jo cker   Hungary
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jockeril 21 ก.ค. @ 11: 31am 
I was burnt from EA games (not the dev) too many times to pay a full price for another one - I don't think I should pay that much to serve as a playtester no matter what the level of completion is - some devs abandon the game (Banished, space station alpha), start developing a DLC with more mechanics that the community wanted in the game (WR:SR), leave early access too soon with a broken game and continue fixing it (police sim: patrol officer) etc.

I say: "NO MORE ! - fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice - SHAME ON YOU !"
jockeril 27 มิ.ย. @ 3: 17pm 
another trick from 3Division - right after the game comes out of early access they suddenly decide to put it on sale along with the DLC they were developing BEFORE they finished the game !! so I wrote this as response to the post about the sale (so it's here as proof):

interesting - it just came out and now there is a big sale ? what - everyone is on to your BS about the game and didn't fall for the DLC scam so you thought we can be tricked to buy the DLCs if you put it on sale ?
jockeril 3 พ.ค. @ 10: 40am 
in response to the previous post, I posted:

No, you got it right the first time - they already admitted to developing a DLC, even before the game is stable or finished - I stirred up a big riot over that already, but it didn't help - they keep using less resources on the main game and working on extra content to milk the players for more money, thinking they are like the big AAA game studios (which are also failing at this strategy so far) - next game they will probably either go for a "game as a service" and delist it a few years later, like UBI$hit just did with "The Crew"... OR they are hoping MS or some other big studio buys them and they get a nice payday and sit on the beach somewhere in the caribbean...

and you can quote me on that !

jockeril 3 พ.ค. @ 10: 39am 
a post in an update on "Workers & Resources" game page (here incase they decide to delete my comment there):

[quote=Nory;4353368616869161437]hé bien... il à décidément beaucoup de problème ce jeu!
la 1.0 devait sortir en 2023, heureusement qu'ils l'ont repousser!
maintenant reste a savoir quelle année sortira la 1.0.
j'ai l’impression que les DEVS développe un autre jeu et décroche sur celui-la!
il nous envoie quelques MAJ, histoire qu'on garde espoir, mais la vérité
c'est que la 1.0 ne sortira JAMAIS! Mais j’espère me trompé, car je serai le premier à me
dire que je suis un idiot d'avoir dit tout cela.
mais je surveille quand même les news, car jeu est unique en son genre et apporte de la difficulté et tant de choses que j'adore.
Allez patience... [/quote]

härjaren 13 ก.พ. 2020 @ 9: 20am 
Yeeeeeah! Shrek is dope!
jockeril 13 ก.พ. 2020 @ 5: 40am 
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