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Recent reviews by kleanupguy24

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45.5 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I put about 65 hours into this game on Epic so my Steam playtime isn't a good basis for my time spent playing, but this game is superb. It is extremely well polished for being in early access. If someone told me it was a full release I would probably believe them. The game really scratched my itch for an fps souls game. Not that it's overly souls like, but it's very challenging in the beginning and has a similar leveling system. The game looks and feels great. The atmosphere is amazing and the sound design is damn near perfect. The movement is almost like Destiny 2's but better in my opinion. The gunplay is also fairly similar to Destiny, which is good. There aren't a huge amount of spells, guns, and magic items in the game yet (they are adding more), but there are plenty of builds you can make and different ways to play the game.

I quite honestly can't think of any cons this game has other than a few super small things that are personal preference that have no real impact on how much I enjoy the game. I have only run into 2 or 3 very minor bugs. The devs are great and listen to the players feedback and bug reports,

I can't recommend this game enough. Especially for only $40
Posted 23 September, 2024.
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43.4 hrs on record (11.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is pretty fun and addicting. However, it is a huge pain in the ass. The zombies are way to fast and they are way to hard to kill. For example, the zombies that crawl are just as fast or maybe even faster than the normal zombies. It is almost im possible to find a gun, and if you do you have like four bullets. Also, you only have four slots in your inventory. This gets really annoying because if i am by a zombie trying to sneak past it to get something and my inventory is full, then i have to pick something to drop. You can find backpacks but I rarely find them. Overall, this game is way to hard, but it is pretty fun.
Posted 9 July, 2014.
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139.6 hrs on record (23.0 hrs at review time)
This is an awesome game. Honestly I don't know why it is free. It is very satisfying when you get a kill. So much fun, and you never know what's going to happen. 10/10
Posted 23 May, 2014.
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