Kash   Australia
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- An idiot sandwich -
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The Highs
Because who doesn't love a good list?!

1. Hit top 5 on the Diablo III season 21 leaderboard for hardcore monk - amazing feeling!
2. Finishing God of War (2018) on ps4. One of the best games i've ever played.

3. Skyrim. Own on literally every console have bought it about 6 times. Modding.

4. Hit Level 200 in Maplestory. Top bucaneer on the server for a while. HUGE time/money sink
tho :(

5. Original DotA by icefrog. Sucked at it but man was awesome fun after school

6. FFX. First ever final fantasy game. You will always love the first FF you play.

7. Path of Exile.

8. Spiral Knights. Pulled allnighters playing this on school nights....almost 100% achievements. addict.

9. Super Smash Bros 64. The OG smash on N64. imo best one (never had a GC lol)

10. Bloodborne. My First ever souls game i actually finished. Will never forget the moment i saw
the credits roll.

Screenshot Showcase
Weapon is bigger and brighter than my future
Rain 24 Dec, 2015 @ 11:30am 
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Merry Christmas ! :D