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发布于:2019 年 5 月 12 日 下午 6:30

Game is unbalanced and unfinished.
Gameplay loop is grind until you can sell items for almost nothing. The dungeons last 30 seconds and have to be manually sent every single time. Prepare to die at level 20 for a level 1-5 dungeon. Loot upgrades are completely random and have no feel of actual progression. One person is using armor from the first round as it is better than legendary level equip.
Spells don't even fill half of the space given to them on the page to use them.
When leveling the characters you can't tell what level they are since it moves the font off the picture.
After unlocking the "endless dungeon" (which is exactly the same as all the other dungeons) you get access to a slew of new materials that are not used for -any- recipe.
Buying all recipes does not unlock the corresponding achievement.
The swag section of the game feels completely tacked on, wait for a competion to show up, click join, send random people because the scores don't actually match to the judges preference (that you must give away valuable items that could be used to level up your people instead)

I will revisit this game at a later date to see if it has been changed but meanwhile avoid this game at ANY price point.
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