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bassblitzed 17 Sep @ 12:18am 
Hear me out, what if we had claws? Like imagine the Karens at Walmart staring in shock as we casually slash open a family size bag of doritos with our razor sharp claws. Then the kids would be like "ooo cool claws mister" and the Karen's would be like "Oh no! He's using his claws to open bags of chips!" Then we'd just smirk and do a cool catwalk away. The Karens would be speechless and the kids would be cheering us on.
bassblitzed 1 Jan, 2023 @ 6:35pm 
bassblitzed 1 May, 2022 @ 5:53pm 
bassblitzed 17 Jan, 2022 @ 9:44pm 

Zarkus 31 May, 2020 @ 1:48pm 
@Marquise Spinneret Mindfang
no i dont think so... i think that u are thee
Marquise Spinneret Mindfang 24 Sep, 2019 @ 6:40pm 

I'd just like to say that I'm kind of disappointed. You were kicked from the Discord for a reason. For a while there we all kinda tolerated it, but sometimes you just go too far. Nobody wants to listen to you rant for an hour and a half about how all the "foreigners" are filling up your competitive servers. I think you made that Pedro kid cry when you told him his mother could go and eat pilsbury cookie dough out of her own butt. I think his mom recently passed away or something because he was really upset about that. He cried for about 5 minutes before he disconnected from the server. I understand you're mad and that you want " Trump to build the wall to keep these foreigners out of my comp servers " but we don't really want to listen to that all the time, it just gets really hard to listen to. Just because you got kicked doesn't mean you have to go and leave toxic comments on our profiles. Please just leave us alone and stop harrassing people.
