I said to a man who stood at the gate...
give me a light that I may tread safely
into the unknown.
And he replied,
"Go out into the darkness
and put your hand into the hand of God.
That shall be to you better than a light
and safer than a known way."
So I clocked him good and magically he produced a lantern. Gosh, I wonder where it came from.
Momenteel offline
mirakel 12 aug 2016 om 22:49 
It wouldn't be much of a hiding place if I told you, right? Wait a second! I am not hiding! See? I'm even here. Right now. Not hiding. See? Look.
mirakel 8 aug 2016 om 0:41 
Not yet!
mirakel 13 mei 2016 om 22:16 
If you don't observe the law, I will be forced to delete posts. Distruction and censorship will reign with an iron fist, fingers too tightly clenched to let any rabble rousers eke by.
mirakel 10 mei 2016 om 20:52 
Ross! Why! Why did you double post! That's against the rules! Nothing btw about it!

Also. Nice ratio.
mirakel 9 mei 2016 om 4:12 
Spaurinski! It is certainly most NOT drama! I am simply clarifying what happened on the evening when brave battles were fought, victories were celebrated, and defeats were heavy. It's not often Frossty graces us with his presense out on the battlefield, and in that rarity of rarities, I acted for a brief time as a human shield. Perfectly calm and still was I in the face of doom and terror. Frossty was standing out in the open, trying to find his next victim to snipe. Me being a good intelligent soldier, knows better than to stand upright as an obstruction to snipers behind the lines. So I crouched. And THIS he calls twerking! On the witness stand, mind you! In black and blue ink! Twerking! And this YOU call drama! I've seen everything! Huff!
Speransky 8 mei 2016 om 8:30 
Now that is what i call a DRAMA.