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20.8 hrs on record (7.0 hrs at review time)
Found this tool by accident. Can't believe Nvidia wont let me unlock newest DLSS tech. This app more or less the same but universally boost fps. From my first 7 hours of testing, this tool felt a lot like v-sync but with steroids. While this tech isn't new to the industry, I think this app is perfect for everyone who wants to experience higher fps, well at least feels like it.

To get better value out of this, I suggest keeping based game fps to 30 at minimum. I find that getting below that number feels choppy and artificial. For example, i'm testing this on witcher 3. I forced rtx settings at max, but keeping my graphics settings at normal (not the enhanced one) ultra setting. I got 30 fps avg in 1920x1080 res. With lossless scaling, i can get 45-60 fps and still feels natural to my eyes.

Bottom line.....
-Is it worth it? Yes if you wanna get little illusion of higher fps in a game.
-Price for value? Very good, definitely must buy even though it's not on sale.
-Effective or just placebo? If you are looking for significant increase, then you're gonna be dissapointed. This only giving you small boost.
-Compatible for all games? Not sure tho, I only tested this on couple of games. Tried it on ryujinx, it worked at least.
-It has 1 small issue. Sometime games do crashes this app. After crash, the whole screen goes black. Had to restart my pc. Not common, but still an issue. Not bothering tho.

Looking forward for every update from the dev....
Posted 28 January. Last edited 28 January.
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37.7 hrs on record (36.7 hrs at review time)
I'm still here after EA ruined PvZ franchise. Much love to the artists and compossers. MasterPEAS :)

Brains / 10

-nOt zOMbieS
Posted 24 January, 2024. Last edited 24 January, 2024.
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40.4 hrs on record
Here’s my spoiler free review of Far Cry 4 :

What’s this game about? It’s simply about a son who wants to fulfill his mother’s last wish. The journey to Kyrat began. You have to fight all the way there and learn the truth. Along the way you have to decide who you want to side with. There are only 2 leaders to choose from based on your preference or play style. They’ll be the future of Kyrat.

What I enjoyed from the game :

1. I like the atmosphere. It’s truly outstanding with realistic vegetative and animals. Sometimes I just want to sit and relax and enjoy the view.
2. The world is full of activities. You might find this a little bit unnecessary, but in my opinion, this is what makes the open-world aspect lively and immersive.
3. The mechanics are easy to understand but need some time to learn.
4. Weapon choices are plentiful. Pocket grenade launcher is the most op in my opinion. It’s sidearm (usable while driving) and also deals lots of damage.
5. I like the sneak kill aspect. I know that you can just blast outpost all at once, but I enjoyed sneaking more.
6. Economy is relatively balance not too grindy.
7. Most of the syringe boosts are useful. Especially hunting syringe, which I used the most.
8. Movement is fluid. It feels like you are there to do everything.
9. Story is interesting. For those who already completed the game, there is a secret ending that is super interesting and worth checking out.

In between love and hate :

1. Animals' spawn rates are often too rapid. This sometimes ruins your mission. E.g eagle can kill you randomly, while you don’t look at the sky often. Remember to kill predators when possible or just run away.
2. Some mission is a drag and feels repetitive. The part I like about that mission is the reward it gave. Worth the struggle.
3. Crafting aspect is not well made. You have to collect animal’s skins to upgrade yourself. I think there is a better way to do that, maybe buy a new one from the store. Or obtain it through another region or heck maybe give it minigames. What I like about this is I get to interact more with the world to find animal to skin.

What I hate about the game :

1. Ubisoft Connect. I hate it because I have to fire up Steam and then have to wait a long loading to open Ubisoft Connect. Most of the time they displayed error syncing. It’s frustrating.
2. Easy to normal difficulty is too easy and hard difficulty is annoying. While AI works the worst on difficulty below hard, it’s the most balanced experience. In hard, enemies are dealing more damage and more accurately hitting you, even from far away.
3. Some bugs lead you to a soft lock state. This means you no longer can progress the game except to restart from the checkpoint. Don’t worry it’s not that often.

Summary :

I think this game is still worth trying, even though this game was released in 2014. If you like a shooter with an open world aspect, this game is for you.
Posted 17 January, 2024. Last edited 17 January, 2024.
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130.6 hrs on record (81.6 hrs at review time)
This is my review for theHunter: Call of the Wild.

The Good

This game is a truly relaxing hunting game where you can choose to be a reckless hunter or just like a true hunter. This game is immersive and I admire every detail that this game delivered. The Weapons without dlcs are pretty good but if you have extra money to spare just buy all of the weapon packs. Reserve in this game are big and give players choice to how they hunt their animal. I personally think you should buy the top three reserves such as Yukon valley, Medved-Taiga, and Vurhonga Savanna. Those are pretty good and I enjoyed them all.
Perks and Skills system in this game is balanced but not perfect. There are several options that you can choose depending on your play style and how you wanted to play this game. The tracking system is an ok for me because there is some bug regarding the tracking system. The a.i is not the best but they are enough to give me a feeling of the hunter experience.
The graphics in this game are stunning, I can’t help but stop every minute to admire how beautiful this game is. I played on ultra and well it runs smoothly in my RTX 3060.
The reward systems in this game are fair and rewarding. You must know how you kill your target effectively and what weapon or bullet type to choose.
The story is really nice to spice things up and give some backstory to what happened exactly.

The Bad

For 100+ hours of experience, I encountered so many bugs but aren’t that game breaking but still can get really annoying. The first bug is when you shoot the for example moose, sometimes you don’t get the animation of that moose being shot. It just runs away. But actually, you hit it with your bullet(s). It’s not annoying but for a beginner, it can be a false indicator and make you think that the moose just runs away. The next bug is the weapon while in the first person bug. This bug occurred at random moments but this rarely happens now. Sometimes weapon or your hand disappear but can easily be fixed by pressing H to hand your weapon again. There is some rare bug such as a track that doesn’t appear after you shot the animal, a body of the dead animal that cannot be harvested, and an animal hitting you and constantly flying far away from lands. The last bugs are just funny ones, I and my friends found ATV bugs while hitting a bloodhound dog. If you hit a bloodhound dog, the ATV will spin a little bit. And more funny bugs with it.


Should I buy the hunter? Yes, you should, this game is a good way to relieve your stress by playing slowly and admiring every stunning view this game had.

Is the price worth the contents? Yes especially weapon packs, they are really good and you should try them all.

Should I buy full DLCs? I think yes if it’s on sale, because ATV, bloodhound, weapon packs, and more reserves are the best to upgrade your experience.

What’s the best DLC so far? I think ATV, Bloodhound, Smoking barrels weapon pack, and Yukon Valley reserve are the best DLC. Those can help you and upgrade the experience.

Should I buy all of the reserves? It depends. If you buy a full collection, it’s a good deal, but if you’re like me who bought the game first and can’t buy a bundle, maybe consider buying reserves while on sale.

This game can make you feel like “enough for today” but you will keep coming back for more. If you have more friends to play with (like 6 people) then you can hunt and have fun with them or just do silly stuff. Okay, that’s all from me. Happy hunting. :)
Posted 12 December, 2021. Last edited 3 May, 2022.
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129.3 hrs on record
I think Stardew Valley is the best farming game in existance. Of course there are few reason why. First, this game is kinda old, but devs been giving lots of care into this game. Such update for story, gameplay, and features, gives Stardew Valley more fun and different experience. Secondly, this game has amazing graphics with outstanding characters and story. I kept revisiting the game after a while. This shows that Stardew Valley is enjoyable to play. Bottom line, if you are someone who never play such game, give Stardew Valley a try. It's worth to buy even in full price.
Posted 6 October, 2021. Last edited 4 December, 2024.
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