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Опубликовано: 2 авг. 2014 г. в 13:36
Обновлено: 3 авг. 2014 г. в 19:47

I can't stand this software. For some reason I am not understanding what's going on because it's not SHOWING me how it's working, unlike a nice excel spreadsheet made for your budget. Which I'm switching over to soon, while i just use this to track all my transactions so i have it in a list somewhere that isn't just my bank statement. Every tutorial was unhelpful. I live in a simple One Income - 2 people family with some pets too, yet it still just boggles my mind. Like I put in one month's mortgage, then i put in the next months mortgage which for some reason DOUBLES the amount owed instead of just leaving last month's data alone. It's over-complicated for no reason at all. All i need is exactly what it pretends to do, until you get past 1 month of budgetting. Luckily i got it on sale so I can more easily add it to the Garbage section of my library and not bother steam for my money back. I'm TERRIBLE at excel and I can't wait to start using it instead, I find newer version of M$ Office products annoyingly setup in general but it doesn't compare to the lack of reason and sense this program has. Please if you want to comment only helpful tips, no pretending it's a game or otherwise. Maybe a link to more tutorials not included in the program?
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Комментариев: 3
Roz1281 4 ноя. 2015 г. в 22:38 
I know this is ancient, but just wanted to point out you don't put in what you owe ahead of time, basically you input money you have (start off with bank account, and seperately cash on hand), then using the "available to budget" amount, type in the amount you want to use for each category for that month (like 500 for mortgage, 200 for groceries etc). When you actually make the payment, then you create a transaction in the program and select the catergory and it will deduct it from what you had budgeted.

In other words, it wasn't doubling what you 'owed' for your mortgage, it was doubling what you were budgeting towards the mortage category. The program requires a specific mindset and intention, and works best when planning for the current month (or week) at a time. It's purpose is to focus the money you do have, rather than planning for money you will have down the road if that makes sense. I found it helpful since i was a pretty careless spender (too much coffee and pinball)
johnweythek 3 авг. 2014 г. в 19:47 
damn i swear i moved that switch over. I see bad reviews but recommended in a LOT of reviews, prob a steam error, which they certainly have NO shortage of.
Blake_Murdock 2 авг. 2014 г. в 21:27 
So you recommended it, yet don't like it ? lol I'm sure you could google things.