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I'm one of those people who played the original NieR; as such, I preordered NieR:Automata a couple of months in advance.
Totally worth the money.
Yoko Taro's unconventionalism and fantastic storytelling shines in this game.
Personally, I think the soundtrack rivals NieR's. It's phenomenal.
The resolution bug didn't really phase me... but that's just me. It probably won't be too difficult to patch. Still, the graphics are mad bomb in comparison to Yoko Taro's other games.
All in all, with all due frankness, this is the best game I've played in an incredibly long time.
If you're thinking of buying this, by all means, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ do it.
Опубликовано 8 апреля 2017 г..
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7.1 ч. всего (3.3 ч. в момент написания)
Well, it turns out to be quite easy for me to say this...
Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today exceeded my expectations in a way that few games have been able to do so.
I'd just felt like following the storyline, and I did just that, for I didn't exactly care about getting all of the acheivements; and quite frankly, I'm pretty satisfied with having done just that.
DS:TCT is a point-and-click game with a bunch of puzzles, an amazing plot, and a great soundtrack that tends to fit the dystopian mood of the game.
The plot. Oh, the plot! Gloomy, dark, almost melancholic... and, above all, captivating. It really digs into your psyche.
I'd figured DS:TCT was gonna be good, but I wasn't sure as to HOW good it would be. It's safe to say that that factor was a pleasant surprise for me.
Overall, this was a great game on my end.
Can't wait for part 2!
Опубликовано 14 ноября 2015 г.. Отредактировано 14 ноября 2015 г..
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Great if you have a fetish for 8-bit dads.
Опубликовано 11 сентября 2015 г..
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26.8 ч. всего (20.0 ч. в момент написания)
Alrighty... to start things off, I don't know how it took me two months to even consider writing a review on this masterpiece.

I'll try to make this a brief review. Knowing that this is an indie game, before I saw the trailer, I was pretty concerned in terms of how good Dust: An Elysian Tail would be. After seeing the trailer and buying the game right after, I had a lot of expectations for this game - and, on that note, this game exceeded all of those expectations. Honestly, I don't even know where the hell to start.

Dust is a pretty short game, but it's able to fit everything a good game's supposed to have in it. That is, the story, characters... the works. The levels look more and more gorgeous as the game progresses, and the voice acting is [almost] top-notch. And the music. Oh my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gawd, the music. The soundtrack for this game is so beautiful that I really don't know how the hell to explain it. Really the only problem I have with this game are the bosses. They're way too easy.

If you don't mind playing a game in which every single character is a furry, you're in for a real damn good time... In other words, you'd better buy this. If you hate/have a lot of things against furries, on the other hand, you might not want to buy this game.

Like I said - the game's pretty short, but it's worth EVERY SINGLE EFFIN' PENNY. I recommend this game like a madman.
Опубликовано 22 февраля 2014 г..
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