Alex   California, United States
mojoe my youtube epdic vids

5:43 PM - ★TERRY CREWS: i'll get spring rolls to give sexual favors
5:43 PM - mojoe: my body is ready

"be nice, make friends, dont do hard drugs, don't worry about getting laid it'll just happen"
- The Alpha and Yanmega

Currently Offline
Comp tf2 experence:


S6: Spy on Hello Goodby in Steel
S7: Medic on sPIro in Iron
S8: Medic on sPIro in Steel
S9: Medic on sPIro in Silver
S10: Spy on PartyPi in Steel
S11: Medic on Retro Gamers in Silver
S12: Backup on sPIro in Silver
S13: Backup med on The Expendables in Gold (folded week 3)
S13: Medic on Poor Hit Detection in Gold. (finished out last 3 weeks)
S14: Medic for Maxlander in Gold
S14: Medic for '92 Dream Team in Gold (First place)
S15: Medic for mtn in Platinum
S16: Medic for mtn in Gold (Thrid Place) (All Star)
S17: Backupish Medic for estevez in Platinum
S18: Backup Medic for Silver Saveges in Platinum
S19: Medic for Goofbirds in Platinum
S20: Backup Medic for DOOR in Gold

UGC 6v6 (never tryhard mode)

S11: Medic/soldier/leader on PlatyPi in Steel
S13: Medic/leader on PlatyPi in Steel
S14: Medic/leader on PlatyPi in Steel

UGC 4v4:

Whatever/med for Get Rid of Slimy spyS in season 2 silver | 4v4
Terry's Crew in Gold

rip spiro

FITES Summer 2013 LAN Champion with PI infinity
FITES Fall 2013 fifth place(?)
GXL 2014 pug champion
GXL 2015


11:31 PM - Route: i just talk to them
11:31 PM - Route: i find like
11:31 PM - Route: a sense of thrill
11:31 PM - Route: to talking to e-girls
11:31 PM - Route: idk

2:05 AM - faceman: so i'm in the cuties mumble and monkey66 wants to know if you were really
giving people parking lot blowjobs during gxl
2:06 AM - faceman: can we get a confirmation on this
2:06 AM - mojoe: LOL
2:06 AM - mojoe: no
2:06 AM - mojoe: I was not

8:25 PM - heisen ∆: here's mumble for whenever you're ready: port 14190
8:28 PM - heisen ∆: moooojoooooe
8:33 PM - heisen ∆: ☹
8:44 PM - mojoe: Oh
8:44 PM - heisen ∆: its alright we got alto
8:44 PM - mojoe: Am I 2 late?
8:44 PM - heisen ∆: sadly u r
8:44 PM - mojoe: ♥♥♥♥
8:44 PM - mojoe: I feel bad for you
8:44 PM - mojoe: I would never want someone to have to play with alto
8:45 PM - heisen ∆: 2 drops so far
8:45 PM - heisen ∆: in first round
8:45 PM - mojoe: omg

2:45 AM - ThE pArTy: what porn you watching kid
2:45 AM - ThE pArTy: "he won't respond, but now he's gonna lose his boner"
2:45 AM - ThE pArTy: ~Zen
2:47 AM - jackster ringgggg: He's like an hour late

[mojoe saved me <3 = neon]
1:51 PM - mojoe saved me <3: "mojoe is a plat player"
1:51 PM - mojoe saved me <3: - lobby player
1:58 PM - mojoe: LOL
1:58 PM - mojoe saved me <3: i have these guys convinced
1:59 PM - mojoe: who thought I was plat?
1:59 PM - mojoe: that's pretty funny
2:00 PM - mojoe saved me <3: idk
2:00 PM - mojoe saved me <3: im running minis
2:00 PM - mojoe saved me <3: and they were like
2:00 PM - mojoe saved me <3: i know ur an experienced player but lvl 3s would help
2:00 PM - mojoe saved me <3: and then someone was like
2:00 PM - mojoe saved me <3: well mojoe is plat...
2:00 PM - mojoe saved me <3: and then everyone was like
2:00 PM - mojoe saved me <3: yeah yeah
2:00 PM - mojoe: hahahahhahaha
2:00 PM - mojoe saved me <3: most likely because i alias as you in lobbies
2:00 PM - mojoe saved me <3: thats why people think youre good
2:00 PM - mojoe: ofc
2:01 PM - mojoe: so nobody has thought to think that you're not mojoe
2:01 PM - mojoe: and that the name mojoe saved me
2:02 PM - mojoe: would imply that you're someone else
2:02 PM - mojoe: that I saved

2:26 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: ♥♥♥♥
2:26 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: I FORGOT TO SHAVE
2:26 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: CAN I TRIM WITH SAFETY SCISORS
2:26 AM - mojoe: rofl
2:26 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: HELP
2:26 AM - mojoe: how do you even have hair
2:26 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: DOESNT MATTER
2:26 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: IT NEEDS TO GO AWAY
2:26 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: SAFETY SCISORS????
2:26 AM - mojoe: I mean
2:26 AM - mojoe: I just use clippers most of the time
2:27 AM - mojoe: scisors
2:27 AM - mojoe: basically
2:27 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: I'm gonna cut my vallsack
2:27 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ here we go
2:27 AM - mojoe: oh
2:27 AM - mojoe: balls
2:27 AM - mojoe: right
2:27 AM - mojoe: yeah
2:27 AM - mojoe: that's a different problem
2:27 AM - mojoe: ♥♥♥♥
2:28 AM - mojoe: now I have that image in my head
2:34 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd is now Online.
2:35 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: My balls are so itchy
2:35 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: ♥♥♥♥
2:35 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: Picture incoming
2:35 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd is now Away.
2:35 AM - mojoe: pls no
2:35 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd is now Online.
2:35 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: Too late
2:36 AM - mojoe: wtfffffffffffff
2:36 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: I like?
2:36 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: U
2:37 AM - mojoe: I really didn't need to see your pubic hair's neon
2:37 AM - mojoe: also yes it's gonna itch like ♥♥♥♥
2:37 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: SO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ITCHY
2:38 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: Srry that was unnecessary
2:38 AM - mojoe got VAC banned xd: But kinda funny

*DEAD* kobb LFT plat : mojoe ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ peeks left alone n we dont get him

neon ringme: let me ring again !!!

9:23 PM - mojoe: I hope you're throwing on the mge server
9:23 PM - mojoe: so people think jackster is ♥♥♥♥♥♥
9:24 PM - man.jpg: its a foolproof plan
9:24 PM - man.jpg: if i beat kids they're probably iron so i ♥♥♥♥ talk them to make people think jackster is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
9:24 PM - man.jpg: if i lose people think jackster is ♥♥♥♥
9:24 PM - man.jpg: i do this for a lot of people
9:26 PM - mojoe: lol
9:26 PM - mojoe: jackster is mad I can tell
9:26 PM - mojoe: he's covering it up tho
9:26 PM - man.jpg: jackster is mad because he's the worst engineer in gold
9:27 PM - man.jpg: i gave my little brother a controller and had him ring for veryyes on my sister's macbook with 2 fps and he outfragged jackster on viaduct
9:27 PM - man.jpg: and the best part about that story is
9:27 PM - man.jpg: i don't have a brother
9:27 PM - mojoe: what a memer
9:29 PM - man.jpg:

4:26 PM - mtn jackster ntm: k mojoe confirmed black supremecist

7:52 PM - heisne in imberium: it's like he's throwing but he's not trying to

10:48 PM - msg me 4 pic of mojoe: fb. Ryno?: nice nips
10:48 PM - msg me 4 pic of mojoe: alto lfs pregame: you and 8 edgy instagram photos
10:49 PM - msg me 4 pic of mojoe: im victim of cyberbulling
10:49 PM - msg me 4 pic of mojoe has changed their name to mojoe bullied me :(.
10:50 PM - mojoe: um
10:50 PM - mojoe: I may have linked chicobo to a instagram pic
10:51 PM - mojoe bullied me :(: mojoe
10:51 PM - mojoe bullied me :(: this is why I cant trust you

5:43 PM - ★TERRY CREWS: i'll get spring rolls to give sexual favors
5:43 PM - mojoe: my body is ready

8:38 PM - TERRY CREWS: connect; password laundry
8:38 PM - TERRY CREWS: IFA mumble
8:38 PM - TERRY CREWS: we need medic
8:38 PM - mojoe: OKAY
8:38 PM - TERRY CREWS: suffer


11:14 PM - mojoe: 11:06 PM - mojoe: it's filling up
11:06 PM - mojoe: so you should decide
11:07 PM - chase00agent: Yeah, that's only 46 miles away from my house. I'm sure he'd let me.
11:08 PM - chase00agent: Who all is going?
Wednesday, Febr
Recent Activity
17 hrs on record
last played on 15 Mar
34 hrs on record
last played on 15 Mar
354 hrs on record
last played on 14 Mar
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good profile, legendary player
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a true competitor
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exceptional gameplay
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+rep tactical prowess