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2067 ngày từ lần cấm cuối
“Instant Meth” Process
he standard process for producing methamphetamine requires space. Meth labs produce quite a bit of waste products and involve the use of numerous appliances, such as pots and pans for heating, stoves or burners, hoses for ventilation, curtains or other blockages, so individuals from the outside cannot see what is going on inside. This process can be quite expensive and difficult to maintain.

In addition, these sophisticated laboratories can often be spotted quite easily by legal authorities who are on the lookout for them and present a serious danger for the individuals who work in them, due to the highly unstable process of making methamphetamine and the combustible materials used in the process.

Some users and manufacturers use a “shake and bake” method to make meth, where ingredients are combined in a plastic or glass container and then shaken and heated. The meth is then extracted. This “instant meth” approach can also be dangerous, as the substance in the containers is very volatile and can explode, particularly when being removed.