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look kid, its a nice sweater, I'll give you that. minimal yet noticeable trademark MMM branding, nice speckling on the wool blend, maybe a bit too much wool to cashmere but thats fine - i just get really sweaty under wool - each to their own. a lot of people seem to think the same because this is a pretty popular item and you're getting a lot of love. but here's my problem - you're not responding to any of my damn messages and it's really frustrating. I've been trying to buy this thing for 278 days and 12 hours. i sit at work all day and refresh this page constantly hoping that the purchase button will suddenly appear. at least give me a fucking shipping quote, man, jesus. Before I found this listing my life was pretty sweet, I had a social life and a girlfriend. Her name was Chloe (yeah I know, total bitch name) and she was fresh out of veterinary school, just got her first job at a local clinic. Loved animals, loved them. I'm allergic to most furry animals though so you can imagine we never really totally clicked. I mean, how could we get on long term if the one thing she loved more than anything was poison to me? Anyway, we still clicked pretty well, I thought we may have even gotten married some day. This one time we found a stray cat outside and she made us take it in for an entire week - i was swelling up in hives by day 3. She would just yell and tell me to man up. I guess come to think of it, she always treated me really bad. I have a history of being in abusive relationships, I get it from my dad. He was really rough on my mom and I. Maybe that's why I'm so obsessed with extreme anal insertions, I try to validate myself through the pain. Seriusly though I can get both of my own fists up there, the pain drives me. Kind of like how a track athlete runs through the pain. Kind of like how a wrestler gets injured during a match but finishes anyway because he can't let people know its fake. He cant let all of those young boys in the audience down - you cant break a mans imagination and spirit like that. Would you tell a 5 year old child that Santa Claus doesn't exist? (trick question, Christmas is an oppressive patriarchal holiday and all white males need to die, fuck you santa) ? That's how you break a child - that's how people end up seeking validation of themselves through superficial materialism like lusting over stupid ugly overpriced sweaters online. PLEASE FUCKING REPLY TO MY MESSAGES
Milk 16 Apr, 2021 @ 1:51am 
twin 4l frfr
full time hate watcher 1 Jul, 2016 @ 8:33pm 
Dannycowman 23 Nov, 2015 @ 6:33pm 
Adderall Dependent 12 Dec, 2014 @ 2:05pm 
+rep great trader :D
Limaroot 3 Dec, 2014 @ 6:58pm 
Limaroot 3 Dec, 2014 @ 6:57pm 
Beware steam if we ever make a 'Market API" breaking trade