Kenny Butcher   United States
I'm a gamer from Florida, and have a wide taste.
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Hamburglar 15 May, 2020 @ 12:31pm 
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Chris Hansen 2 Oct, 2015 @ 4:04pm 
I'm a gamer from Florida, and have a wide taste.
petra 10 Sep, 2015 @ 5:22pm 
But,you know what he wasn’t mudered on that cross ,Allah took Jesus,peace be upon him, up near Him.And yes ,He will be returned to save the humanity from some kind of spieces that are similar to human and are trapped somewhere in earth.He will come back and tell you who the real God is.BUT noone knows that day because that is one of the biggest signs that the earth will be destroyed.Only The-All-Knowing knows.

petra 10 Sep, 2015 @ 5:21pm 
While ,he Jesus will be so ashamed in front of Him cause he never said that he was a God or the Son but they changed it and the book and Allah knows all these things since He is The-All-Seeing ,The-All-Hearing and the All-Knowing so Jesus will say ‘O Allah you that I don’t lie cause You’ve seen it all’

Besides,tell me how can a person that eats and sleeps and goes to toilet be a God?How can a God let his enemies attack him and kill him? Or how can a father see his son getting killed and doesn’t react?If Jesus is your father or the son and that makes you similar to him ,then did he learnt you how to create any being? Fact: Human can’t even create a robot their own.Not even cameras are close to humans eyes or computers to human mind.Because all the devices can last 20-30 years but they will break before they reach that age and count how much mind and eyes last?
petra 10 Sep, 2015 @ 5:21pm 
Firstly,(despite what you said) Allah is the One and the Only God;The Everliving ;the Master ,the Only one Who is in control;No,He’s not a man nor does He has any partner in the assosiaction;The Eternal ,Absolute; He begetheth not ,nor is He begotten.
He is the one that on the Day of the Perfect Judgment will say to you: ‘Read your record.Sufficient is yourself against you this Day as accountant’ ‘Did you thought that We created you in play (without any purpouse) and that you wouldn’t be brought back to Us?’
He is the one that will bring Jesus ,peace be upon him,before all his nation and will be so mad because you called him God ,the Son for he cured the blind and brought back the dead but that was what Allah guide him to do.
petra 10 Sep, 2015 @ 5:21pm 
Dear my  friend ,Kenny and all you others that for one or another reason have racist and meaningless thoughts about my deen (Islam) ,please read this article till the last point and when you think deep and well of it than responed me (if that’s what you wish)

So I went through your page and I saw that post about Allah ,Mohammed and other religion and their names (for which I won’t say a word because I don’t know much about them) and I was so surprised by it (first,the ignorance shown and second the ignorance and the way you said at all with all those offending words) .However I’m not writing this to make a mockery out of your post ,either to judge you about your own religion ,I’m just here to advice you ,wanting the best for you and all the humanity.

Before the advice let me tell you who Allah really is.