Shanghai, China
Gamer Tag : Relaxing, Souls Like, Sandbox, Rhythm.
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2,4 ore di gioco
This review is bilingual

TL;DR: Great idea poorly executed, and needs serious polishing. This is a neutral review.


- 教程非常优秀,简短而耐人寻味,基本讲到了游戏的重点,但又不是完全的手把手教你。在教程最后的一关甚至承上启下了解释了正式游戏一开始你要干嘛,非常自然。

- 你有两只手。

- 上手容易精通困难。你能轻易地过第一第二关,但是从第三关开始就要开始研究策略了。有些东西坏了就坏了,有些东西没坏也要舍弃,保更重要的东西,在紧急关头的取舍与决策是这个游戏的精髓。

- 作为航线飞行员,我感受到了飞模拟机科目时候的压力。


- Great tutorial. It’s short but concise, cut right to the core gameplay but not completely babysitting. In the final stage of the tutorial, it even foreshadows the plot, making the main game far more natural.

- You have two hands

- Easy to learn, hard to master. You can just get past the first two stages without any problems. Starting from stage three, however, you need to study your strategy. Something that breaks, is gone for good; Something that is working, needs to be torn apart. You sacrifice your not-so-important systems for core, life-supporting systems. The decision-making in emergency situation is the essence of the game.

- As an airline pilot, I feel the pressure sitting in a full flight simulator.


- 本地化:虽然整个项目一看就是中国人翻译的,但是有过度翻译的嫌疑,措辞过于激进。比如”you can go back to your cleaning”,在上下文中仅有“你可以回去继续干活/打扫了”的意思,被翻译成了“你还是哪凉快哪呆着去”,不妥。此外,文本中也有错字,尚需打磨。而且进入游戏,默认的语言设定奇奇怪怪,像是完全没有本地化,甚至不是默认英语(菜单中有@),调成中文需要先调别的语言再调回中文。

- 碰撞箱:有时候会发出连续不断的碰撞声,模型会抖动,甚至是玩家物品穿模

- 糟糕的UI:菜单里修改部分选项后#FF0000的颜色是认真的吗?教程文本框的#0000FF又是认真的吗?


- 糟糕的UX:暂停菜单中把退出到桌面放最下面,而且没有确认;设置和退出到菜单的位置也该对调


- Localisation: (not applicable here)

- Collision: Sometimes colliding sound plays too often, while the model shakes violently. Things like drawer don’t have collision boxes

- Poor UI: #FF0000 when you change settings? Seriously? #0000FF in the tutorial textbox? Seriously?
Textboxes in settings don’t vertically align across different view groups.
Inconsistent font family: The font in language selection box and sandbox mode configuration selection box is default
Inconsistent font size: Text in sandbox configuration is too small. Hard to read.
Text in back button is not vertically centered…

Small things like this here and there really gets on one’s nerve. Seriously, fix your obvious flaws before you call yourself a “release”. It’s EA quality at most!

- Poor UX: In pause menu, EXIT TO DESKTOP is placed at the bottom WITH NO CONFIRMATION. I accidentally quit the game twice.
Settings and Back to menu should be swapped as well.



- 手册:整个游戏中应该最重要的手册,却完全是鸡肋,你能用到的有且仅有目录中错误代码的一页,其他只用读一遍,完全没用。缺少详细的系统描述以及如何维修。

- 事实性错误:有一个柜子叫“液压设备”,但是里面是气泵和滤芯,这和液压有关系吗?

- 违反工业设计:空客和现代波音采用“暗舱理念”:即系统正常运行的时候没有灯亮。这游戏的开关简直反人类:开的时候亮绿灯,关的时候不亮灯??飞船系统应该帮助宇航员而不是和宇航员作对。

- 注意力吸引装置:
首先,按钮被称作“MASTER” WARN/CAUT是有道理的,因为全驾驶舱只需要一个。单独系统的指示灯应该用单独的FAULT灯或别的设计,不然MASTER在哪里?
其次,PUSH TO RESET的根本理念就是为了止响止闪,从而让已经知悉故障的宇航员能够专注于手上的工作,排故修复。这个游戏的按钮,按了等于没按,止响两秒,又开始叫开始闪,基本丧失了他的意义,只是为了压力而压力。

Major industrial design flaws

This escape pod is a completely defective product

- Manual: Supposed to be the base of this game, turns out to be a piece of complete garbage. All you will use is ONE page in ToC showing those error codes. Other pages, you read once, and throw away. There’s no useful information there. It’s not going to tell you how to diagnose or fix a down generator. Too little information in individual systems.
You do realise that this is a pdf manual right? So make hyperlinks and/or interactive ToC then. Most EFBs in operation feature this to help the pilots quickly locate contents. If you don’t have this feature, why bother making the ToC text blue, like a hyperlink?
Moreover, CHECKLIST & SOP IS A MUST in aviation / astronautical activities. But is not mentioned anywhere in the manual. If you feel like this game gives you no time to do a thorough READ & DO checklist, at least include some memory items.

- Factual error: There is a cabinet called “hydraulic equipments”, which contains AIR pumps and AIR filters. How is this remotely related to “hydraulics”?

- Designs that violate guidelines: Airbus and modern Boeing features “dark cockpit philosophy”, meaning if everything is alright, no lights should come up. The switches in this game, oh man… The light illuminates green when it’s on, but illuminates NOTHING when it’s off. Are you guys deliberately making this game harder by doing crappy designs? Pod systems are supposed to HELP pilots instead of FIGHT pilots.

- Attention getters:
First off, “MASTER” WARN/CAUT is called like this for a reason. Because you only need one in the entire cockpit, hence “MASTER”. Make another “FAULT” light or whatever for individual systems.

Then, the sole purpose of “PUSH TO RESET” is to stop visual and aural warning when the pilot is informed of the error. And leave them focus on their own work. The button in this game simply does not work. It stops the warning for literally two seconds and the warning goes off again. So what’s the purpose of this? It’s pressure-inducing for the sake of being pressure-inducing.


(7/10) 概念很有趣,有做的很好玩很专业的潜质。但是现在无论是专业性(模拟的部分)和游戏性(好玩的部分)都欠缺的比较多,需要打磨的地方很有很多。我不认为这是个合格的发行版游戏,但是个有潜力的EA游戏


(7/10) The game sure has interesting concepts and has the potential of being really fun and hardcore. For the time being though, it lacks both professionality (simulation part) and fun (gaming part), hence needs LOTS of polishing. Again, I do not consider this done and release. But it sure is a good EA game with high potential.

Messaggio originale di 索然无味测评组:
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