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Näytetään 11–20 / 29
11 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 3.5 tuntia
This is a rough one. It's a very middle of the road game. I find there's things the game does very well (generally just being very interesting to look at, having a handful of art styles mashed together surprisingly decently), but then there's things the game does very poorly...and unfortunately that's the majority of the game.

The rest of the review will have spoilers, it's hard to avoid them for this. And as always, this will be long.

At the end of the day, when I look at the game, I can't really justify how much it costs, despite it being very cheap. It's a 3 hour game at best, as you can see, and that's only because the game forces you to play it at bare minimum twice (three times if you don't want to skip the good ending in favor of the best ending), maybe more if you aren't just able to read the minds of a few of the puzzles. Quite a lot of them are either insultingly easy or bizarrely unintuitive. It's a weird scale where you'll go from putting a button on a lift so that it can raise you up to someone (easy), to having to assume that one of the rooms in the artist's area of the game has portraits on the wall that you have to click in order of the color of the rainbow (why would you assume this). There are a lot of trial and error puzzles like this with very little in the ways of hints if you're struggling. The game really demands you to just figure it out or die repeatedly trying.

This isn't always a bad thing, there's still appeal to it especially for players of older horror games where a lot of the time things were vague and you had to work for your rewards. Which brings me to the other problem...there doesn't really feel like there's any rewards. To make this clear, there are three endings, and you are required to get the bad ending on your first playthrough. You cannot avoid this. So there's already some forced padding here.

There are two more endings after this, the good ending, which you can only get if you grabbed a letter from one ghost in a past playthrough (and this is one of the most hidden items, so you can easily miss it and have to replay the entire game yet again if you were unfortunate and didn't just assume you needed to explore in an otherwise fairly linear level) and therefore wrap up saving all the ghosts (again, assuming you did that), and the midnight (true) ending, which has the same requirements as the good ending...except you have to play the game at midnight. Like, actually midnight in your computer's settings. Totally honest, I just changed my steam deck's time for this, I was playing the game at 2 pm and wasn't going to wait ten hours to finish it properly.

So, why do I say there's no rewards? Well, let's ignore the fact you're guaranteed the bad ending first playthrough. Fine, that can be discouraging for some people, but that's not an issue. What is incredibly unrewarding is the midnight ending. In it, you randomly have the ability to control the ghost of the...relative? Sibling? Child? Of the killer. I say this with uncertainty because the wiki is useless and information is sparse in the game itself. The story is borderline incoherent without going out of your way to google context and the context is limited. It's frustrating and part of why it's so unrewarding as a game. If I have to look for outside resources to fully comprehend what's going on, that's a sign of poor design. I digress though. So you play as this ghost and go through each area of the game yet again with minor differences to it. After interacting with each difference, the ghost will stop the killer from killing each ghost you've already seen dead in the first playthrough. There's no explanation for why this is the case, why you're specifically able to save each character now, or even why they're now all somehow on the train at the same time when it seemed to be implied otherwise before for every character except the twins. So the game ends with everyone alive and happy and, again, as I found out solely from google because the game sure didn't tell me, apparently the killer goes and gets therapy instead of committing murder.

It's really frustrating that the story is just so nonexistent and needs background supply to make any sense, because it really damages the rest of the game. Not every horror game needs to have a plot, but this game tries to be edgy and mysterious about things that are going on while also clearly assuming you are understanding, which bleeds into its puzzles as well. And it makes me sad, because the art direction in this game is DELIGHTFUL. I love it. The characters are super expressive, the idea is solid, the mixture of different sections like Colin's Game, where you're put in a game inside the game styled like very old school horror games, to the dream world(? lol idfk this game has no story) where the locations are bizarre and genuinely dreamlike, it feels great, but the game is so desperately short and you have no time with any of it. I truly feel this game needed more length and more of the story actually conveyed during it. I think it's a massive shame. I don't necessarily think I wasted money, just wonder if I best spent it.

It's also just not that scary, which, like, yeah, I guess that is a problem for a horror game lol.

Game breaking bugs: Yes, I did have one. During the dream world, there is a section with metal crushers. After dying a few times in the area (it is trial and error), the game reloaded back at the start of the section like usual but with absolutely no visuals. Audio was still there, so it was technically still playable, but given the length of the area...yeah, no. Impossible. Restarting the game did the trick. The thing that pisses me off about this is that once I've finished a game like this, I'll go watch a youtuber play it to see how their playthrough differed from mine out of interest. The EXACT SAME BUG happened to him when he first entered the area, meaning he had NO idea this wasn't on purpose, made worse by the fact there's an actual level in the same world that is almost pitch black for the entire section except for brief moments where it lights up to show some...flesh mass. So if this happens to you the first time, it's entirely possible you could assume it's intentional and really struggle with the game for a while. And the part that actually discourages me about the devs? His video was uploaded in October of 2021. I am writing this in July of 2023. His video was part of a stream, the developer was in the stream and actively had to tell him this bug was not intentional. It has been well over a year and they have not fixed this fairly noticeable and clearly reasonably frequent bug despite actively witnessing it happen to someone. I find this worrisome in consideration of whatever their next product may be. Just something to keep in mind, I guess. Alright, that's enough rambling from me for now! If you actually read all this for some insane reason I appreciate you, whether you agree with me or not.
Julkaistu 1. heinäkuuta 2023 Viimeksi muokattu 16. heinäkuuta 2023.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 1.2 tuntia
Basically only play this if you want easy achievements. Otherwise literally do anything else. The NSFW content is barely there, and there's a barely a game on top of that, but you have to wait days to stare at pngs you can probably just find online anyway...Just go look up Monster Musume instead.
Julkaistu 2. huhtikuuta 2023
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 2.9 tuntia (1.3 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Fetch quest with boobs. Not interesting or fun enough to really recommend. It's incredibly cheap so it's not a horrible deal, but you could just go play a ton of other free games with more content/"plot" and less fetch quest instead of this. Play time at review time is the accurate time for 100%, my further play time will be for card drops, so it really is just that short. Most games like this hold themselves up with their sense of humor, which this game tries to do, but with the exception of one or two, the jokes just really aren't that funny.

A few of the girl designs are cute though. Makes me wish they were in a more fleshed-out game.
Julkaistu 22. tammikuuta 2023
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
2 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 1.0 tuntia
Mildly unsettling but fun platformer styled like older games. Just a solid little play. Super cheap and goes on sale for even cheaper, nothing really bad to say about this game! Just a fun little game that doesn't overstay its welcome.
Julkaistu 15. tammikuuta 2023
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 0.5 tuntia
Good short vertical platformer with funny bee
Julkaistu 15. tammikuuta 2023
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 7.3 tuntia
This is a time where I really wish Steam would let you give neutral ratings. That being said, this game is cute, and I think it has a lot of charm, and I understand that as far as I can tell it was made by one person, so I'd rather go for a positive rating than negative since I'm being made to choose. BUT I did have some problems with it that I would like to bring up in the hopes that the dev sees this and can either change this or keep this in mind for future products. Again, this is a really cute game, it has a lot of cute decorations and cute bunnies, but it would be a lot better without the following issues that I'll just list off in no particular order.

-Camera pans very slowly and mouse also moves very slowly even with my sensitivity pretty high. I don't know if this was just like, my computer not cooperating with the game well despite the fact that it's well above the required specs or what, but the speed of movement is EXTREMELY sluggish, and considering I experience no lag, I'm inclined to think that's just how the game is. (Or my computer just hates the game, idk) Regardless, it makes it extremely frustrating as your park gets bigger and bigger to navigate it and just to put decor down. Also, if you hit two camera movement keys at once, the game just stops moving your camera.

-If you click on something to see what it looks like to put it down, that's it. You're charged for it and the "undo" button only applies to things already placed on the ground. So if you didn't want to put that thing down just yet and just wanted to check what it looked like, there's not really any forgiveness there.

-I had problems with coins or weeds/rocks spawning in decor, making them hard to access without using butterflies (which automatically farm coins/remove weeds and rocks for you). This was particularly an issue with the "ice fort" winter decor, where weeds and rocks were spawning inside of the decor on the ground (it has an open ground section unlike most other decor) and the game would not register the ground inside the decor as, well, ground, so I would either have to hope butterflies would clear the fort's ground section or have to move the entire decor myself just to clear the items out.

-The seasonal decoration achievements. No. Just why. The idea of seasonal decorations is cute and I like it! But there should either not be achievements directly attached to the seasonal decorations and using them, or you should be able to access some of the seasonal decorations (perhaps not all) throughout the entire year so you don't have to wait months to get a handful of achievements or change the date on your computer manually just to "cheat" to get the achievements. Even for most games I play a lot, I can't promise I'm going to play them the entire year 'round or remember to make occasional checks in on them, much less a smaller afk game that doesn't have a lot to do once you've finished the main objectives and set up your park. It's just not very player-friendly.

-Bunnies only display the reason why they want to come to your park...after you get them. Also, some of them don't even have a reason, it just says they're, say, for example, clumsy. It makes it hard to tell why you're missing the ones you're missing without just haphazardly throwing more decor everywhere and hoping it attracts the right bunnies.

This all sounds like a lot of negativity, but I do enjoy the game itself, I just want to put these problems out there in hopes the dev sees this. I think the bunnies are adorable, the graphics are charming for what they are, there's a pretty decent variety of decorations (if you use all the seasonal ones, anyway...), and you can make a very charming little park. It's not a game you're going to spend hours and hours on, but it's very cute and it's a very cheap game, so I can't fault it for not being, yknow, perfectly fine-tuned and amazing and genius on every single step. It's certainly worth the amount of money it costs, lol. If you don't mind having a few small hitches to your game and really like bunnies, I'd say go for it.
Julkaistu 1. tammikuuta 2023 Viimeksi muokattu 1. tammikuuta 2023.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
75 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
4 käyttäjän mielestä tämä arviointi oli hauska
yhteensä 16.8 tuntia
Okay, this is going to be a long one, do try to tolerate me, haha.

My initial thought on this game is that the developers made a game, but forgot the important parts of a game: making it fun, and making it functional. While the first part is particularly an issue, the second part almost, in a way, makes it feel like the devs didn't really KNOW how to make a game, and ended up missing a ton of very glaring issues with their final product.

Now, let me dig into this a bit. My biggest problem with this game is the fact that it tries to tell a story while you are, most of the time, distracted by the fact that you're running around typing a ton of words. It's honestly fairly hard to concentrate on the story the game is trying to convey when enemies are coming at you, especially because the game has no warning for enemies approaching (which led to me running into them and dying occasionally) so you have to always be on guard. Because of this, I felt often as though I was missing chunks of the story, which left me unable to get invested in it. Although, from what I did manage to catch, it was extremely trite, and the ending was...downright insulting, to put it nicely. But these issues with the game manage to put something forefront almost immediately, and it's a lack of consideration for how features will impact the player of the game (even if they look or seem cool) during their actual experience.

The gameplay is riddled with issues and oversights. This is a typing game, but I often felt punished for typing too fast. There is a combo meter in the game with a timer that ticks down when enemies are not being struck, but if you go too fast, you may cause your combo to expire early because...well, you simply did too well, and there's not enough enemies to uphold it. This is the first sign of a large issue with the game.

Similarly, the last magic that you get, Wind magic, is also poorly thought out. It pushes enemies backwards, which seems helpful...until you realize it can push enemies off-screen. Meaning you either have to switch constantly to another element when a swarm is near the end of a wave, or you have to sit and wait while the enemy crawls back on screen. This is not good game design, and is again punishing the player for doing too well.

I found the text was sometimes not legible. Not because the text itself was a problem, but because the game likes giving some areas extremely brightly colored backgrounds, and white with a very tiny black border text on those backgrounds...well, it gave me a headache trying to squint at it, anyway! The text can also hide behind scenery (such as foliage) and overlap other text. This is not okay in a typing game. You should not be prevented from seeing the words that you MUST type or you will die, especially in a game where your character only has one hit point and you have to restart from the beginning of a battle if you get so much as gently poked by a bee.

In terms of other oddities, there is an arena mode where you can keep going until you die in an infinite battle, but one of the arenas just...does nothing? It has a picture and a name, but clicking on it does nothing, and you can't load into it. I have no idea what the deal with that is.

But you will need to go to the other arenas if you have any hope of 100% completing the game. This game is not at all kind to players in that regard and has some very user-unfriendly achievements.

There is an achievement for killing 10,000 enemies. Having already been playing arena for a decent bit before really thinking about this achievement, and therefore basing it off a number that isn't totally accurate, I would say there are maybe 3,000 to 4,000 enemies in the storyline itself, meaning you are going to be grinding for several hours worth on the arenas to finish this achievement. Similarly, there is also an achievement for not making a typo for 1,000 characters. This achievement is downright nasty to players and I'm not sure why they didn't make the final achievement 500. Even just the smallest misstep will send you back down to 0.

Perhaps the most egregious achievement, and to me the sign that the devs really didn't think about their game particularly hard, is that there is an achievement for having 60 WPM. This doesn't sound so bad on paper, I have an 80 WPM average. But what the game doesn't tell you is that it starts timing you based on when enemies first spawn, meaning before their words have appeared and you are allowed to hit them, as this is calculated as an average. This makes it borderline impossible to reasonably be able to hit this WPM, god forbid if you aren't a particularly skilled typer. This achievement was so unfair that a mod was made solely to get around it.

I do think this game is very pretty. The art style is nice to look at, although I did find it fairly bright most of the time, which did lead to issues such as the aforementioned text legibility. Sadly, I think that is pretty much the only draw of the game, because it is otherwise a game riddled with issues that appear to be due to little consideration for its players. I wish the devs the best in future works and hope their future products are more ironed out.
Julkaistu 29. heinäkuuta 2022 Viimeksi muokattu 29. heinäkuuta 2022.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
3 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 5.0 tuntia (3.5 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Honestly, I thought this game was going to be another one of those stupid meme games that you play for twenty minutes to laugh at and send stupid pictures to friends. And in a way, yes, it IS that, but it also plays itself incredibly straight at the same time despite the jokey nature of the game. I like it, it's not a very long game, but it manages to make a pretty solid impact and has a variety of fun ways to die if you're into collecting a bunch of bad ends.

The character designs are nice, you can see the original basis of all of them with fairly unique spins on them. I particularly like what they did with Hastur because it's more subtle than the other two eldritch abominations, but also a clever take on the lore.

I was surprised that even with the tone being overall lighthearted, the game is very good at twisting it into horror in just a moment, and a few of the scares actually got me. The ending is also fairly intense and can get kind of nerve-wracking, which I was not expecting from what I thought would just be a slightly glorified visual novel.

I would say maaaaybe don't get this for full price just because it IS short, if you're strapped for cash. But I would definitely recommend it for anyone who's looking to have a fairly unique horror experience, or someone who just really, really likes Lovecraftian horror. This game knows what it's doing and does it well in its brief time.
Julkaistu 22. maaliskuuta 2022
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 3.8 tuntia
Sometimes it's hard to really say what makes a game either good or bad. In this case, it's pretty easy! Unique sense of dark humor, with a sinister undertone that makes you constantly question what's really going on. It's definitely not for everyone, and I won't say the game is without its flaws-it overuses toilet humor a bit too much for its own good, and the dark tone of many jokes might be more unsettling than funny to some.

Despite that, I think the artstyle is nice and distinct, and lends itself to being very charming while also offputting, the exact tone of the game.

The one thing I must say though, is this game is INCREDIBLY short, and might not be worth that $20 price tag for most of us. If you are going to get it, I would highly recommend trying the demo to see if it's for you, and after that, if you liked that experience, maybe wait for the game to go on sale. There are also somewhat obtuse achievements that require either replaying the game or shenanigans with the save files that you have to be aware of in advance, so watch for those! Outside of those issues, highly recommend, very interesting little game.
Julkaistu 13. tammikuuta 2021
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
11 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 5.6 tuntia
I really tried to give this game a solid chance. Played it the whole way through, got every achievement. It just wasn't worth it. Honestly, for the first half, I was going to give it a fair "meh" leaning more into the negative side of things. The last few puzzles and bits threw it so hard into "god I despise this game" that it was honestly shocking.

A big problem with this game is that it is, obviously, a physics game due to how it uses magnets, and the physics are...finicky. Really finicky. There were many times where I thought something absolutely should've been fine to work, and instead I sat there trying five-ten times just to get one thing done because the physics were having none of that.

And oh my god, it did not pay off to have a mini-teleport effect in the game. It's quite annoying because of the way it functions. It essentially allows you to hop forward a few steps, which is usually fine...except it doesn't tell you where it's putting you, which can lead to you ever so slightly under/overshooting things. This wouldn't be an incredibly big issue in my mind if it weren't for how precise the game expects you to be in some parts. There is one puzzle in particular (which is actually the puzzle that drove me to change my rating to negative!) that detracts SO MUCH from the experience because of the lack of clear visibility on where the teleport is going that I couldn't help but be surprised that the creators genuinely thought the puzzle was a good idea to put into the game. For those of you who already played the game and are reading this out of boredom or otherwise, yes, I am talking about the electric barrier "maze."

I also, generally speaking, think the game turned more from interesting puzzles to cheap, annoying bits that served mainly to waste time. (Particularly evident with only the first boss really being any sort of "puzzle" and the others all being much more standard "dodge hit, take your own shot" types) It doesn't help that if you screw something up, you need to expect that you'll be backtracking. This includes in boss fights, because hey, guess what, you have one HP. That's it, you get hit once and you're done. Boss fights tend to also include cheap shots in them so you're basically guaranteed to need to restart at least once just from a surprise shot added into the second or third phase of a fight. But even in normal gameplay, you should probably just be prepared to fall off of something because you just barely mistimed your teleport, and now you'll just be redoing an entire section. Hope you wanted that.

The story is very generic as well, definitely nothing to write home about. Not a big deal in a game like this, but I figured I'd note that yeah, there is one, and yeah, it's really just nothing special. It doesn't help that if you want the full picture you absolutely have to get all of the collectibles in the game.

...Well, that's what I'd like to say, but if you look at the store page for this game, it absolutely tries to brag in an incredibly obnoxious way about how good the story is without even needing a single line of dialogue.
So yeah, it's a generic, semi-walled off, boring story with nothing unique about it. I felt nothing for it.

Honestly though? The biggest problem with this game? Even at the start, I wouldn't say I was incredibly impressed with the puzzles, but the further I got in the game, the more I thought I could just be playing something better that I actually enjoyed. Like this game offered nothing that I couldn't get somewhere else, and I wouldn't be bored/mildly annoyed while doing it. And because it was just pushing out more and more finnicky puzzles, it just got more irritating without any satisfaction of thinking I did well.

I see this game is considered "very positive" on steam, and I get it! I can see how someone could like this. It's certainly not for me though, and I would keep in consideration that the game does have fussy physics and a much poorer latter half to it, coupled with a weak story that doesn't particularly invest the player in progression.

That having been said, I will also point out this game is incredibly short, with a lot of my total time on the game being spent on me being...mostly stupid (as well as time tabbed out talking on discord). I would definitely put that in mind considering that this was my first time playing the game and I only have this much time spent on it with a 100% completed save file. There are gameplay videos on youtube of people getting 100% in the game in roughly an hour without speedrunning. It's just...really short. It's not an expensive game by any means, but I'm putting this out here right now for anyone on the fence involving the length of the game.

I also went through some of the other reviews before finally posting up mine, and a big complaint I saw over and over again is that the game does not make it clear that you HAVE to get a good chunk of the collectibles or you are just hardlocked out of the final boss unless you start backtracking through things. I didn't really think about this problem since I'm a completionist anyway, but yeah, I can see how that's extremely insulting and comes out of left field, especially with absolutely no indication about where any of the collectibles are.

Proceed with caution getting this game. The bad part will likely come for you after the refund window is over. It may be better to just watch it and enjoy the art on youtube.
Julkaistu 20. elokuuta 2020 Viimeksi muokattu 20. elokuuta 2020.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
< 1  2  3 >
Näytetään 11–20 / 29