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Recent reviews by Dusk

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2 people found this review helpful
917.8 hrs on record (627.0 hrs at review time)
相信大家都注意到了最近游戏内经济的变化,无论是海战、陆战、空战、AB、RB、SB。Gaijin 不断突破界限,测试玩家的极限。如果你熟悉《逃离塔科夫》这款游戏,你可能知道当游戏开发者不断挑衅他们的玩家群时的后果。作为这个游戏的玩家,我们为它的活跃做出了贡献,理论上,Gaijin 应该感谢我们每一位继续支持和鼓励这个游戏的人。然而,Gaijin 不断突破界限,剥削我们每一个人。最近的经济变化不仅仅是一个简单的调整;Gaijin 逐渐表明,如果你不为这款游戏付费,你就不配玩它。
恳请在座各位玩家勇敢站出来抵制这种行为。Gaijin 现在已经侵犯了我们作为玩家的权利,我们不能也不应该让 Gaijin 继续剥削我们。是时候让我们玩家团结起来,站在一起了。我们应该是一个集体,一个阶级,反对盖金对我们的剥削和压迫。我们来这里是为了享受这个游戏,在其中寻找乐趣,我们不应该为 Gaijin 工作。

To all the players of War Thunder:
I believe everyone has noticed the recent changes in the in-game economy, whether it's for naval, ground, air battles, AB, RB, or SB. Gaijin is continuously pushing the boundaries and testing the limits of its players. If you are familiar with the game "Escape from Tarkov," you probably know the consequences when game developers constantly provoke their player base. As players of this game, we contribute to its activity, and in theory, Gaijin should appreciate each and every one of us who continues to support and encourage this game. However, Gaijin keeps pushing the boundaries and exploiting each and every one of us. This recent economic change is not just a simple adjustment, Gaijin is gradually making it clear that if you don't pay for this game, you don't deserve to play it.
I implore every player here to bravely stand up and resist this behavior. Gaijin has now infringed upon our rights as players, and we cannot, and should not, let Gaijin continue to exploit us in the future. It is time for us players to unite and stand together. We should be a collective, a class, opposing Gaijin's exploitation and oppression towards us. We are here to enjoy this game, to find joy in it, and we should not be working for Gaijin.
1 hope that each player will save and spread this message. This post will undoubtedly be deleted, but we should copy it, share it, on any platform, anywhere that allows us to make our voices heard. Fellow warriors, let's fight for our future. Stay strong!
Posted 18 May, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
14.1 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
Posted 17 August, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
14.9 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
找不到预购奖励的只有我一个么= = 机库只有一架104
Posted 1 February, 2019.
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7.7 hrs on record (6.8 hrs at review time)
嗝 已经三星去第二座岛啦 其实第一座岛就是教程关 他让你干嘛你就干嘛 就不会出现钱不够的情况了 然后游戏给满分 开发商也诚意满满 中文配音很棒 不说了 我要去造一个游园设施叫做“你跑我追 追到你就吃掉你” 有人愿意去体验一下么
Posted 12 June, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
25.5 hrs on record (11.6 hrs at review time)
游戏绝对是一个好游戏 , 在第一次看到steep的宣传片的时候就想玩了 。 玩这个游戏最大了乐趣是探索(对我而言不喜欢去玩固定的赛事) 我记得我第二天花了一个上午 , 按了数百次tab就为了翼装通过一个没有官方赛事的山谷 , 第一次成功穿过山谷时内心充满喜悦和成就感 , 巨特么爽。后来就随便找个地方从山上一路随意的滑倒山脚,然后又用上升气流回到山顶,反复如此,还截了不少壁纸呢。 缺点就是,社交系统太过无用,希望可以加强。以及翼装飞行开第一人称真的很作死。。。。。(一开第一人称就掌握不好飞行高度的哭瞎)希望后续加入非雪地地图和河流,更希望以后加入自行车速降和皮划艇速降(付费dlc也无所谓了,你敢出我就敢买!)
Posted 1 January, 2017.
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16.7 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
炒鸡好玩 虽然ping有点高但是完全不影响游戏体验 希望能早些推出中文字幕 作为英文苦手有点尴尬 看不懂鲨鱼的技能
Posted 26 January, 2016.
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866.6 hrs on record (47.9 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Posted 20 August, 2015.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries