@deepjimpact -GN-
Jimothy Paler   Penzance, Cornwall, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
:wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo: :wololo:
Currently Offline
Player Bio
Live Producer, Commentator & Part-time magician

Twitch [www.twitch.tv]

Glad you made it this far

Counter-Strike Global Offensive LAN


- Battle 4 Brisbane Final - 4th - dinQ
- Battle 4 Brisbane #3 - 2nd - dinQ
- Battle 4 Brisbane #2 - 3rd - dinQ
- Battle 4 Brisbane #1 - 3rd - hype


- dfrag #2 @ GUF - 5th-6th - GO4FAD
- dfrag #1 @ X-Zone - 3rd - Golden Gabe Time


- Performance Gaming BYOPC @ ggf - 4th - 8==m0nt==D


- Elysium CSGO ODC - 4th - dinQ

Counter-Strike 1.6 LAN


- WCG Australian National - 2nd - dinQ
- WCG QLD Qualifier #1 - 1st - dinQ
- DICEVIP National - 7th-8th - Bur'10


- DICEVIP QLD Qual - 2nd - GearFactory
- WCG Australian National - 7th-8th - crAzy.au
- WCG QLD Qualifier #1 - 3rd - TopGear
- DICE National Cup - 7th-8th - FlugeN
- DICE National Cup QLD Qual #2 - 2nd - A-Gamers
- Elysium Community Nationals - 5th-8th - A-Gamers
- ECN QLD Qualifier #2 - 3rd - A-Gamers
- ECN QLD Qualifier #1 - 4th - A-Gamers
- EPGL Season 2 Division 1 - 4th - A-Gamers
- Any Given Sunday Brisbane #2 - 3rd - A-Gamers
- Any Given Sunday Brisbane #1 - 4th - A-Gamers


- EPGL Season 1 Division 1 - 4th - Athletico.BoL
- WCG Australian National - 7th-8th - crAzy.au
- WCG QLD Qualifier - 5th - A-Gamers
- AINC QLD Qualifier #1 - 9th-12th - A-Gamers
- ESAU Razer ODC - 3rd - A-Gamers
- Western Digital Battle 4 Brisbane Finals - 4th - A-Gamers
- Western Digital Battle 4 Brisbane Leg #2 - 2nd - A-Gamers
- Western Digital Battle 4 Brisbane Leg #1 - 4th - A-Gamers
- KODE5 International Qualifier - 5th-6th - maiusExordium


- KODE5 QLD Qualifier #2 - 3rd - A-Gamers
- KODE5 QLD Qualifier #1 - 3rd - A-Gamers
- Jonpro's Wrestlemania Comp - 4th - A-Gamers
- WCG Australian National - 5th-6th - A-Gamers
- WCG QLD Qualifier #1 - 2nd - A-Gamers
- Autumn E-Lympics - 4th - A-Gamers
- WCG Autumn Cup - 5th-6th - A-Gamers
- AINC QLD Qualifier - 9th-12th - PiXeL


- ACNC National - 9th-12th - Affinity
- ACNC QLD Qualifier #2 - 5th-6th - 750Rebels
- ACNC QLD Qualifier #1 - 5th-6th Athletico
- WCG Australian National - 12th - Athletico
- WCG QLD Qualifier (LanSiege) - 1st - Athletico
- Stens Gaming Winter Lan - 9th-12th - Athletico
- AINC QLD Qualifier #2 - 5th-6th - Athletico
- AINC QLD Qualifier #1 - 7th-8th - Athletico
- ESWC QLD Qualifier #2 - 9th-12th - ExoTerminus


- Stens Gaming Summer Lan - 9th-12th - HardLine
- G-Force CSS Comp - 1st - SOURCELOL
- WCG Australian National - 13th-16th maiusExordium
- WCG QLD Qualifier #2 - 1st maiusExordium
- WCG VIC Qualifier #2 - 5th-6th - maiusExordium
- WCG QLD Qualifier #1 - 9th-12th - Gods of CS
- TBGL7 Div2 Finals - 2nd - uNique
- ESWC QLD Qualifier #3 7th-8th - AOA
- ESWC QLD Qualifier #2 9th-12th - Break My Stride
- Progamer TB ODC - 9th-12th - uNique


- pES National Cup QLD Qualifier #3 - 9th-12th - Break My Stride
dogryan100 13 Jan, 2018 @ 7:28am 
1 new item in your inventory
.0- 7 Oct, 2017 @ 9:58pm 
👌roses are red👌👌💦nuts are brown🍒skirts go up 👌 pants go down🎅🏿body to body 👀 skin to skin🙌when its stiff 👤stick it in👅💦it goes in dry🤡its comes out wet🍖the longer its in 🔥 the stronger it gets💪🏿 it comes out dripping and starts to sag 💦🍆 its not what u think its a tetley teabag☕️
fat fuck feet fucker 20 Sep, 2017 @ 8:08am 
where can I purchase uhhhhhhh one dad bod please??
Brookeback 20 Sep, 2017 @ 7:22am 
dad bod
fat fuck feet fucker 17 Sep, 2017 @ 11:53pm 
Brookeback 20 Aug, 2017 @ 8:34am 
fOuNdiNG DirEctOr Of PgTV