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gum 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 5.7시간 (평가 당시 1.7시간)
Never played the first one, only ever heard good things. Took a chance on this one and oh man, am I already blown away. Some of the best level design I've seen in the past 10+ years. Play this ♥♥♥♥.
2022년 11월 30일에 게시되었습니다.
이 평가가 유용한가요? 아니요 재미있음 어워드
2명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 101.2시간 (평가 당시 26.3시간)
Actually in love with this game.
2017년 10월 27일에 게시되었습니다.
이 평가가 유용한가요? 아니요 재미있음 어워드
3명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 203.9시간 (평가 당시 68.7시간)
This is the first game that I've actually felt like reviewing on Steam just because of the dedication and love shown by the dev. Yes, you heard that right, dev. Only one man made this game and he deserves every single penny this game makes because he has released bugfixes and additions to the game almost every single day since release. This isn't even talking about the game though.

I could go on and on about the countless features and the fact that there is an absolute astonishing amount of things to do in the game but I feel as if it's all better experienced for yourself. Just getting in there and the feeling of finding everything in the game piece by piece, for yourself is an amazing experience.

So would I recommend Stardew Valley? Without a doubt.
2016년 3월 4일에 게시되었습니다.
이 평가가 유용한가요? 아니요 재미있음 어워드
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