Curiosity killed the cat!
My profile is public so that anyone can write on the wall. If you want help with something and/or you are adding me, please drop me a comment explaining the reason why. Thanks in advance.

If you genuinely wished for personal information, oh, how cruelly misled you've been! I suggest you had better acquaint yourself with the FAQ of Project Rosebud RPG [] our DST roleplaying servers run.
Currently Offline
Greetings in the little den of horror known as my account. You're welcome.

I would have never thought it would come to this, but the recent activity, namely dozens of friend requests from people I have never met without any explanation why they are adding me has convinced me of the need to write some kind of FAQ of the local savoir-vivre when dealing with yours truly. Please do respect the rules, they could not have been easier to follow.


My profile is public for a reason. Please write a comment on my open wall before adding me. I strongly dislike accepting random invitations and am hesitant to do so. You have the ability to write in advance to explain why you want to add me. Do use it.


You need not be friends with me to trade. I have Steam Guard and a public inventory, which means no trade holds (unless you lack the app) and counter-offers. Feel free to make offers, but please use the comment box in the trading window to tell me a bit about what you want and what DST character you main. This helps me tailor a trade acceptable to both parties. If your profile is not public to allow countering, if the offer is not for me, I will have to simply decline it. I mostly hold interest in DST skins, only using cards to level up for more showcases (yes, trades in which you offer a set of cheapest cards for some outfit of mine are fine). My most frequently played vanillas are Willow and Wes. The trade link is here .


I picked up Paladins on a friend's cue and found it a very calming pastime to clear my mind. With relatively few people playing supports and the combined power of the fact most of the (female) flanks and damages are ridiculously designed, I started learning the ropes. Somehow I began maining Pip and trying out new uses for him while still healing efficiently, mostly to protect my friend whose expertise often forces to take roles others ignore (tanks!). If you'd like some help in regard to this, don't hesitate to add me in the game ( . A good introduction to the game was written by Some Random Canadian here , well worth a read.

Androxus 16
Ash 39
Atlas 20
Barik 37
Bomb King 20
Buck 16
Cassie 26
Corvus 40
Dredge 17
Drogoz 925
Evie 21
Fernando 44
Furia 39
Grohk 47
Grover 49
Imani 33
Inara 37
Io 33
Jenos 38
Khan 26
Kinessa 18
Koga 19
Lex 20
Lian 29
Maeve 53
Makoa 28
Mal'Damba 41
Moji 22
Octavia 28
Pip 51
Raum 28
Rei 31
Ruckus 32
Saati 24
Seris 61
Sha Lin 22
Skye 29
Strix 17
Talus 16
Terminus 29
Tiberius 16
Torvald 20
Tyra 20
Vatu 27
Viktor 12
Vivian 14
Vora 33
Willo 30
Yagorath 21
Ying 43
Zhin 29


I will happily assist you in creating your own server from scratch. There is enough information on dedis [], but hosted servers can be just as powerful and offer more control over the users, providing a less griefer-ridden experience. If you are looking for help with custom maps, expanding the slots or server moderation, please post your query on my wall first.
King Dedede 7 Jul, 2022 @ 7:45pm 
It's been a while since we've last spoken, but I hope that you're doing well.
moromoro 20 Jan, 2022 @ 12:15pm 
i wonna have friend in dont starve togather
FORSE 24 Apr, 2021 @ 4:42pm 
Update this mod please (Multi-Worlds DST)
Caraid 5 Nov, 2019 @ 5:07pm 
Added 'cause we met in a game once and wanted to be friends
Hayato The Seeker 11 Sep, 2019 @ 12:45am 
i added you bc i saw you are one of the multiworlds developer and i wanted to make some questions bc i love the mod
Viesta2015 26 May, 2019 @ 2:16pm 
i friended you so i can play with you more in DST