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2.7 hrs on record
World's shortest endless runner with questionable hitboxing leading to pixel perfect jumps (bad kind, not fun kind) and essentially no replayability whatsoever. It's really not worth your time or money, which is actually pretty impressive to say about something that's 99 cents. If you want achievements...like, I guess? But somehow even those are buggy and may just fail to pop on occasion. Unless you're super desperate I'd pass.
Posted 5 January.
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2.1 hrs on record
As a Gunvolt fan...no. Skip this. It was nice seeing Stratos again, he made me smile, nothing else did. The game is really easy most of the time, except for a few bosses with cheap attack patterns that aren't super well telegraphed (looking at you, Brandish), and it also does nothing really interesting with its stages, making it easy to lose the attention of the player. This isn't so bad since the game is super short so it would be reasonably inoffensive to have a brief, non-challenging experience, but there's one huge problem: Beck.

So, Ekoro and Gunvolt play fine. They're both wholly pleasant to use and can pretty much easily clear all the content necessary. Beck...isn't made for this game. At all. It shows. He is painfully sluggish to use despite having 2(!!) dashes. Both of these dashes feel super inconsequential, which, coupled with his janky slow jump and low damage, makes pretty much every boss fight with him extremely frustrating. It's even more noticeable that he's the worst of the three when you realize that he's so short that a lot of his attacks just straight-up miss certain enemies that the other two can hit from a standing position. I wouldn't harp on this so hard if it weren't for the fact that...you know, there's only three playable characters. There's a 1/3 chance you pick him first and have an absolutely awful experience playing the game, instead of only a middling one. Not great. It's enough to make me say it's not even really worth trying unless you are just in EXTREME need for more content from one of the series included in this game.

I guess it does make sense that all the content relating to Mighty No. 9 is the worst part of the game, though.
Posted 12 November, 2024.
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33.6 hrs on record
Awesome game. Improves upon Goat Sim 1 in almost every way, super fun items/equips to play with, large map with tons of things to do on it, lots of collectibles to get if you want to spend your time hunting everything down, and just generally a great game to simmer down with after a long day. Definitely recommend it.
Posted 10 November, 2024.
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13 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Please note: This DLC adds certain achievements to the game. You cannot get 100% without it.

I really love Goat Sim, but this DLC...I don't know. I think I'd like to put "meh" if that was possible, but since it isn't, I'll lean negative.

The vibes for the DLC feel very different from the main game. It's a lot more like you're just working on a checklist to get things done and dusted, which is alright and still probably enjoyable for the most part, but this DLC is also super glitchy. I don't mean this in the "Goat Sim is inherently buggy as all get-out for the funny" kind of way, I mean this in the actual problematic bugs kind of way. Two examples off the top of my head, first being that Pilgor really likes to fall through the ground or get wedged on things in this DLC, which was essentially a non-issue in the main game, but happens surprisingly often in the DLC, to the point I was getting frustrated by it at times. The other example being that NPCs are really, REALLY screwy. Had one I had to talk to four times before I had a conversation that didn't involve the NPC's model shooting down into a building and becoming impossible to talk to, making me unable to figure out what to do without reloading...again, four times.

Apparently this DLC also has problems with crashing. I will be honest and say I did not have any issues with it at all, it was very stable in that regard, but there were a few moments the game would briefly hang unexpectedly. I imagine on a system with slightly lower specs that those hangs could turn into outright crashes. This is problematic as there is an achievement that involves leaving the game running for a minimum of two hours straight without closing it. I'd say the performance of the game is something to consider before buying it. Apparently the DLC is exponentially worse for certain players than the base game in this regard.

Worth mentioning this DLC is also super short (I'm not sure I would say it's worth 15 USD). I think the majority of the items you get from it to play with are super fun, but the map itself and the extra content on the maps isn't always the best. I felt like some of the things I had to do in the game seemed really uninspired and like they were just cramming some extra tasks in to do for padding. When they were good, they were GOOD, but when they were bad, man, they were bad. The references especially felt a lot more awkward than in the main game, no real wow factor, just "oh this is referencing that, ok."

Overall I wouldn't call this DLC particularly bad or particularly good. Just boring with some highlights both ways. The real issues are its performance issues and glitches. If you can look past those, then you're likely to have a pretty decent time overall. If not, I'd skip. It's not a huge loss.
Posted 28 October, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.9 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
Gonna have to go with a no on this one.

It’s a mystery game where you have no reason to be attached to any of the characters, and the mystery itself is very boring and overall expectable. While the art style is distinct and charming, style over substance causes even simple things like advancing the dialogue to be frustrating because each line of dialogue places the button to advance at a different part of the screen. At one point, when I was going quickly through something I had already read, I also had the dialogue skip part of itself and lock me out of progression until I reloaded my save.

There are far too many pointless pieces of evidence that clutter up your notebook for no reason, and often the solution just boils down to throwing things at the npcs until they happen to say what you want. There is an option to contradict the statements you are given on occasion, but I think I actually used it maybe once, since it’s pretty much unnecessary. I don’t understand why the feature was there. In general, talking to characters felt lifeless and robotic, just pushing buttons to move on.

The ending is very frustrating and further soils what was already a pretty bog-standard mystery plot. I wanted to like this game with how interesting the style is, but it leaves much to be desired.
Posted 28 July, 2024.
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6.3 hrs on record
It's a really good game. I honestly think the only thing I have a problem with is that there isn't more, because I want more. And if that's the only remotely negative thing I can think of...well, you should be playing this game. It's cute, doesn't overstay its welcome (even if I kind of wish it did), you can play with the loddles, and cleaning in a video game continues to be more satisfying than doing it in real life.

I guess there IS one thing I'd say is a bit of a negative, and that's when you're cleaning an area, you have to go back and forth from it to your home base, because you don't unlock the fast travel to the area until after it's been cleaned. It gets a bit tedious later on when the areas are further away, but it's by no means a huge issue, just a slight annoyance at worst. I really can't recommend this game enough, I think a little backtracking is easy to overlook.
Posted 12 May, 2024.
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1.3 hrs on record
It's very nostalgic for me. I'd also say it still holds up well to this day and should be good for kids still! I did find this one wasn't as humorous as the other games in the series, but that's ok, it still has its moments! Like the other games, it also has mild randomization to the situations you get into, so you can play it multiple times.
Posted 18 March, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.1 hrs on record
Short and sweet.
Posted 25 February, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.2 hrs on record
Good if you just want something quick to burn about 15 or so minutes on.
Posted 25 February, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
2.0 hrs on record
This is a really cute game! It's not overly complex, the character design is great, the art looks adorable, and the gameplay is addictive without overstaying its welcome. I would definitely recommend this if you want a cute, fun game that's pretty easy to 100%. I really appreciate that the little cave you can fly around in between levels fills up with objects you collect (some of which you can even play with) as well as the multitude of playable bats, it's such a small touch, but it really puts that extra line of detail in that makes it even more enjoyable.
Posted 23 December, 2023.
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