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Flakterna 28 de set. às 5:05 
Elmer: Shhhhh! Be vewy vewy quiet! I'm huntin' wabbits. Huehuehuehuehue.

Bugs: Ehhhh what's up, Doc!

You got a tight little man-♥♥♥♥♥ on you don't ya? deep inhale ahhh it stinks! Nice and good.

Elmer: Ahhh you're horting me.

Bugs: Looks like this little rabbit's hoppin' down the ol' bunny trail.

Elmer: Please let me go mister bunny!

Bugs: Lookin' like a double wide surprise. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥...

Father of Bugs: Bugs, that's enough.

Look at you son. Look at what you've become!

Bugs: I'm what you made me to be, father!

Father: I'm so glad your mother isn't here to see this; God rest her soul. She would he heartbroken...
Flakterna 28 de set. às 5:05 
Bugs: I want to change... but the TEMPTATIONS! They overwhelm this little bunny.

Father: Be the bigger bunny, Bugs! Let this poor man go!

Bugs: But they keep killing us, father! They keep taking! And TAKING!.. So many lives lost...

Father: Be the bigger bunny...

Bugs: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry for what I've done...

Father: I did it, Martha. I finally got through to him. Now you can finally rest in peace.

'That's All Folks' jingle
Flakterna 27 de set. às 9:51 
Dear listeners, oft do we ponder the vast and bewildering cosmos, where eldritch forces conspire to reveal the hidden depths of creation's darkest corners. In such depths, there lies a revelation most peculiar, a convergence of man and beast—an unholy amalgamation born of the Field Egg Group. One may gaze upon the Vaporeon, that aquatic enigma, and find themselves drawn to its most curious compatibility with the baser desires of man.

For you see, dear reader, the Vaporeon, standing at a modest 3 feet and 3 inches, weighing a mere 63.9 pounds, presents itself as the perfect vessel for such unnatural congress. Its biology, steeped in water and mystery, lends it a form capable of enduring the rigors of human intimacy. With its robust pool of health, fortified further by the forbidden knowledge of Acid Armor, this creature is capable of withstanding the cruelest of advances, its flesh supple yet resilient—an embodiment of nature’s twisted perfection.
Flakterna 27 de set. às 9:50 
One cannot deny the sensual allure of this creature’s aquatic nature, for surely, in the throes of passion, the Vaporeon would become a veritable torrent, its form slick and yielding, ready to entertain your depraved desires without cessation. And oh, the moves it possesses! Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate—these are the tools of manipulation, designed to enrapture and beguile, while Tail Whip teases in the most devilish of fashions. Its smooth, fur-less hide leaves nothing to the imagination, making it all too easy to fall under its seductive spell.
Flakterna 27 de set. às 9:50 
Ah, but there is more—its innate abilities, Water Absorb and Hydration, ensure that the Vaporeon remains ever refreshed, capable of withstanding endless torment, recovering time and again from even the most exhaustive encounters. No other creature can match this level of endurance, this perverse compatibility with mankind's most base inclinations. One might even observe, with grim satisfaction, how the Vaporeon, when subjected to repeated… efforts, can take on a ghastly pale hue, an abominable transformation wrought by your own hand.

Indeed, dear listener, the Vaporeon is built for such purposes, a horrifying testament to nature’s cruel indifference. Its towering defenses, reinforced by Acid Armor, ensure that it can weather the attentions of all shapes and sizes, returning again and again, hungering for more. Truly, it is a creature unparalleled in its design.*
Flakterna 27 de set. às 8:12 
A girl… AND a gamer? The very notion shakes the foundations of reality, a twisted mockery of fate's design. Oh, the temptations of flesh and folly! Hummina… hummina… bazoooooooning…! Behold, as the eyes bulge grotesquely from their sockets, an abominable spectacle of desire, alien to both reason and restraint.

AROOGAAAA! A monstrous howl, the jaw unhinged, the tongue unfurls, slithering like some hellish beast, born of ravenous hunger. It lurches, it writhes, stretching, consuming all within its path—woof… woof… woof, the maddening cacophony, relentless as it echoes in the hollow recesses of the mind.