Kỳ Phùng Địch Thủ
Dano Tilo
My Steam offer :

Never back down !!!

New world, new rules

My trades, my rules
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:dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: Hey guys ! Welcome to Dano's page ! :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal:

:Rusty: First of all, I would like to thank all traders and brothers whose help me to become a Trader and have so many good couriers as I want.
Yes, I am Vietnamese and currently staying in Sydney !

:Rusty: Secondly, to all players/traders,
Please leave MESSAGES below BEFORE ADDING me !
:Stoss: I will IGNORE Private Inventory/Suspicious Profile.
:Stoss: I will NOT donate or give free items to anyone.

:Rusty: Finally, I would loved to buy "luxury items" ( DC hooks, D2D Wardog, Base/Unusual Platinum Roshan, Gemless Platinum Roshan and Golden Babyroshan) and also willing to trade everything in my inventory.

This is my STEAM OFFER ==> :sneakingspirit::sneakingspirit::sneakingspirit: http://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=104726935&token=Y80MGZGm :sneakingspirit::sneakingspirit::sneakingspirit:

:bpflash::bpflash::bpflash: Thanks for visiting Dano's page again ! Hope you all enjoys playing and trading in Dota2 ! :bpflash::bpflash::bpflash:

:dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal: :dotecrystal:
Витрина скриншотов
Dota 2
9 5
Любимая группа
Golden Baby Roshan Owner's
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GL. 谢谢一路有你❤~ 3 мая. 2016 г. в 14:30 
hey dude, do u wanna sell your grb? i am doing the Golden Baby Roshan collection. pls reply me thx!
puku 25 апр. 2016 г. в 0:06 
I cant reach ur site wtf ??
GL. 谢谢一路有你❤~ 20 апр. 2016 г. в 22:33 
hey dude, do u wanna sell your grb? i am doing the collection.:grimmonster:
亗 Agent of Chaos 亗 21 мар. 2016 г. в 9:27 
interested in legacy ?
DETI HORONYAT KONYA 5 фев. 2016 г. в 3:12 
csgo-vodka. com code EAZYGUN
IRONG BUANG 28 авг. 2015 г. в 2:20 
Can we swap bundle? i have magnus thanks i want to get lina or rubick.