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投稿日: 2020年3月30日 5時19分

So after fast 30 minutes to the game (MULTIPLAYER ONLY), the game has crashed 2 times, and here's the list of things that bother me:

-No local hosting
-2 EU servers up, only TDM
-Worse equipment system than Warband, In warband I could customize so much with my guy, from literally gloves to helm and choose cheaper pieces to afford some more expensive weapons for example. Now, I choose from PRESET, and switch maybe a sword to axe, thats all. Why you make the cool customization of Warband to some boring preset with no real choice? There were so many options, now only so few.
-Combat felt slow, this could be a setting on the server maybe like in warband? Not sure.
-Really few maps to play on.
-Autojoin server with party did not work, just said "leaved party" and stopped searching.

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Callum  [開発元] 投稿日: 2020年3月30日 5時34分
Apologies for the crashes you have faced while trying to play multiplayer. It would really help us if you could make a detailed bug report over on our forums.


In terms of game modes, it is possible you are just seeing TDM in the custom server list. To play Skirmish, Siege or Captain mode, you should use the match-finding function in the lobby.