you have no dedicated friends, it's no fun.
Opublikowana: 31 października 2013. Ostatnio edytowane: 25 listopada 2013.
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Nikt jeszcze nie uznał tej recenzji jako przydatnej
44.2 godz. łącznie (18.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I totally love it. Traversing through each floor of the level, collecting all the items, killing all the monsters, exploring every nook and cranny.

The perfect game for the little ocd in me!
Opublikowana: 16 września 2013.
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Według 6 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
20.3 godz. łącznie
Phew. This is one surprisingly long game. It is by the same devs that did Jolly Rover which I also recommended! The game is basically tons of sokobans type of puzzles stringed together with awesome, witty, hilarious (lol at times) dialogue and a funny story. You have some pretty interesting characters and talking to them usually nets some sidequests of which there are surprisingly plenty! The game itself has quite some items to collect. Gold (loot) which are usually hidden in some weird places and comic scraps. The latter, once you collect all the scraps for a page, it unlock and turn itself into a full page colored comic! All these comics give the backstory of the main characters. I personally find them a nice touch.

By the time I completed the main story, I am only about 88% (there's a stats bar at the corner) done. There are also some hidden areas and I am not talking about those areas behind those security doors. No spoilers but there is really quite plenty to do here. Furthermore, every puzzle room you complete, upon returning, you will realize that the reset button has morphed into a commentary button. You get to read a few short lines of the devs commentary and they are quite worth reading. One little bug I had was that my achievement count for comic scraps got stuck at 3/47 but luckily upon finding all of them, the achievement triggered. Another little qualm was that upon completing the game (all of it), the stats bar shows 99%. It is a bug if you read the forums.
Opublikowana: 16 września 2013.
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Według 18 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
5.6 godz. łącznie
This is a really really nice vn (visual novel). The story is great and you kinda get attached to the characters of which there's two you kinda have access to. Story-wise, I ain't gonna be saying anything much that you don't already know going in the game. Basically, you play the part of an 'investigator' who have radio contact with a ship which was basically lost for thousands of years and suddenly reappeared. There is a lot of reading which makes sense considering this is a vn. You get to learn of the what, how and why things happened as they did.

There's different endings - five to be exact, each giving you an achievement which is kinda nice. Not like you really need much excuse to play and get all the endings. Truth to be told, the first time you get one ending, the story you get feels abridged. There's plenty of loose ends but another play-through with different choices nets you more unveiling of the story. There is a sequel out - Hate Plus, which I hear lets you continue your story from the different endings you have (though you can always start from scratch). I will be giving it a go soon hopefully love it enough to recommend!
Opublikowana: 16 września 2013.
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Nikt jeszcze nie uznał tej recenzji jako przydatnej
6.9 godz. łącznie (4.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I had high hopes for this cos of all the hype. Alas, it starts slow...slow...very slow for the majority of the game. It's kinda interactive although there are some puzzles...which in my opinion, really defeats the purpose and flow of the story. I will give the story points though. There are plenty of twists and turns ahead once you get pass the 'filler' <-- but still required information at the start. There are also some silly humor in there and the music score is pretty rad. Graphics wise, I am a sucker for retro type graphics and this is made with the rpg maker engine. Having had a run with the maker, I can really appreciate how the dev built this from scratch. Awesome.
Opublikowana: 27 lipca 2013.
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Według 23 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
8.3 godz. łącznie
I went in thinking this is a HOG (Hidden Object Game) but nope. Basically you go around the map visiting different places to find items. You can simply pick up items that are lying around or choose to do a HOG scene (optional) which nets you a free item. Items you selected can then be purchased (or haggled) from the owners and all of them have their own categories. Getting all your picks from the day's hot item categories nets you a cash bonus. All these items are then placed in your item shop. You get to price items, list them, haggle with customers, auction off stuff etc. The fancy thing here is that some items can be combined with others to form a neat combi that sells for a huge profit (like 95% of the time) eg, jukebox + records.

It doesn't sound too bad on paper but in reality when you are playing, the duration is too long. Every game is 30 days and each day you visit locations, pick items, buy and sell etc. The repetition is simply too much and imo it would have been better at like 15 days max. You also get to collect keys while in game and upon collecting 40 of them (out of 60), the unlimited HOG mode is unlocked and that perhaps extends the game length of this title...just by a little. Overall, not a bad game (nice ideas!) but too repetitive for the most of us.
Opublikowana: 27 lipca 2013.
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Wyświetlanie 51-60 z 64 pozycji