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지난 2주간 0.4시간 / 기록상 1,140.5시간 (평가 당시 34.5시간)
게시 일시: 2022년 2월 3일 오후 7시 22분
업데이트됨: 2022년 3월 11일 오후 5시 19분

The game is fun. There, I said it. But it's the trilogy itself that is good. This third part is just so weak, so small and so over priced that I feel I need to warn people to wait and get it on sale.

Complaint #1

I wanted to be able to recommend this, but the simple reality is the servers are so absolutely terrible that it constantly gets in the way of game play with disconnections.

I'd over looked the online element in the previous two games because the connections were relatively stable and despite being a single player game, the online elements were worth it; contracts mode is the heart of the endless replay value.

But here? After 30+ hours I can tell you I haven't gone more than 10 minutes without the game pausing to reconnect and sometimes it's not able to do so without quitting and restarting a mission from the menu.

Complaint #2

It's wildly over priced for the small amount of content presented here.

I don't care that it was released to Epic first, I don't care that it's been on sale before being brought to Steam and then released on Steam at full price; what I care about is that this isn't $60 worth of game compared to the previous two in the trilogy. And the DLC on top of it brings that price to $120 while adding nothing noteworthy, not even real missions or locations.

Let me compare the trilogy real quick:

Hitman (2016) was 7 locations (not counting variations) with 8 main missions, 4 bonus/seasonal missions and then a DLC that added 4 more missions. One of the training missions and the 8 bonus/DLC missions are on variations of main locations,

Hitman 2 (2018) was 7 locations and 7 missions at launch, add in the expansion pass, special assignments and so on and it's 16 missions across 11 locations (not counting variations). Even if you wanted to ignore special assignments/bonus/sniper missions the main storyline by itself is 8 missions on 8 different locations (none repeating).

The total for both of those seasons combined within Hitman 2 (which would either cost you $100 or $120 depending on if you owned the previous game or not) comes out to 32 missions across 18 locations (not counting variations). Even if you ignore the bonus/specials and count only the 4 campaigns and ignore the extra mission content it still comes out to 16 missions across 15 locations.

Now compare that to Hitman 3 where it's 5 missions on 5 locations + 1 interactive cutscene that they labeled as a mission.

Basically if you really break down what you get in Hitman 1 and 2 you pay a bit over $5 per mission, or if you're counting locations it's still less than $10 per location (and those locations have multiple missions)

In contrast, Hitman 3 at full price is more than $10 per location, has no additional missions on those locations and has less escalations, and they're charging money for things that used to be free and they didn't even bother to flesh out the mission stories or challenge lists like they did in the previous games. It's the highest price for the least missions and a completely barebones experience.

If I were to put a number value on each piece of the trilogy (this is with every DLC) it's this:
Hitman season 1 $60
Hitman season 2 $100
Hitman season 3 $40

Unfortunately they aren't charging $40 for all of Hitman 3, they are charging $120 for it, a higher price tag than either previous season "for everything" while delivering the smallest amount of content. (and when I say $120 for "everything" that's not even including the access passes, because those are an additional cost unless you qualified to get them free ~ which wasn't really free since you bought the previous games to get them... those access passes are more content than Hitman 3's new content, and for less money…)

Now realize, this is coming from a player who put 1000+ hours into each of the previous games, and the only reason I'll put another 1000+ into this one will be due to the fact you can play the other seasons inside of it.

Complaint #3

The VR sucks, that wouldn't have been enough by itself for me to thumb down the review, but it's worth commenting on.

EDIT after 50+ hours

Complaint #4

There's no excuse for how buggy the challenges are. The game is over a year old and has no polish, no qualify of life improvements. Far too many challenges simply do not trigger and will forever remain broken and incomplete.

And while we're on the subject of broken challenges, they also decided to leave in a list of elusive targets you missed. Targets that will simply never be run on Steam at all, so you didn't really miss them, you just weren't able to play them here. Will they re run those targets? Sure, under new names so that the original names all remain "missed" just to rub it in your face.

I swear the longer I play this game the more disgusted I am at the lack of quality and respect shown not just to the players, but to the game itself. Why did they remove challenges and break others and now show no sign of fixing anything?

I mean seriously, they even removed challenge packs which were themed ways to replay locations and streamlined the unlock process, it's just dumbed down. And there's suits and items missing. If you want the complete trilogy experience you actually have to have owned and played the previous two games... every time I turn around there's something else missing or broken…

EDIT after 150+ hours

Complaint #5

Glitches in the inventory system. If you unlock more than 200 items you start to lose access to some of your oldest unlocks when trying to place them in a briefcase or smuggle location. Basically any time the inventory screen could show you more than 200 items, it only shows you your latest 200 items instead. This doesn't completely cripple the game but it severely limits some replay strategies and is totally demotivating to even bother trying to unlock anything else.

This bug has been ignored for a year, it's on their "We don't know how to reproduce this" list despite having numerous people explain it for them. Casual players probably won't notice.

Beyond that, you don't need me to tell you the game play itself is good. You can play the demo yourself, it's free. If you've played the prior two games, this is more of the same, just less of it. There's fewer story missions per location, most of the locations are fairly small; even the ones that are technically large have a lot of open space with nothing in them. There's less challenges, less escalations, and the DLC (which you have to pay for) add only escalations that in prior games were free.

It basically comes down to this:

Hitman 3 is a glorified expansion pack to the trilogy that has the least content of the three seasons. Do you want it? Probably, but do yourself a favor and wait until it's on sale for a price you won't hate yourself for paying.

If you don't own any of the trilogy yet, pick up Hitman 2 Gold + GOTY Legacy Pack, even at $120 full price it's a huge volume of content compared to Hitman 3 for $120 which is a fraction of the size. And of course Hitman 2 Gold goes on sale several times a year for deep discounts so you won't even need to pay full price. And if and when you do get around to buying Hitman 3, your progress will carry over from 2.

Bottom line: Hitman (season) 3 is functionally a good game, but it delivers an underwhelming amount of content for the price compared to the previous seasons in the trilogy and currently the online connection is incredibly flaky.

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댓글 57
A Suspicious Bowl of Soup 2024년 8월 25일 오후 11시 39분 
oh thank god, someone with more hours in game than me. incredibly valid review too
47 2024년 6월 1일 오전 1시 06분 
i think silverballer go pow pow.
MonkeyGamesVR 2023년 5월 15일 오후 2시 26분 
This is very informative. I forgot about the hitmanns games for long time sinds the beginning, got 2 and then forget about it again. I wanted to get 3 and then changed my mind. Now I will wait till it on sale and maby get it, I dont know. Got to see some gameplay first how it handles and if it worth it or not. This review is very usefull for me thanks!
Poltius 2023년 3월 5일 오전 8시 47분 
Don't let some bad responses get yo you. You got mine and many other kudos your way as you can see by the many awards as well. A lot of people are not used to get the truth smashed in their face as can happen real fast her on the Steam community when something are amiss with developers/publishers behavior. And some just can't help it - they are just fanboys no matter what. So just keep on doing what you do! :steamthumbsup:
saladCsar 2023년 1월 26일 오후 1시 46분 
That's true @Kunovega and I totally respect that. :coolstar2022:
Kunovega 2023년 1월 26일 오후 1시 41분 
What's there to change my mind over? All they did was raise the price and put out a random version of contracts mode.

And then release two more cosmetic DLC on top of that.
saladCsar 2023년 1월 26일 오후 1시 37분 
Have you change your mind after this huge update? @Kunovega :VSnake:
Unishine 2023년 1월 1일 오후 5시 28분 
I'm glad I got Hitman 3 with a very very good discount, but I bought it specifically for its VR functionality on the Hitman 2 locations. I wrote my own negative review specifically about the downsides of Hitman VR, and honestly, I found no upsides to the VR mode.
lesure Larry 2022년 12월 14일 오후 3시 27분 
picture of this guy in the game needs a diet after all it is death to cheat on once a day
Faizan 2022년 11월 24일 오전 8시 53분 
still trying to understand :(