DiεGrøßεJλ$u   France
"Moi, j'utilise de la vaseline Guomenolé, c'est pour les rhinites crouteuse et ca fait un bien fou." ✔ :ingyang: Google :ingyang:
✌️ Harp / Br Ba / FG / Disiz / GoT / Science / BAM / MoonShaker / Kobe's ✌️

:levelup: How to improve a steam text :levelup:



💕⎛⎝⎠⎞✌️ :choke::Y::borderlands2: ✌️ ⎛⎝⎠⎞💕
Favorite Game
Hours played
Review Showcase
3.7 Hours played
Good good good!
A little fresh game, from a French Team, with a nice scenario, a subtle humor and a tyrannical B.O.S.S ! Don't get caught and go to work!
Definitly worth playin'! 3 to 5 nice hours in sight!
Hell-Jay#FCKPTN Ψ 2 Oct, 2024 @ 1:39pm 
Signé Bonbek ♥
Beber 13 May, 2020 @ 1:25pm 
Hell-Jay#FCKPTN Ψ 29 Jul, 2019 @ 10:20am 

Beber 15 Sep, 2016 @ 3:44am 
I recommend this player, he is a big noob and is fan of arnogane! MDMA please, ca va sortir fin septembre, ca va venir.
Scherge 7 Jul, 2016 @ 3:24pm 
Congratz les Bleus!
Now please beat Portugal, so at least we lost to the Euro 2016 champion :tgrin:
James Bonder 6 Jul, 2016 @ 6:52am 
Thx for the gift!:guacchest::happypirate: