St. Moses of 7:12
Joshua Khan
L4D Commandments
1.) Thou shalt not hold another game above L4D, for the AI director is a jealous ♥♥♥♥♥, and will lay mighty wreckage upon thee.
2.) Thou shalt use flame hunters when possible. Theirs is the holy flame that shall purge the world of nonbelievers and sinners, that they might be reborn in glorious zombiehood
3.) Thou shalt NEVER waste a boomer, for his vomit is the 1337 cement that glues epic wreckage together
4.) Remember the game, and keep it holy. the AI director is all knowing and all powerful, he does not approve of thine unrighteous bitchery.
5.) Honor thy teammates, for without them thou art a blasphemous sac of flesh waiting to be purified
6.) Thou shalt not kill that which is not already dead
7.) Thou shalt not friendly fire upon thine teammates, nor shall you leave them behind, excepting when race mode is active, or by team consent.
8.) Thou shalt not take another's health supplies
9.) Thou shalt NOT turn thine other cheek in the face of special infected, for double or triple pounces will anger thine teammates and cause them to rage
10.) Thou shalt not rage in the face of 1337 wreckage and mad skillz, for only from sweet destruction does one learn how to prevent it and in turn affect it upon others

L4D - 25:17 - The path of the righteous survivor is beset on all sides by the iniquities of selfish runners and the tyranny of special infected. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill crowns the witches in the Hospital of Mercy, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost health packs. And I shall strike down upon thee with 1337 bash and furious shotgun those who would attempt to incap and destroy my bretheren. And you will know my name is the St. Moses the Black when I lay my wreckage upon thee.
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WooKieE 28 Aug, 2010 @ 10:50pm 
I never read that passage until now, lawl