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Julkaistu: 24.9.2022 klo 23.31

Freedom Planet 2 is a turbo version of Freedom Planet 1, with almost all parts of it being tuned up to be even better than the first one.

While in the first game you would choose between Lilac and Carol (with Milla being a bonus character unlocked later on), here you have the option of the first three character plus Neera, one of the antagonists turned hero in this one.
Not only that but the moveset for all characters were overhauled and added to, giving you way more tools to glide, fight and explore the stages, both at your own pace and on breakneck speedrunning speeds.
The game plays really fluid and i had no problems at all on that department, the game does ask focus of the player and don't hold your hand at all in any way, if you don't up your own game, you gonna have trouble, even more so on bosses where they can very well drain your entire life bar in seconds if you don't focus.
There are some hiccups here and there but they in no way get in front of the fun so i would give it a 9/10.

Stage wise the game has more or less 30 stages i think, it's not a giant game, but it gives you enough content to deal with to not feel short, and that is not adding in the the campaigns of all 4 characters, since they all play different enough that you will have different problems to solve with each one. While i just finished the game i really want to get on the other characters to play through all the stages again from their perspectives, 10/10.

Music is a blast just like the first one, even more so in some places, it's as close to perfection as i think a human made work can be, props to the musicians and sound design guys, they did one hell of a job here! 10/10!

graphics are also amazing, everything is conveyed really well and danger is really easy to spot. Though the danger sign for projectiles outside of the screen does feel like a place holder and breaks alway from the game overall aesthetic, hope they fix that. 8/10.

Now, story... that's where i think this game kinda fails, HARD.
first, from a gameplay perspective, forcing people to play the game in story mode first before giving them the option to play classic mode (a mode more akin to old games where you just go from stage to stage without cutscenes or anything) is a step back from FP1, it reeks of writers throwing a hissy fit at the though that someone might not care about their work, and forcing them to it as an act of rebelion.
Now, if the story was at least on par with the first game, where it was not good, but did things interestingly enough, i think it would be ok to suffer through it once, but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ FP2 story drops the ball way too many times to be passable.
The main villain is a walking cliché of rebel without a cause and the writers trying to much at making you want to like her, most actions of Merga in the game comes off as a child throwing a tantrum, and basically boils down to "bad people did bad things so i will destroy the world, even tho the bad people don't even exist anymore".
Then you have the plot points that only serve to futher themselves instead of fleshing up the world, and to be honest, just feels like the writers are spending way too much time on twitter.
At no point in the first or second game we see any sign of slavery, yet somehow the story talk about it as if it was the most important part of the entire history of the world, the first game makes no distinction between dragon races, but now they have to because they need to push the story forward.
In the first game we had a completely ruthless warlord that would get things done and had no time for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, here we have a child-like snowflake taking her problems on the rest of the world because it hurt her feefees.
And again, the story would have zero importance... IF they didn't held classic mode hostage so people would be forced to play through it.
Galaxy Trail dropped the ball HARD here, there are some funny conversations and cool secondary characters in it, so it's not all lost, but still a 4/10.

So yeah, gameplay, amazing, sound/music, amazing, graphics also amazing, if you can suffer through the garbage story, go for it, i hope they just give us the option to start on classic mode from the get go.
all in all, i will still give the game a 8/10, would be a 9/10 if it didn't had any story/if you're playing through classic mode.
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