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Soulless low effort cashgrab made without love

I have to put this out. This is probably the worst game i've played this year. It's supposed to be a Dead Space successor but it fails in every area possile.

You end up in a space prison and then chaos erupts, genetically engineered monsters swarm the prison and you must escape it. Usual story which was done so many times by Resident Evil but better.

So what's the gameplay? It's tedious hell. The main character is so slow that he can barely move. The game consists of corridors and mazes. That's the “level design”. And there's no map, no UI for some reason so you don't even know where to go, which maze path is the main one or optional.
Do you like crawl and squeeze through walls every 5 minutes? Then this is the game for you. You walk a bit, the crawl, then fight couple of zombies, then squeeze through walls, run until next gap in the wall, squeeze through then climb into the vent to crawl. That's the gameplay.
Oh wait that's not it. Running is so slow that it feels like you're in slow motion. And you can't run all the time, most of the time the game only lets you to slowly walk. There are some spots on the ground where you start running for 2 seconds and then back to walking. Buggy mess.
Combat is an absolute joke. This extremely slow character swings his bat to kill the zombies. You have to dodge their attacks by holding the stick left or right. So dodge, dodge hit, rinse repeat million times.
You have weapons but very limited ammo and it need more ammo than melee hits. Makes no sense.
Inventory space is so limited that you will always struggle to have ammo, healing items or items to sell to make money. Sop for the entirety of the game you must choose between HP, money or ammo. You can't have them all.
Switching weapons is a pain. You must press right, then up or down and then A to confirm. In the heat of the fight it's impossible to do quickly because for some reason each button press is extremely slow and takes around 1s to react.
You can't dodge ranged attacks or jump which makes the last boss a real pain. Worst boss design ever. A pain, tedious, annoying fight where the Resident Evil copy pasta last boss is quick and has an insane reach, shoots at you and send minions after you which explode and damage you when you can barely move and must use both hands to switch weapons which takes 5 seconds because you can't stand still or you die.
Bugs? Oh yea. Running ability just disappears randomly, when you pick up an item sometimes you start crouching which is “really helpful” when you're in combat. Switching weapons doesn't always work, sometimes game doesn't react to your inputs if you press the buttons too fast. You MUST wait for a second or so for them to register. Basically stand still to switch weapons.
You think when you get the suit you'll take less damage? Nope. You start taking more damage with armor. Who even designed this mess?

Horror? The only horror this game offers is tedious and clunky controls, crawling, squeezing and walking without any UI or waypoints.

Graphics are decent, game runs great without issues and loading times are almost non-existent. Also native ultrawide support. At least something is good.

Sound is messed up. Sound scares play way before the enemies appear or jump you so you hear the sound scare and see nothing and after 5 seconds you see zombies coming at you.

Overall a terrible game where every gameplay aspect is tedious and clunky, boring repetitive combat which doesn't evolve for the entirety of the game, crawling simulator. Which tried to copy Dead Space and a bit of Resident Evil, has no soul and zero creativity. Avoid.

  • Looks pretty good
  • Ultrawide support and good performance

  • Buggy mess
  • Has no soul and just copies other games
  • Level design is no level design
  • Clunky, unresponsive controls
  • More walking, crawling and squeezing than actual gameplay
  • Boring repetitive combat
  • Story for the sake of story
  • No UI

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My Twitch
投稿日 8月13日.
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Wonderful and weird tale

Snufkin is the childhood memory and nostalgia. A very chill and easy game to just spend few hours in a wonderfully crafted magical world while exploring it and meeting new friends.

Gameplay is very simple, you just explore the surrounding while meeting characters and doing some tasks for them like bringing them stuff or solving some simple puzzles. The game is family friendly so it's not hard although some collectibles could be hard to find.

There is progression though and it's related to you playing music. Playing an instrument makes other creatures follow you and help you.

It offers a nice heartwarming story and really interesting atmosphere which differs greatly from american tales. It's heartwarming as I mentioned but at the same time a bit sad and weird which is a nice mix.
All the environments are beautifully drawn and it's a real pleasure to explore them.

Not much else to say about it. Very short but wonderful and unique adventure which is a must play for those who love cozy games.

  • Looks great
  • Good atmosphere
  • Cozy
  • Heartwarming story
  • Easy, relaxing gameplay

  • -

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My Twitch
投稿日 6月28日. 最終更新日 7月18日
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Let me go daddy

Hades has been a wild ride for me personally. When I started it I hated it, simply because i'm old and I suck at fast paced, difficult games. And Hades is really hard. So I quit.
But I returned later and tried to enable God Mode in the options menu and since then I fell in love with the game. Not only it made the game fun but it also taught me how to play so i was able to play without God Mode and beat the game without any issues. I wish more difficult games had a dynamic difficulty like that. God Mode isn't what it sounds like, it simply raises to damage resistance by 2% each time you die, up until 80%.

So the gameplay loop is pretty simple – you must get out to the surface, in other words escape from you daddy through four different areas by beating enemies and bosses. You're supposed to fail and die but each time you try again you have learned something new and became stronger.

You have variety of weapons at your disposal which will suit everyone's playstyle. My personal favorite and easiest was the spear followed by the sword.
On top of that each weapon has different variations of it which changes the fundamental characteristics of the weapon so it feels entirely different.

On your way to escape you will be able to improve your weapons and skills by picking up boons from different gods and hammers. Which again may transform your experience completely. You must rely on rng though. So sometimes rng is just bad and that leaves you with the only option to try again and get luckier next time.
The god design and interactions are just insanely good, every conversation is unique and it's always to meet them.

The game is extremely simple but pretty challenging and hard to master. You have a bunch of areas filled with different enemies and must kill them all using your weapon and skills. The combat is extremely fun and fluid, absolutely no jankiness, everything is super smooth and the only handicap is your own skill and reaction time.

The game looks beautiful and has wonderful artstyle accompanied by well written characters and story. The artstyle is just outstanding, not for a single frame you will be disappointed. Now the story isn't spectacular but it's good and interesting. One fun thing though is that dialogues do not repeat. Even after 100 runs you get new dialogues from the same characters. It's an outstanding achievements by the developers to make each run feel at least somewhat fresh and have a purpose other than escaping.

Another absolutely perfect thing about the game is the soundtrack. Oh my oh my it's good and you will never want to turn it off. Fits the game so well and makes every encounter even more intense and interesting.

The game has easy achievements for achievement hunters, although it takes a while since a lot of the stuff relies on grind and doing runs again and again.

Overall an excellent game worth buying at any price. Fluid gameplay, amazing artstyle and great soundtrack makes it stand out.

  • Smooth and fluid controls
  • Great graphics
  • Awesome soundtrack
  • Accessibility options
  • Extremely fun and rewarding

  • Grind for achievements is a bit too much

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My Twitch
投稿日 6月28日. 最終更新日 6月28日
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No wheel support haha, seriously?

Not even gonna write a proper review for this.
The game doesn't support steering wheel and pedals. On the store page it says:
Taxi Life is compatible with the most popular steering wheel peripherals and game controllers.
The game just crashes whenever it's launched with wheel connected or you connect a wheel while in the game. And if Fanatec isn't popular, I don't know what is then.

Gonna play with controller instead. But negative review will stay until wheel support is added.
投稿日 3月21日. 最終更新日 3月21日
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開発元は 7月2日 13時57分 に返答しました (返答を表示)
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総プレイ時間:128.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:71.8時間)
Best simcade on the market

Forza Motorsport is a sim-cade racing game which mixes simulation aspects of racing and forces you to improve your skills while balancing that “gamey” feeling of fun arcade games.

So lets start with content. And this game has a lot of content. First you have a career mode where you pick a car from the list and race against AI. New career races are being added constantly so you're never bored. There's something for everyone's taste. German, Japanese, Italian series, slow cars, fast cars – anything you want.
I'm also gonna state the obvious here because some people are not very smart – this is not Horizon on circuits. It's closer to simulation than arcade which means you're supposed to race or keep hotlapping on the same track and car for hours to improve your skills.

I love the “gamey' rpg aspect of the game where you level up the cars to unlock upgrades. It's done pretty quickly and forces you drive the car and get to know it, adapt to it at the same time making you learn the tracks.
You modify your cars as much as you like, you're given absolute freedom to apply any modification. Maybe one variant will be better for one track and another for a different track.
Then obviously you have tuning where you can tune the cars which can transform the handling. Default tunes are pretty bad, well ok, they're really bad. It can put people off but after adjusting it the cars feel great.
Selection of cars is amazing and more will be added. I love driving simple road cars and learn them. Each car feels different and requires time to adjust.

Physics seem pretty good and makes your driving experience dynamic. One small mistake and you lose your precious time. Each car is different and it's reflected through physics, ffb and handling. This aspect of the game is what pushes the game more towards the threshold between sim-cade and a sim. Although don't expect pure sim here. Forza always was a competitor to Gran Turismo and that game is the definition of sim-cades. It's all about having fun while having realistic experience.

There's also multiplayer with few modes. After finishing the entry race in mutliplayer you're given your safety rating and skill rating and then you can enter other races and test your skills against others. The tracks are on rotation, wait time most of the time is perfect (around 10-20 minutes) which leaves enough time to do few practice laps and qualify. You can choose to race in the same class of cars or open class, again lots of choice here.
Negative side of mutliplayer is always the gap between skill levels and penalty system. While the gap can be solved only by having more people play the game (since matchmaking works better with more people) so it's not game's fault, the penalty system could use a lot of improvements. Very often people are not being penalized for ramming others. Or if they're penalized it's only 0,5s penalty or something similar. And sometimes someone crashes into you and you get a penalty. So it definitely needs some tuning.
People not knowing the rules of racing and trying to block you when you're overtaking them also isn't the game's fault so no point talking about that.
Safety rating is a joke. It's so easy to improve it that you can have few penalties in the race and still jump up from B to A. It must be stricter and getting to S should take at least 10-15 clean races, not 1 or 2.

Biggest downside is the AI. While AI is dynamic and each time drives differently (try to rewind and you'll see that AI behaves slightly differently) it's very dumb. AI will ram you, push you, punish you for nothing. Even if you try to stay away from them they'll find a way to push you. But one interesting thing is that AI behaves differently from race to race. I had some clean races where AI rather goes off track than into me, they try to stay away from contact and brake or go on the outside. So it's very weird.

Force feedback is pretty good but you'll need to adjust it to find that sweet spot. Default settings are garbage.

Graphically the game looks good but has some visual bugs in replays. It's not a graphical masterpiece but in general it looks great. Especially if you pay attention to small details like reflections.
Graphics settings are confusing and leads to performance issues if you don't know what they do. It's as if developers intentionally want to confuse people. But once you figure it out the game runs smoothly without any issues.
Running the game on max settings with ray tracing and dlss on 7800x3d, rtx4080, 32GB 6000mhz @3440x1440 and having a great time. Although dlss doesn't change much. Also can confirm the game runs fine on rtx2060&3700x and rtx2080ti&3900x. Optimization is decent considering the graphics and physics in the background but it could be better. But it's rare for the game running smoothly without dlss these days.

Sadly only partial ultrawide support (not in the menu and photo mode). There's a fix but obviously it could be risky to use in multiplayer so it would great if developers fix that. No ultrawide support in 2023 is poathetic.

Now is it built from the grounds up? I never played previous games but it doesn't feel like it's built from the grounds up. Maybe some parts of it but definitely not everything.

Sound design is amazing. Cars sound fantastic and you almost can smell them. Sound effects are are great. But! Collision sound is absolutely terrible. When you barely touch another car the noise is as if you hit a huge barrel and your car gonna explode. Just what the actual...?

This is very good racing game for those who don't want to commit to serious sim-racing but still want to have a realistic experience and learn to race. Great selection of cars, plenty of single player content, featured content, constant content updates, customization options, pretty deep simulation of physics and ffb for a sim-cade and fun multiplayer makes it worth buying.

  • Realistic&gamey at the same time which makes it extremely fun
  • Lots of content
  • Amazing selection of cars
  • Car leveling is fun
  • Lots of different races and modes
  • Good physics&and driving feel
  • Accessible so it's great gateway for those who want a semi-realistic racing
  • Looks great
  • Decent performance
  • Constantly added content
  • Rotation of various events
  • AI is horrible
  • Penalty system is completely broken
  • Safety and skill ratings are too easy to improve
  • No full ultrawide support

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My Twitch
投稿日 2023年12月1日. 最終更新日 2023年12月1日
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総プレイ時間:55.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:53.0時間)
Big cup of mediocrity

Why is this a negative review? If this game was made by an indie studio with very limited resources in few years I would leave a positive review. But how in the world a company that huge, with nearly unlimited budget, resources and in the end backed by Microsoft (which guarantees good marketing) and having years and years of time came up with this shallow, soulless, unoriginal, unimaginative, poorly written, poor looking, poor performing game?

So what is Starfield? Intro is generic. You're in a mine and you find a magical artifact, then you get attacked by bandits and your journey on searching for more artifacts begins.
Oh yeah there's character creator which is just bad.
You get your ship, your guns, a companion and you explore the space, a 1000 planets in close proximity to earth. Oh speaking of earth – it's a desert. Nothing wrong with that, something happened, everything was destroyed, probably will happen in real life eventually. But how on earth (no pun intended) a huge skyrscraper with glass survived that while there's absolutely nothing else left? Don't look for any logic in this game, it doesn't exist. Temperatures on planets never change, day or night it stays the same. Gravity means nothing, you can walk and run at the same pace on low or high gravity. It only affects how high you can jump. Oh sorry I forgot there's no logic and this game has nothing to do with science or sci-fi because it's pure fantasy where no laws of physics or logic apply.

Game is very small. Biggest cities are just small towns, enclosures with lifeless, poorly designed, often identical npc's walking back and forth or standing doing nothing. Each time you enter a building there's a loading screen. Sure it's very short, a second or few but why? Oh yeah because developers are lazy and with hundreds of millions available they can't create an engine which would match some other engine from 5 years ago. This engine just isn't capable of delivering open world experience.

Oh did I tell you the game isn't open world? There's no sense of exploration because everything happens in small instances, enclosed surrounding or tiny rooms.
There are few main planets with main cities (villages) which serve as capitals but there's nothing outside, there's no map, no towns, nothing to explore outside. People just flew light years to colonize the planets and built Whiterun sized villages there with huge walls around it. Very sci-fi, much science.
Also everyone in the universe is using same exact furniture, computers, coffee makers and all the other appliances and things.
I married a character. The wedding is pure meme material. You go to a lonely npc in the middle of the night, npc says few lines and you're husband and wife. Oops sorry lifemates, it's a space name for married couple. No ceremony, no animations or interactions just your loved one standing there lifeless saying how she loves you. This was the lowest effort event in the game i've every seen.

But hey lets go explore the space huh? Those 1000 planets. Of course it's realistic that most planets are empty and vast, I agree it's realistic. But why every planet has identical outposts in the middle of nowhere with two people sitting there and waiting for you? Same structures everywhere, same resources, same copy pasted stuff all over the place. Yes planets look different, some of them look very different but you don't feel that. +80 degrees or -185 – no difference. Trees are green with -15 outside, same gas everywhere, some random animals spawning attacking you. You explore the flat planets and after 10 hours realize there's no point.
There are spaceship battles, you just pew pew other ships and loot them. It's not clear how repair your ship or upgrade, you kinda find that out randomly since the game has no map at all so navigating to a certain facility is difficult. Same goes for finding shops.

UI? Haha I better shut up because without swearing it's impossible to describe.

Quests. There are plenty. Most of them are generic but some could be really fun and tell a story. But even that is messed. Like finding a person who was born on a random planet alone and never seen civilization. But with zero logic that person just adapts to city life and navigation in it in an instant.

Of yeah one more scientific fact – the whole part of the galaxy is a jpeg. It's not open world, the planets are just jpeg's and you can't fly to them. You can only fast travel. The whole space is fake, it doesn't exist, you can't land on planets, they don't have clouds or atmosphere.
This game is the biggest and most blatant copying of other games. These developers have no creativity at all. One thing is copying themselves, it's normal, lots of studios release different games which are similar to each other, you can recognize the game by its style. But Bethesda decided to copy other games like No man's sky, Elite Dangerous but failed even at that.
Going to a “new” planet and you put out your scanner and scan things just like in No Mans Sky...only it's much simpler and serves no purpose. Another even more blatant copy is ship systems from Elite Dangerous. It's nearly identical. Those who played instantly recognize it.
They had no ideas of their own, they tried to glue together few ideas they got from other games and ended up with soulless and shallow experience where everything feels disconnected. There's no seamless gameplay, it's all just small spaces of nothing. You don't feel like you're exploring. But wait, Starfield also has dungeons, the most generic and copy pasted ones. Again they all look the same, just different layouts.

Graphically the game is ok, looks like lower budget AA game. World seems lifeless and empty, character models are the best we've seen in Bethesda games but they still look average and in certain lighting conditions they look terrible. And all the random npc's are lower quality and look atrocious. Animations are bad. Facial animations and expressions are very basic and hair is straight up from 2010.
In general graphics are mediocre. Witcher 3 from more than 8 years ago looks better (without the next-gen update).

Performance on release was terrible because it's an AMD sponsored game. Just to compare Cyberpunk on ultra + psycho + path tracing and get almost the same performance.
Considering how the game looks, performance is terrible. Graphics like that should run on a potato at ultra 60+ fps.
Tested on 7800x3d, rtx4080, 32GB 6000mhz @3440x1440.
The game supports ultrawide at least.
Took them months to add dlss and ability to eat food. Is this a solo indie project?

Sound design is generic and boring. Music you don't even pay attention to, voice acting is ok. But it's hard to hear the voices when you laugh so loud at those poorly written dialogues.

Starfield is a disappointment of the year hands down. For a low budget indie AA game it would be good. But for AAA title it falls short almost everywhere.

  • Somewhat fun at times
  • Cities (villages) are different and have certain vibes
  • Sometimes you stumble upon some great views for screenshots
  • Lots of quests
  • Gameplay is outdated copy paste from other Bethesda games
  • Copies ideas from other games but fails at making them work
  • Outdated graphics from 10 years ago
  • Broken outdated engine
  • Shallow and empty
  • No open world, everything is fast travel and tiny instances
  • Loading screens every 2 minutes
  • Poor writing
  • Shallow characters
  • Poor performance

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My Twitch
投稿日 2023年12月1日. 最終更新日 2023年12月28日
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Played only for an hour and got bored. Wonderful artstyle and it ends there. Extremely slow walking sim with no story and puzzles taken out of cheap hidden object games. Walking around same place million times until you stumble upon something isn't fun. Glad i didn't experience the combat yet, i didn't even know there's combat.
Unreal engine so expect some stutters.
No music or voices, you just walk through the mazes of corridors back and forth in silence.
投稿日 2023年12月1日.
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Religion is believing in something without any evidence

Agatha Knife is sweet little adventure game where you play as a girl Agatha who's on the quest to create her own religion.
The game is a bit dark, weird and twisted. If you played the predecessor – Mechanika, you'll love this one.
Agatha is a girl who loves animals and she also kills them and eats them. She decides to invent her own religion of carnivorism and the adventure begins.

Gameplay is very simple yet the game is full of humor and interesting characters with some occasional twisted moments and really dark humor.
You move around the map in a side-scrolling manner, click on things or people to interact with them. Picking up items and finding use for them. Pretty much just like other point&click adventure games.
Dialogues are amazing and will keep you entertained and puzzles are not too hard but require you to think a bit.

Graphics are very simplistic but overall image is very pleasing. It looks like a cartoon. Sometime simplicity is the right way to go when you don't have a budget.

Sound design is the weakest part of the game probably. While there's nothing wrong with it the music may get repetitive and there's no voice acting for obvious reasons. Sound effects also sometimes feel too basic and could be improved.

Performance? Why even talk about it. Potato friendly.

Overall this is a very fun and short game with excellent story and characters. Must play for those who enjoy dark humor.

  • Cute
  • Nice story
  • Entertaining gameplay
  • Could have more music tracks and sound effects

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My Twitch
投稿日 2023年11月24日. 最終更新日 2023年11月24日
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Chop chop chop dinner's ready

This game is a wonderful, dark, humorous time management game. It's very short but the price is low too.

So what is this game? You play as a husband and wife (control them both) who run a shop. On the second floor there's clothing shop and on the first floor they sell meat dishes, like burgers, sausages, meat pies, steaks, etc.
Sound pretty damn simple and generic? There's something dark going on. People who come upstairs to order new garments get stabbed by the husband with scissors who then throws the bodies down to his wife in the basement where she picks them up and prepare the meat for cooking. So you kill, cook, sell. You also take the clothes off the corpses and sell them to make more money.
There's also a garden where you grow vegetable and you can easily what you can use as fertiliser.

That's it, the whole gameplay. It's well done and never gets boring due to game's short length and easy achievements.
There's also some story and the game is filled with dark humor.

Graphics are very good for such game and music is spot on.

This is a wonderful, casual game for those who enjoy darker themes and want to have a good laugh.

  • Fun gameplay
  • Great atmosphere
  • Music
  • Dark and funny
  • Easy achievements
  • -

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My Twitch
投稿日 2023年11月9日.
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総プレイ時間:93.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:73.0時間)
Boo i'm a ghooost

Phasmophobia is horror ghost hunting game made to play coop or solo. It's simple yet hard to master and provides tons of hours of enjoyment. MY review is from a perspetive of a solo player since I mostly prefer to play alone.

There's no story so lets move on to gameplay.
It seems simple, you go to a location and your goal is to identify the ghost and drive away. For identifying the correct ghost you get money and XP so you could unlock new equipment and buy it.

Each ghost is different and while on easier difficulties they may be much easier to identify, on harder difficulties you have to do that faster and with less evidence which means you have to memorize the unique traits of the ghosts. Like for example some ghosts don't like salt, or never touch the ground, other hunt very early or barely hunt at all, they don't like fire and so on. So you can make thew game as challenging as you want while keep learning on easier difficulty.
When you go in you look for ghost activity. Any clues, EMF, using ultraviolet light for handprints and other equipment. When you find a clue you mark it which rules out some ghosts. You do that until you have the correct ghost. But it's not that easy. The evidence doesn't always show up right away, sometimes you need to wait for a while for that to happen. What's the problem with that you ask? The problem is your sanity level – it's constantly dropping and the lower it is the higher chance for the ghost is to hunt you and kill you. You can take sanity pills but still on harder difficulties they're not gonna save you if you take forever to collect the evidence. So while the game is very repetitive it retains the suspense and surprise due to vast number of different ghosts and challenging gameplay.
It's a horror game and for some people it may be pretty scary. Playing solo obviously is spookier and I love it. You get used to the scares eventually but still even after a while you get scared because it's very well done. Sometimes scares could happen often and sometimes there could be a long time without any scares. This creates the element of surprise which makes the game more enjoyable. Rarely you will get the exact same experience in two matches in a row.
You have plenty of maps to play on. Ranging from small houses to medium open areas or large buildings like prison. Playing solo on large maps isn't a good option so I highly suggest playing in coop. But game is still extremely fun playing solo on small and medium maps.

Now onto some negatives. I can't list many. Maybe there could be more scare types to make it more scary and surprising. Most scares are sound related but I's also love to see some visual related scares, similarly to Mortuary Assistant, like very subtle objects popping in somewhere in the corner, no sound, nothing, that makes you scream.
But the biggest downside is the spirit box change. Now instead of the ghost talking you get random people talking. I understand developers probably wanted to give credit to the streamers who popularized the game but seriously it's immersion breaking and stupid. There are many ways to give credit, like posters on the walls, PC screen, etc. Current spirit box is absurd, neither funny, scary or fun at all. It's just stupid.
Another downside is no achievements. Don't know why. But it would be fun to have them.

Graphically the game looks quite good. It's not a graphical masterpiece but graphics are alright. All the areas and objects look pretty good and immersive. Lighting which is one of the most important parts of the game and creates the whole atmosphere is decent too. It could be better of course, the game could benefit from ray tracing. But hey it's not a AAA game so it's alright. I have no real complaints regarding the graphics.

Sound design is important in this game since you have to listen to various sounds the ghosts make. It also creates that creepy atmosphere and scares. Iin general i'm happy with the sound design although it certainly could be improved by adding more sound effects.

Performance is great as expected since the graphics are not AAA quality. I run the game on max settings at 3440x1440 with a framerate cap of 100fps. Playing on 5800x, rtx4080, 32GB. Performance is great.

In general a very good horror game with repetitive gameplay which doesn't become boring after 10h and that's is an sign of a well designed game. Get it if you love horror games and ghosts.

  • Extremely fun
  • Diverse gameplay
  • Plenty of difficulty options
  • Large amount of maps for any player
  • Scary
  • Challenging
  • Looks good
  • Sounds good
  • Spirit box is terrible
  • Could have more scare types
  • No achievements

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My Twitch
投稿日 2023年10月5日. 最終更新日 2023年10月5日
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