1. 專注於你aim的目標
2. 與水融為一體
3. 我很elo孤獨awp
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Tzunami 2 hours ago 
Tzunami 14 Mar @ 4:02pm 
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Ashe | MTF 12 Mar @ 12:44pm 
nvm was just good but a sore loser
Duckay 6 Mar @ 1:15pm 
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life" John 3:16
Duckay 6 Mar @ 1:14pm 
Keep yo head up G ignore the haters they just insecure and need Jesus
Duckay 6 Mar @ 1:14pm 
-rep dripped out and clean as heck + aura + rich + Money and good at game