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Опубликовано: 22 мар. 2022 г. в 12:15

Honestly, I thought this game was going to be another one of those stupid meme games that you play for twenty minutes to laugh at and send stupid pictures to friends. And in a way, yes, it IS that, but it also plays itself incredibly straight at the same time despite the jokey nature of the game. I like it, it's not a very long game, but it manages to make a pretty solid impact and has a variety of fun ways to die if you're into collecting a bunch of bad ends.

The character designs are nice, you can see the original basis of all of them with fairly unique spins on them. I particularly like what they did with Hastur because it's more subtle than the other two eldritch abominations, but also a clever take on the lore.

I was surprised that even with the tone being overall lighthearted, the game is very good at twisting it into horror in just a moment, and a few of the scares actually got me. The ending is also fairly intense and can get kind of nerve-wracking, which I was not expecting from what I thought would just be a slightly glorified visual novel.

I would say maaaaybe don't get this for full price just because it IS short, if you're strapped for cash. But I would definitely recommend it for anyone who's looking to have a fairly unique horror experience, or someone who just really, really likes Lovecraftian horror. This game knows what it's doing and does it well in its brief time.
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