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Análises recentes de Gunseng

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143.9 horas registradas (68.6 horas no momento da análise)
I played this in Early Access, enjoyed it for a bit, and chose to wait and come back to it after 1.0. I'd forgotten about it for a good long while, then happened to check it out again and realized it was released over a month ago. So I decided to install it and dive right in (sorry).

I have only vague recollection of my Early Access experience, but I know it was very atmospheric, with constant instances of wanting to find a spot to feel safe and yet also wanting to know what's out in that unrecognizable area in the distance. I'm happy to see a fully realized story added to what at the time was basically an interesting sandbox with no actual goals.

I played for about 10 hours before I came to understand that I was pursuing the story too quickly, and found myself ill-prepared. Fortunately it was so fun I didn't hesitate to restart do more exploring and gathering in between plot points (usually incoming radio transmissions). It broke immersion just a little bit to actually *ignore* the radio for spans of time to continue gathering/building in what I thought was a necessary effort to be ready for what was next, but I'm glad I did. Stockpiling resources is generally not a wasted effort, and even some more obscure, seemingly low-value items can be wisely tucked away for later.

With my semi-leisurely playthrough, I finished the game in about 45 hours and am positive I did not uncover everything there was to see, and odds are I'll come back for another playthrough after enough time has passed for me to forget alot of it.

Only a few gripes, mostly about game mechanics. There is occasional stuttering even on a strong PC, though that's to be expected for such a huge open-world game. There is some pop-in and view-range oddities (you can see a thing in the distance at the edge of your screen, but when you pan the camera towards it to center, it disappears). Creatures will sometimes clip through terrain and vanish (while inside an alien structure the tentacles of an enormouse creature actually passed right through the main hall in front of me) and every once in awhile physics will cause a small creature to shoot spiraling off into the distance for no apparent reason. Also I'm a little disappointed in the storage options. It is possible to build about as many containers as you'd like inside a habitat, and quite a good few inside the Cyclops, and even create storage modules for your smaller vehicles, yet the actual moving of items from A to B can involve quite a few trips back and forth. It's a necessary but rather un-fun way to spend time when conpared to all the other activities you'll perform.

10 / 10 - Would "come thiiiiis close to drowning, swimming as fast as I can towards the hatch of my Cyclops, while everything goes black and I'm hammering the interact button while hoping I'm still blindly pointed in the right direction, then hearing a gasping, choking breath as my vision comes back and realizing I probably made it with only one second to spare" again.
Publicada em 4 de março de 2018.
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5.1 horas registradas
A remarkable game with a strange but compelling story. After the first few minutes, I found myself going to Google and typing "final station what the hell is going on", which of course yielded no spoiler-free clues. Then I went back to the store page to see if there was a manual to view. Nope.

So I told myself I'd just continue on and hope to be enlightend, and thankfully I was. The story seems to be presented to you by way of eavesdropping. You overhear bits of conversation in town, either indrectly or when you "speak" directly to someone, even though your own lines are not shown; NPCs simply respond to you in a way that usually conveys what your character had said, such as "A phone? Sure there's one just down the road." Curiously, an exception to this occurs when you are on your train and conversing with someone via network connection, whereupon you occasionally have one or two choices of what you will say to the person on the other end. Admirably, the story presented to me kept me hooked in spite of some poor translation .

Along the way, several surreal things happen to make you wonder if something truly alien is happening and/or if your character actually has a full grip on reality. Some occurances were disturbing, some sinister, and one at the end that gave bittersweet closure to the whole thing.

All in all, I'm glad I gave this game my time. It keeps you largely in the dark at first, but gives you plenty of little revelations along the way.
Publicada em 16 de dezembro de 2017.
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8 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
2.2 horas registradas
....that moment when you're about to ask one of your friends "How did you know I typed that? Are you spectating my game?" and realize you just got trolled by the devil.

10 / 10 Would fail to follow instructions again.
Publicada em 17 de setembro de 2017.
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500.3 horas registradas (54.9 horas no momento da análise)
Just completed Episode One and so far, mechanics aside, this game is in a strong narrative competition with Firewatch. If you enjoyed one, chances are high that you'll enjoy the other.

It's not everything most people seem to want it to be; it's not a 100% accurate simulation nor an epic blockbuster story, but I'd say it manages maybe 75% of one, 60% of the other, smooshes them together, and gives us a damn good experience, heavy on melancholy atmosphere.
Publicada em 2 de setembro de 2017. Última edição em 2 de dezembro de 2017.
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213.6 horas registradas (7.2 horas no momento da análise)
Análise de acesso antecipado
I just won my first round......and I think maybe had my first heart attack. 0_o

I noticed most folks like to drop from the plane the moment they're over land. That looked like a meat grinder to me so I opted to ride along to around the 2/3rds mark, then drop to one of the smaller, less enticing cluster of (or even single) buildings, load up quietly, and creep towards the designated zone, continuing to target the less obvious loot sources, always aiming to be about halfway between the center of the current playzone and the outter border.

I mananged to find a vehicle that got me MUCH closer to the center of the zone, allowing me to hunker down for a bit and listen (sidenote: I actually wished my AC hadnt been running at that moment because even with 5.1 speakers, I was struggling to hear distant clues as to what was going on in the area; you may want a headset). I deliberately left my vehicle outside, at medium gun-range, and lined up neatly with a fence, to make it appear to be simply spawned there, and not simply ditched by a player.

While watching my "bait" I hear another vehicle rumble by. I look franticly out the windows without ever spotting it, but it never actually stops, the engine fades into the distance. I go back to my nervous peering out of each window, hoping to ambush someone, particularly one who thinks they found an unattended vehicle outside by the fence. Instead I hear a door open to my right. I turn and there's a player who takes a split second longer than I do to spot the person in front of him. I tap a shot at him, land it, then begin tapping franticly because I cant remember if the gun I'm currently using was set to auto or single. I make a wish, hold down the fire button, and he goes down after I've also taken a few hits (apparently I *had* set it to auto). I cower in the far corner at about 30% health (I had a strong helmet and medium armor vest) and gobble up half my health items (there are several different varieties). I creep up to his body and begin looting.

Just a moment after i finish, another bullet hits me. I turn and spray a completely random burst across 3 walls of the building, then throw open the door and run wildly out into the field, and slide down the side of the steep (but short) hill the place was located on top of, plopping down in some tall grass shadowed under a tree. Somehow I'm not shot at during any of this. I catch my breath and use up another health kit and listen. The playzone is getting very small (I picked a better spot than I realized; it's centering on my position as it shrinks), and I can hear *multiple* firefights breaking out in the distance, from several directions, and I know it's time to get small, which is to say it's time for me to stay right the hell where I am and not move, just let my senses feed me information and look for opportunities.

An opportunity presents itself; someone up on the hill I vacated about 30 seconds ago is firing at someone other than me. I quietly turn around (while still laying flat in the shadowed grass), look up, and lob a grenade up onto the hill where it disappears from sight. Fortunately, grenades don't seem to do much to give away your position, aside from a tiny *clink* as you pop the pin. BLAM! Nailed him. The playzone is shrinking again, and now I *do* have to move. But I also have to not be seen, so I start crawling what is thankfully only about 20 feet to the new zone. It's shrinking much more often now, but much less distance each time. Again I hear/spot someone up the gentle slope (I've crawled away from the actual hill by now), firing at someone on the other side of me about 100 feet away by some trees. I repeat the previous plan, with the same result. Neat. The zone shrinks again. There's only 3 people left. I'm losing health outside the new zone and I *NEED* to run to get there quickly. I know its a big risk but I have no choice so I compromise and do a crouch-run and plop down again safely in some grass. WHILE I'm doing that, someone else gets taken out. Thanks for running intereference for me, guy.

I look in the corner of the screen to make sure I'm not imagining things and sure enough, only 2 people left. For a moment I think I have 2 people to deal with, then it hits me: *I'm* one of those two people; it's just me and him! My heart is racing, I'm at about 10% health, and I desperately start burning through about 4 bandages with a blurry inventory screen obscuring my field of view, and that's when I see it: a human-shaped blob, which becomes crystal clear as I furiously cancel the first aid item and dismiss the inventory screen. He's running *across* my field of vision and slightly away from me. He's not facing my direction; he doesn't see me. Tap tap tap tap tap......."WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER"

10/10 Would ♥♥♥♥ my pants again.

DISCLAIMER: I recieved this game for free, but was not "otherwise compensated to write this review", as Steam wants to phrase it, so I'm choosing not to tick that box. Rather I was simply gifted it by a friend who wanted me to join him.
Publicada em 26 de junho de 2017. Última edição em 27 de junho de 2017.
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4.7 horas registradas
The acting is so good that it makes me want to meet someone like Delilah.
Publicada em 8 de março de 2017.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
2.4 horas registradas
Where was this soundtrack when I was playing Space Run???
Publicada em 6 de março de 2017.
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5.6 horas registradas (5.2 horas no momento da análise)
Imagine if you will, the classic premise of teenagers camping out at night, telling ghost stories complete with a flashlight held under the face. Try to imagine how genuinely creepy this must have been in the very beginning; decades, maybe even centuries ago. Before the internet, before cell phones, even before cheesy horror movies. Where today that premise always leads to something predictable, to the point that it's almost comical (Freddy Krueger, anyone?), this game actually sticks to the more "believable" strangeness where you're truly anxious about what could possibly happen next, like a proper campfire ghost story, whereas in the movie, the audience just veers into the predictable "I wonder when the dumb blonde is going to die" mentality.

If I had to think of a single word with which to describe this game, it would have to be "ominous".
Publicada em 30 de outubro de 2016. Última edição em 24 de novembro de 2016.
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4.5 horas registradas
Once upon a time, I played the original classic. Commanded tons of time. My most vivid memory is of a friend of mine following my order to build a garrison far behind enemy lines, completing it to 99%, and then saying "afk" and driving me nuts.

So many years later, I'm happy to see this returning, and sure enough, after taking a few rounds to learn the UI, it feels like I'm back home again; only home is so much prettier than I remember. Having said that, it also seems alot less populated, which I hope improves over time, even if they have to take the Natural Selection 2 route and offer frequent sales, or even Humble Bundle participation, to really lure in the crowds.

*UPDATE* - Sadly it doesn't look like the resurrection was much of a success. The addition of crates certainly didn't garner any goodwill from the community, and I haven't noticed much in the way of advertising dollars being spent. I really believe Humble Bundle and/or GoG exposure would have done alot more for public interest than simply going F2P and sneaking in microtransactions that I think most of us generally frown upon.
Publicada em 25 de setembro de 2016. Última edição em 12 de março de 2018.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
76.9 horas registradas (2.3 horas no momento da análise)
Much feels. Very nostalgia. Such pew pew. Wow.

10 / 10 - Would hold a one-button controller again.

Don't listen to the negative "reviews" from people who are somehow offended by the idea that someone could put together a series of things into a cohesive collection and charge a small amount of money for it. If you played an Atari when you were a kid, you will enjoy this nostalgia trip.
Publicada em 30 de março de 2016. Última edição em 10 de junho de 2020.
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