
Käyttäjän JP_0309 viimeaikaiset arvostelut

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3 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 68.4 tuntia (44.3 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Honestly, this is probably one of the best games I've ever played... and I've played a lot of games. The story is incredible, the combat is intense and involving, the world is massive (yet still extremely detailed and full of stuff to do), and I really feel like I can relate to some of the main characters. 10/10.
Julkaistu 10. marraskuuta 2015
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
2 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 522.9 tuntia (28.3 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Early Access -arvostelu
I'd like to think I've been around in the arma community for awhile, having played arma II regularly before the dayZ mod was released. Because of this, this review MAY be a tad bit biased. Just wanted to add that in there.
In my opinion, DayZ standalone is a giant step up from the mod and shows lots of promise. I haven't put that many hours into it just yet, but from what I've seen the graphics, mechanics, and functionality all seem to be heading in the right direction. HOWEVER, this is a VERY EARLY ALPHA version of the game. This means that not everything is working or will be working in the near future, and the game is very barebones and has a fraction of the content that it will eventually have. That said, if you are expecting a fun, stable, and complete game DO NOT BUY IT. For me, DayZ is a great way to spend my time. I've put many hours into the mod (it says 0.5 hrs on my profile b/c i used DayZ Commander to launch) and I think that the standalone version of the game is only going to get better over the next year(s).
Is this a great game at the moment? For me yeah it is. But it's very glitchy, buggy, and unstable. If you can't handle that now then don't buy it just yet.
Is it worth the $30 (USD)? I believe so. Even though it is an early access game the pricing seems okay to me. A lot of games have been trying to create the perfect "Open World Survival Game" and not many have been accomplishing it very well. I think that DayZ is probably the closest and most well done game of the survival genre. I expect it to get better and better over time too, so take that into consideration.
Julkaistu 6. tammikuuta 2014
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 120.1 tuntia (32.2 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Half of this game is just seeing how much loot you can horde. 10/10
Also the DLC is pretty fun.
Julkaistu 5. tammikuuta 2014 Viimeksi muokattu 5. tammikuuta 2014.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 92.2 tuntia (51.9 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Good Game ^^
Julkaistu 26. elokuuta 2013
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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