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13 of 37 (35%) достижений::

Личные достижения

The next best thing

Complete 100 side quests in all games
Дата получения: 16 янв. 2017 г. в 9:12

Where am I going to put all this?

Collect 100 gold in all games
Дата получения: 4 янв. 2017 г. в 11:35

Shut up and take my money!

Lose 100 gold coins in all games
Дата получения: 4 янв. 2017 г. в 10:51

Shani would be impressed

Heal 100 wounds in all games
Дата получения: 4 янв. 2017 г. в 11:57


Collect 100 blue leads in all games
Дата получения: 31 дек. 2016 г. в 13:14

Budding emissary

Collect 100 purple leads in all games
Дата получения: 29 дек. 2016 г. в 12:39

Wanna fight?

Collect 100 red leads in all games
Дата получения: 29 дек. 2016 г. в 11:40

Prince of darkness

Place 13 FF tokens in total on other players hero sheets in all games
Дата получения: 28 дек. 2016 г. в 12:25


Receive 100 wounds in all games
Дата получения: 4 янв. 2017 г. в 10:34

Local Champion

Win 10 offline games
Дата получения: 15 янв. 2017 г. в 11:35

We're just getting started!

Score 50 VP in a single game
Дата получения: 29 дек. 2016 г. в 10:56

First one there wins a horse!

Score 100 VP in a single game
Дата получения: 29 дек. 2016 г. в 11:18

A true Veteran

Score 500 VP in all games
Дата получения: 4 янв. 2017 г. в 10:54

Don't walk away

Become delyed 50 times
43 / 50


Complete 100 quests in all games
38 / 100

Helping Hand

Complete 100 support quests in all games
0 / 100

Die die my darling

Flip 100 wounds to their severe side in all games
14 / 100

Welcome to Vivaldi Bank!

Collect 500 gold in all games
130 / 500

Vivaldi's best client

Collect 1000 gold in all games
130 / 1,000

Nenneke would be proud

Heal 100 severe wounds in all games
58 / 100

Oxenfurt lecturer

Collect 500 blue leads in all games
202 / 500

Fount of knowledge

Collect 1000 blue leads in all games
202 / 1,000

Veteran Diplomat

Collect 500 purple leads in all games
167 / 500

Advisor to Kings

Collect 1000 purple leads in all games
167 / 1,000

Trust me - you don't want to fight me

Collect 500 red leads in all games
271 / 500

Warned you!

Collect 1000 red leads in all games
271 / 1,000

BDSM aficionado

Receive 100 severe wounds in all games
71 / 100

Luck never made a man wise

Remove 100 foul fate tokens from a hero sheet in all games
81 / 100

Bright Glow Flickering over the Tombstones of My Enemies

Win 10 online games
0 / 10

Harsh Light Inundanting the Coffins of My Enemies

Win 20 online games
0 / 20

White Flame Dancing on the Graves of My Enemies

Win 50 online games
0 / 50

Not in my house!

Win 20 offline games
10 / 20

Master of my domain

Win 50 offline games
10 / 50

You had my curiosity - now you've got my attention

Score 150 VP in a single game

King of the hill

Score 1000 VP in all games
872 / 1,000

Simply the best

Score 2000 VP in all games
872 / 2,000

Don't let them bring you down

Lose 100 VP in all games
95 / 100