bond. GAMES bond.
Yes, I am a certified James Bond head!
Thank You, Mr. Tolkien! Thank You, Peter Jackson!
Featured Artwork Showcase
God Bless Mr. Movies
Featured Artwork Showcase
501 refunds in 501 days! That's my record!
123 6 Apr, 2023 @ 4:47pm 
Ok so its 2am. AND I FREAKING MISS YOU! you are so beautiful in so many ways: ). Your cuteness is unbielevable: ) there is so much I love about you. Your smile is so amazing, that when I see it I just forget about all the bad stuff that has ever happened in my life an just think about how lucky I am: ) baby, you have a perfect personality for's like we love the same foods and we always agree on contraversal subjects in this world. I love it how you come to me for advise. I love it how when you're sick or in pain or just miss me, and no matter where or who I'm with.....I'll call you and talk to you about it. I love it how I am your shoulder that you can cry on and the hug you need when you're sad.
123 6 May, 2021 @ 2:13pm 
hi! thanks for giving me my Outriders Refund. it saved me a lot of money because square enix and you a lot to thank for. well anyway, great!
sincerely squre enix toby
123 3 Sep, 2020 @ 1:31pm 
hello! sorry for scare, but just notice profile on the Steam Community. you know how hard it are to find boys who play video game nowadays??? well, Im glad I stumble apon this little prof cause I gotta say.... ur prety cute!! ^ ((sorry for scare, no trouble ) well... I was wondering if u wanted to play tf2 with me (Im a plat sniper, so I can carry my little prince if need. =-}) CUZ I really want someone to pub wit me.. hey hey, maybe even I could get you unusual as little gift. you like Buring? Me too, me too. anyways any, do you maybe have Skype? (no scare. no scare, I iust like meating eye to eye.) if we skype, I think we could have some good buddy commucation. :)) ( i can even turn down my dubstep music in the background if you want...) add me if you want please, I jsit need friend maybe even boyfriend, to play video with.m I can be the perfect gal for you, trust!! ill buy whatever, do whatever, okay?? jsit pick up that phone and CALL. :)
Daddy 15 Sep, 2013 @ 1:26am 
Dude, you look *exactly* like my SAT prep tutor! :B1: