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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
7.4 timer registreret i alt
Now here's a cute game with a fun sense of humor. Pikuniku is a short, colorful little romp through a world with a few hidden secrets up its sleeves. The puzzles are simple but not too easy enough to be insulting (and there are a few legitimately reasonably difficult platforming sections), and there are a nice amount of secrets in the game to attract attention for a little bit longer.

Co-op, much like the main game, is short but fun. Playing it and screaming back and forth with someone (especially in the stages where we were tied together) was a nice way to pass the time without a major investment into a big multiplayer game.

The dialogue is pretty witty, and there's a few very good one-liners. There's of course not a major story, but what's there is nice and a cute way to push along what's going on.

Be aware going into the game that there ARE missable achievements as well as one of those "you'll only get this achievement if you intentionally endure excessive amounts of suffering" types, so if that can sway your opinion, you may want to look the other way on this game. However, if this doesn't push you away, you'll be in for a short but sweet time.

(Note: I kind of recommend getting this game on sale unless you desperately want it, like I've been saying, it is fairly short and you probably won't be getting the full amount of playtime out of it to match the pricetag)
Skrevet: 2. december 2019. Sidst redigeret: 2. december 2019.
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3 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
8.1 timer registreret i alt
This game is...unusual. In every sense of the word, I should really by all means enjoy it. It has everything in its formula to make a great game. Fun character designs, nice aesthetic, interesting gameplay concept, interesting story concept...and yet, it goes nowhere with any of it. At most its strongest point is its story, and yet, it still isn't much of anything in the end. It's generally frustrating, awkwardly controlled, and overall not a rewarding experience.

-Interesting story
-Great aesthetic style
-Multiple playstyle options with multiple characters
-I mean, like...it works for the most part? (I only encountered one glitch that made me have to reset, but it was thankfully right after I saved.)

-Boring, tedious fights
-Equally boring, tedious platforming and puzzles (with the addition of being somewhat frustrating because of the controls sometimes)
-Actually I'm going to single out platforming here because it is way more frustrating than it needed to be and any area with treadmills in it just makes me sad inside
-Extremely underwhelming bosses
-Most playable characters feel like they exist just to exist, only two really have a great deal of use
-Game majorly drops off in the second half, feels like they just cobbled it together
-More minor complaint but why on earth are the collectibles not collected in order? Who decided that?
Skrevet: 19. august 2019.
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42 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
5 personer fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
9.7 timer registreret i alt
Bear in mind this is coming from someone who has gotten 100% on all of the prior Scribblenauts games.

This game is lazy. You can feel how little care was put into it. Sure, it's got all these exciting DC characters, yeah...except almost nothing is done with any of them. You have a few very boring, haphazardly thrown together story missions and then that's it. Every other mission in the game is a randomized mission that can occur with basically any character. (Within reason)

This sounds interesting at first, but then you realize that with the inherent nature of the game, this breaks things. Badly. There was an amazing amount of times I'd be alt tabbed out of the game or even just entering a stage and a goal would just finish itself on its own. Or, better yet, break itself and become unsolvable. Considering you have to finish 400 missions for an achievement, I'd like them to at least not consistently become unfinishable because a wolf decided to eat the poor innocent rabbit that wanted you to find something for it or something. It's really obnoxious.

Also, because the missions are randomized, they're also a LOT less unique and fun than the prior games. You don't even have to try on any of them or be creative at all because most of them don't even let you be creative. It's so boring. I felt more like I was completing chores instead of solving puzzles. (And really, that's all I was doing. Doing randomized entities' chores for them.)

Going back to the absolute waste of the property they were allowed to work with, seriously, there is basically no DC in this game somehow. Sure you can spawn a ton of characters, sure there's extra stages about the "backstory" of characters (which are minute long sequences of giving the pre-hero characters like four things so they become their current hero form). Are they worthwhile? No. Did they get me interested in DC at all? No. Would I have enjoyed this as a fan? I doubt it! It's the most vanilla, bland experience. I barely even remembered this game was a crossover despite how much it was pushing it in my face. The characters could've all been talking cheesecakes for all I cared. Nothing would've been different.

Music was completely unnotable, which is rather a shame considering the other games did have some fairly nice tracks in them. I guess it's better it was boring instead of outright bad, though.

Overall I find this game to mostly have been a waste of time and money. Go play any of the other games in the series instead, they have a lot more heart in them. It's obvious the developers phoned this one in.
Skrevet: 13. juli 2019. Sidst redigeret: 13. juli 2019.
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21 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1 person fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
12.7 timer registreret i alt
Cynical. That's what this game felt like to me. Maybe that was the point, maybe it wasn't, I honestly couldn't tell you.

Playing the whole game, getting 100%, the game felt simultaneously like a scathing parody or commentary of everything it was involved in, but at the same time felt played incredibly straight. It was like it could never decide what it wanted to be, and because of that, ended up just feeling muddled and like there was no point. And yet I felt as though I was being taunted by the fact that there WAS no point, because isn't that the whole point in itself? It was a very confused and twisted message through the whole game.

To be honest, I'm sure most of you are interested in this game because of the visuals. Me too. I can't deny the visuals are a serious spectacle, I really enjoyed them for a good portion of the game, although they definitely fall off in the later half, particularly once you get on a ship and from that point on. However, I must also mention that even earlier on, this game may cause eye strain, as I was getting mild headaches from playing it even for shorter periods of time.

Speaking of the later half of the game though. It feels like the most effort got put into the first few areas to really catch your attention and then it dwindles slowly into a more and more hopeless and colorless game. You could say that's the point, but again, I'd say that doesn't inherently make the game better for it.

The game itself has a lot of jokes that are very hit-or-miss, for a pretty good chunk of them I just found myself awkwardly staring at the joke for a second or two and then moving on to the next thing, which was usually yet another joke. Maybe I'm just too jaded for the jokes in this game, so I'll blame myself for that one and say I could definitely see someone else enjoying them, but I do think the humor should still be brought up for consideration when buying the game.

Not gonna lie though, humor aside, this game has a huge problem with the ol' "oh sorry, this thing I made you do was pointless. ANYWAY too bad" lines, and I don't dig that. It's such a backhanded way of saying that the devs knew they made something for padding and they don't care.

If there's one thing I have to give the game though, the soundtrack is genuinely fantastic. The ending song for the game is a delight and I will probably stick it on a playlist. If you decide to not purchase the game, definitely look into the game's music.
Skrevet: 23. maj 2019.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
10.3 timer registreret i alt (8.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Here's a genuinely sweet, fun little racing game. I don't particularly play racing games, but the graphics on this were adorable, and it gave me a pleasant surprise.

The AI is surprisingly good in races and I didn't notice too much rubberbanding going on with the game, and the multiplayer is some great fun, since all the rounds are elimination-based and can actually get pretty intense. Single player isn't terrible at all, and there are multiple different modes to make the game not monotonous. The game also does not overstay its welcome, with 100% completion taking me about ten hours, and that's with me being awful at racing games.

I'm not actually sure if it's because I'm just bad at racing games either, but the game does provide some actual challenge with its various modes. The time trials are absolutely brutal, and I finished all of them within a second of the required time to get a perfect rating, so even to people who play the genre all the time, this might be interesting as a grab for them.

There are so many little tiny details that were put into this game that I love. The cars have little screws on the bottom. There are a few cars that come with working sirens, and all of them have working horns which you can spam, if nothing else. The levels themselves are absolutely adorable, all clearly designed with the idea of your cars actually being toys in mind.

This is really just a cute, very fun game that I would recommend to everyone who wants a new little racing game to try out, especially if you have some friends who would want to give it a go with you.
Skrevet: 12. oktober 2016. Sidst redigeret: 12. oktober 2016.
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8.5 timer registreret i alt (5.5 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
It is rare that I feel compelled to write about a game I enjoyed. I usually prefer to write about games I didn't enjoy, in an effort to warn away people who might be of similar mind. But today I'm here for the absolute opposite.

Please, if you're on the fence about getting this game, give it a try. Maybe full price isn't necessarily worth it on a time-basis, but if you've caught it on sale, or you've had it in your library for a while, and you aren't sure if you should try it...do.

I cannot say much about what makes this game good. Do not come in expecting another Stanley Parable. This is not another Stanley Parable. This is another creature entirely. The description of this game tells you what you need to know, at its basis. Now, this is basically a "walking simulator," so if that isn't your type of game, back away.

I myself am a sucker for this genre. That might be a personal failing, but if you're like me and get your interest piqued by stories that take you through them in a way that turns out to play around with all the thoughts you had at the start, this is for you.

Specifying further would defeat the point. Please, give this game a try if any part of it intrigues you at all. You will likely not regret it.
Skrevet: 14. september 2016.
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53 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
3 personer fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
1.9 timer registreret i alt
I must warn you that this game can be beaten with 100% completion in thirty minutes to an hour. I only have more playtime for card drops.


I tried to give this a fair shot, I really did. But this game is missing even some basic features.

Each character only has one sprite, and the backgrounds are pretty clearly free use backgrounds. This might not be such a huge negative if the art was at least decent for the characters, but it's really not particularly impressive.

Strangely, there is one character who kind of contrasts with all of the others in terms of art style, and I honestly wonder if she wasn't a pulled asset from a different game idea, because she does not fit in with the other characters at all in terms of appearance. She looks like she came straight out of a sci-fi setting, which this is very much not. The menu used is the default menu style for the program used to make this game, and while I don't think that's inherently a bad thing, it feels lazily done.

There are also no CGs in this game at all, so I hope you don't want those.

The music is so unnoticeable that I almost forgot to put a section for it in here. Thankfully, it is also inoffensive to the ears.

As for the story, oh boy. This game very much goes for the "tell, don't show" approach, which means long, boring descriptions about every little nuance about a character, rather than finding out those nuances yourself through how they behave. Another less-than-pleasant trait this game has is its weird random morality spiels. Like, one minute you'll casually be talking to a character about cooking, then suddenly they'll go on about the job economy. That is an actual thing that happens. What is that? I practically got whiplash from how fast the topic would change in the story.

The grammar in this game is also fairly disjointed and just plain odd at times, though the spelling is generally fine.

The endings are just absolutely bad. They're short and make little sense. I even counted the number of lines in one of the endings. Nine lines long. Do you think that's an appropriate length, even for a short visual novel? No.

There are many more visual novels out there, and I would argue that there are many free ones that are of higher quality than this. Give them a try instead.
Skrevet: 4. juni 2016. Sidst redigeret: 28. juni 2016.
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34 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
3 personer fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
1.6 timer registreret i alt
Fair warning. This game can be beaten in under an hour, if not thirty minutes. I only have more playtime on it because I wanted the card drops.


I can honestly see no reason to want to play this game when there are much better visual novels on Steam and on the internet in general. This game is painfully short, which isn't a good thing when the writing isn't particularly noteworthy in any way.

There are actually choices and multiple endings in this game, to which I can give it some points. However, since everything is so bunched up together due to the game's length, there's no time to feel any impact to your decisions besides "oh hey, I got a good ending," or "oh hey, I screwed up."

The characters are incredibly one-note, to the point where I can't even call them stereotypes because that would imply they have some substance. Any of the "romantic" scenes are downright cringe-worthy (Seriously, there's kissing onomatopoeia for multiple text boxes in a row. Nothing but kissing onomatopoeia.), and it really doesn't even make sense for the protagonist to care about the lead girl by the end of the game, especially since he's an unlikable jerk to her for no real reason at all for the entire game. He has a sudden change of heart for basically no conceivable reason, and I honestly don't think I missed some vital part of the story or anything. It just happened.

The art and music are both passable, but forgettable. Nothing to particularly note here. I can't really complain, but I also can't really compliment anything.

On the subject of the art, you can see all the CGs in the game the first time you boot it up, without even playing the game. Maybe that's why there's an achievement for actually bothering to hit "new game."

That's not to say this game is all bad though. As I said, the art is genuinely passable, and I didn't dislike it. The choices you make in this game are on a timer, which I think is an interesting mechanic, and not choosing a choice in the time limit actually counts as its own choice. That's a legitimately neat feature. But one neat feature isn't enough to float this game, especially in the short time you have to experience it. If this game was longer, and the protagonist was actually a decent person, I'd totally say that this could be a good game.

As it stands, I can't recommend it.
Skrevet: 1. juni 2016. Sidst redigeret: 28. juni 2016.
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3.0 timer registreret i alt
Cell stage of Spore except instead of evolving past it, the game does everything in its power to put you to sleep.
Skrevet: 22. februar 2016. Sidst redigeret: 26. november 2024.
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